Translation of "has also shown" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Also - translation : Has also shown - translation : Shown - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He also has shown how complexity can arise out of a simple start.
如何に複雑なものが生じうるかを示しました 彼の仕事とあなた仕事は関連していると思いますか
The other one shown is also boxy galaxy.
ある銀河は両方持つ 別々の半径の所で
Being bilingual has also been shown to delay the symptoms of diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.
証明されました でも 科学で解明されていないのは
He has finally shown his true colors.
He has finally shown his true colors.
He has shown an apt for mathematics.
This has been shown experimentally in mice.
マウスはアグーティ遺伝子を持っていて その遺伝子はマウスを太らせ黄色にします
As Bob Evans has shown us tonight
自分自身を研究するのに 心理学者である必要はない
Daniel has shown, trance is incredibly powerful.
催眠というのは 信じられないほど強力なものです
Science has shown sunsets and rainbows are illusions.
But PlSA has shown what's possible in education.
改善が可能だと気付く 手助けをしています
Yamada, you has shown your talent since then
山田君 あの頃から 才能あったのね
Nobody has ever shown and this will be shocking nobody has ever shown that most chemotherapy actually touches a cancer cell.
がんの細胞に実際に触れる ほとんどの化学療法が 今まで一度も成し遂げれなかったことです
This is fairly recent science that has shown that.
Sh, Michael. Those 25 seats, has anyone shown up?
See, batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately.
バットマンがゴッサムに お前らの存在を示した
It has also chimpanzees.
Umar also has polio.
Did you hear that Fred has been shown the door?
Research has shown how polluted the rivers are these days.
調査の結果 川が近頃ずいぶん汚染されていることが分かった
Who created me, then He has shown me the way
かれはわたしを創られた方で わたしを導かれ
And it has been shown actually outside of the U.S.
like there, for example, that Tom Melcher has shown us.
But Rob Van Lier has recently shown that it isn't.
Life also has a metabolism.
He also has some problems.
Whatever has a beginning also has an end.
And also, it's not shown in the video, but these are very beautiful.
Research has shown that different aspects of what the eye sees,
目に入る様々な要素 形や 色
We'd like to honor a student who has shown outstanding leadership.
優秀な指導力を見せてくれた生徒に 栄誉を捧げたいと思います
This isn't the first time one of these has shown up.
Items Shown
Toolbars Shown
Jobs Shown
It has also some beautiful primates.
13種です アフリカの1つの地域としては最も生物多様性に富んでいます
It also has three big problems
規制の厳しい国においては特に コストが高くなります
Your average dog has that also.
He also has a funny haircut.
Yamada also has things she endures.
山田ねえさんも 我慢してることあるんですね
In fact, NASA has shown a lot of this is out there.
Also, it has been shown in other labs for instance, Paul Ekman's labs in Berkeley that some meditators are able, also, to control their emotional response more than it could be thought.
同じようなことが確かめられました 一部の瞑想家は それまで考えられていた以上に 彼らの感情的な反応を制御できます
The Tasmanian devil has shown us that, not only can cancer be a contagious disease, but it can also threaten an entire species with extinction.
ガンは感染する可能性があるだけではなく 種の存続を脅かす可能性があることも 明らかとなりました
Tests have shown.
It also has to be sufficiently detailed.
そこで ぼんやりした絵とか過度に様式化されたものは省きます


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