Translation of "hobbies" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : 趣味 性格 きゃ

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

What are your hobbies?
No habits, hobbies, personality?
Do you have many hobbies?
Skating is one of my hobbies.
Please tell me about your hobbies.
He has a lot of hobbies.
He has a lot of hobbies.
My hobbies are karate and calligraphy.
My hobbies are fishing and watching television.
Speaking of hobbies, I'm fond of baseball.
趣味といえば 私は野球が好きである
Speaking of hobbies, do you collect stamps?
趣味といえば あなたは切手を集めていますか
One of my hobbies is classical music.
My hobbies are baking and watching movies.
My hobbies are traveling and watching baseball.
Fishing is one of the most popular hobbies.
One of her hobbies is collecting T shirts.
His hobbies are playing the guitar and singing.
One of my hobbies is making artificial flowers.
One of my hobbies is collecting old stamps.
It is not easy to combine hobbies with profits.
I have many hobbies fishing and climbing, for example.
私にはたくさん趣味がある 例えば魚釣り 登山です
Birdwatching's one of my hobbies. I often come here.
バードウォッチングが趣味でね ここには よく来るんだ
Hobbies take your mind off the worries of everyday life.
We have many things in common hobbies, educational backgrounds, for instance.
私たちは趣味 学歴など いろいろと共通したものを持っている
And they were very passionate about their collections and their hobbies.
She has many hobbies, cooking, knitting, gardening, collecting stamps, and so on.
彼女は沢山の趣味を持っています 料理 編み物 園芸 切手収集など
We have many things in common hobbies, educational background, and so on.
私たちは趣味 教育的背景など いろいろと共通したものを持っている
They sacrifice hobbies. And they sacrifice sleep. So it affects their health.
そして仕事と 達成と 支配のために生きる
They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies.
家族と一緒に過ごしたり 趣味を楽しんだりする時間が持てるからである
And so I got some pictures here about what some of my hobbies are.
ここには私の趣味の一部を紹介した写真が何枚かあります 私はホッケーをします 旅行もたくさんします Sakaiの関連で出張が多いです
My dad was a bilingual college professor. His hobbies were chess, bridge and writing op eds.
Let's start with the hobbies. When you get dementia, it gets harder and harder to enjoy yourself.
古い友人のことも分からなくなるので 彼らと長い時間話すことも難しくなります
They're allowed to go home at 5 30 p.m., enjoy their family, enjoy other hobbies, get outside, play.
他の好きなことをしたり 表で遊んだりします こうして幸せな家庭ができます
It begins with likes and dislikes of food and when hobbies, tastes (in things), and values differ you must put up with it.
食べ物の好き嫌いから始まって 趣味とか センスとか 価値観が違うのを 我慢しなきゃいけないのよ
And yet, years of concentration solely on work and individual success meant that in his retirement he could find no solace in family, in recreation, in sports or in hobbies.
引退したときには 家族にも 気晴らしにも スポーツにも 趣味にも 慰めを見いだせませんでした 仕事なしには 家族の愛さえも
lucrative jobs and private education, and those who depend on the basic income, who would spend their time pursuing hopes and hobbies, working for 2 Euros per hour to earn some extra cash, and look away when it comes to the really important issues in society.
それは 希望や趣味に時を充て 時給200円の為にでも仕事をし 本質的な事を妨害しない人たちです