Translation of "foods" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Don't eat hard foods. | 固いものは食べないでください |
Please eat only soft foods. | 柔らかいものを食べてください |
Instead of making foods that | 食べ物を作るだけでなく |
Not with refined junk foods, but with fresh, whole, unprocessed foods found in nature. | 自然にある 新鮮で 自然の未加工食品です 必須ビタミンやミネラルが 豊富な本当の食べ物は |
You have to eat nutritious foods. | 栄養価の高い食事をするようにしてください |
Bread and milk are good foods. | パンやミルクはよい食べ物だ |
Avoid fried foods for a while. | 揚げ物はしばらく避けなさい |
She is concerned with health foods. | 彼女は健康食品に関心を持っている |
Do you have any Japanese foods? | 日本の食料品を扱っていますか |
A baby comes to chew foods. | 赤ん坊が食べ物をかむようになる |
The earth is poisoning our foods. | そして水 水は多分私達にとって最も重大な |
Mountains have rich and varied foods, | 川魚などの豊富な食べ物に加えて |
Running out of jelly, frozen foods! | ゼリーと冷凍食品が足りない |
He gets obsessed about certain foods. | 何かの食い物に執着して |
It wasn't Whole Foods, was it? | 知らない店よね |
Fresh, whole unprocessed foods, these are the foods that healed my body and saved my life. | 私の命を救ったのです 1995年に息子を出産して以来 |
It's very consolidated, and the foods that are produced lead to the foods that we eat. | そこで生産される食物を私達が食べるのです 生産物の大抵はトウモロコシ 小麦 大豆で |
These foods are associated with ethnic groups. | これらの食べ物は さまざまな民族の集団を連想させる |
Is this tooth sensitive to cold foods? | この歯に冷たいものがしみますか |
Rich foods don't agree with my health. | カロリーの高い食物は私の健康にはよくない |
Rich foods don't agree with my health. | 高カロリーの食事は私の健康にはそぐわない |
They sell good foods at that shop. | あの店では良質の食料品を売っている |
My teeth are sensitive to cold foods. | 冷たいものが歯にしみます |
Do you like to cook Japanese foods? | 日本料理を作るのはお好きですか |
Steak and caviar are my favorite foods. | ステーキとキャビアが私の好物だ |
Lasagna is one of my favorite foods. | 私はラザニアが大好物なんだ |
Can't let precious foods go to waste. | 全部賞味期限切れてるよ |
Fresh, whole unprocessed foods, repeat after me. | 新鮮で自然な未加工食品 これらが私の体を癒しました |
There's a way to eat all foods. | ツルッツルッ って食べるもんだ |
It's not too late to start eating healthier foods, foods that we already know are good for us, | つまり 葉物野菜や全粒穀物を 食べ始め エピゲノムに悪影響を与えると 経験的に示されている |
She has a great liking for rich foods. | 彼女はこってりした食べ物が好きだ |
He likes such foods as tacos and pizza. | 彼はタコスやピザのような食べ物が好きだ |
High calorie foods are bad for my health. | 高カロリーの食べ物は私の健康に悪い |
They were eating the same kinds of foods. | アボリジニーが ディンゴをペットとして |
He just loves all the traditional Thanksgiving foods. | ポールは感謝祭の料理が好きなの |
He tried different kinds of foods one after another. | 彼は間違った種類の食べ物を次から次へと食べてみました |
He tried different kind of foods one after another. | 彼は違った種類の食べ物を次から次へと食べてみました |
Cars are factory products, while foods are farm products. | 自動車は工業製品であり 食料は農作物である |
The complex proteins found in the foods we eat, | ニンジンや卵など 私たちが食べる食物に 含まれる複合タンパク質は |
And as you can see, that's three quarters of the food that we're eating for the most part processed foods and fast foods. | ファーストフードと加工食品なのです 不運にもこの農業システムは |
The prices of certain foods vary from week to week. | ある種の食べ物の値段は毎週変化する |
I like to serve unusual foods at my dinner parties. | 私はディナーパーティーで変わった料理を出すのが好きです |
I like all sorts of Asian foods, particularly Thai food. | 私はアジア料理が好きですが 特にタイ料理が好きです |
I became passionate about life and about life giving foods. | あらゆる面で気分が向上しました |
But barbecue's interesting, because it's one of these cult foods | チリや ブイヤベースみたいにね |