Translation of "impairment reversal" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
or cortical visual impairment. | 皮質性の視力障害を起こしてるの |
You enjoy the reversal. | そして棄却を手にする |
Probably. It's a functional impairment. | おそらく 機能障害ならね |
And from then I wanted to look not at impairment, but at prevention of impairment. | それがアルツハイマーに取り組むきっかけです 私はアルツハイマーに関する文献を読み始め |
So, total reversal of trade policy. | 他に何かしましたか |
I mean, the functional impairment is clear. | 手は素晴らしい道具です |
This has visual impairment as a side effect. | 副作用としては 視力障害があります |
So, total reversal of security policy. Anything else? | 国家主権の11戒を |
The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched immediately. | 我々は 魔法事故巻戻し局 を派遣し |
lung impairment by 12 percent and asthma by nine percent. | この研究結果は2008年の9月8日に発表され |
This would explain your slight memory loss and logic impairment. | 軽い記憶喪失と 論理障害が見られる |
And you know what, nobody pointed out this complete reversal. | 2007年プレスは歓迎しました 信頼性と安全性は大事 |
You show what we regard more as competition phenomenon than impairment. | あなたの症状は 私たちの判断では 機能障害というより競合現象ですね |
I can do a reversal and go back to the U.S.? | Uターンして帰ります |
Number five, one of my favorites reversal of the Earth's magnetic field. | 信じないかもしれませんが これは数十万年ごとに起き |
An impairment of setbackground discrimination can get you into a heap of trouble. | 背景区別の障害は トラブルの山をもたらす |
We need these moments of surprise and reversal and wrongness to make these stories work. | 誤りの瞬間が ストーリーを成立させる為に必要だ 他の人や観客 |
And the other thing about this embodiment is that there's kind of what I call the McLuhan reversal. | マクルーハンの逆転があります マクルーハンによれば マシンは 人間の感覚器官の拡張的要素である |
Could the impairment in visual integration be the manifestation of something underneath, of dynamic information processing deficiencies in autism? | 自閉症の場合に 動きに関する情報をうまく 処理できないことの原因を示しているのではないかと なぜなら この仮説が正しければ |
And I was sad, because we could see this reversal in Kenya with an increased child mortality in the 90s. | 90年代に入って ケニアでは幼児死亡率が 増加してしまったのです |
Sort of a reversal of that straight English rugby player that had a freak gym accident and went into a coma. | ジムで怪我して昏睡状態になったあと 目がさめたらゲイの美容師だって自分を思っちゃった逆のパターン |
As a result, leaders here at the World Progress Forum... have made a stunning reversal of their decision from earlier this morning... to refuse Anna's presentation. | これを受け ここ世界発展フォーラムでは 午前中の決議を一瞬で覆す形で アンナの登壇を承認 |
In a cruel reversal, after we had almost conquered smallpox and this is what you must learn as a social entrepreneur, the realm of the final inch. | これは社会起業家として学ばなければならない 最後の詰めの領域なのです 天然痘を駆逐しかけた時に それは復活しました |
The science is very clear right now. Her children would have some level of permanent neurological impairment, probably as a permanent IQ loss in those kids of five to seven points. | おそらく これらの子供たちの恒久的なIQの損失などの 五から七ポイント この年に生まれた64万子どもたちは 今があります 国にさらされてきた 毎年 |
Still, 7.6 million children die every year of preventable, treatable diseases, and 178 million kids are malnourished to the point of stunting, a horrible term which means physical and cognitive lifelong impairment. | 治療可能な病気のために亡くなり 1億 7800 万人の子供が 一生残る身体障害や 認知機能障害などの |
And if you show a run of not getting it then we have a fix on a functional impairment and we dry you out for a while, until you test better later on. | そして それが分からないようなら 機能障害と判断するわ そして しばらく禁断療法を受けてもらう テストが良好になるまでね |
I was told by Dr. David Carpenter, who is the national authority on mercury toxins, that a woman with my levels of mercury in her blood would have children with cognitive impairment with permanent brain damage. | 彼女の血液中の水銀の私のレベルでしょう 認知障害を持つ子どもを持っている 永久的な脳損傷 私が言った あなたは彼女が持っているかもしれないということですか や 彼はノー ノー ノー と言った 科学は非常にある |
If education can be likened to watering a garden, which is a fair metaphor, sadly, much of the water is evaporating before it reaches the flowers, especially for some groups, for example, those with hearing impairment. | 残念なことに ほとんどの水が 花に届く前に蒸発しています これが特に当てはまるのは |
And among the Desert Arabs are those who consider their contribution to be a fine. And they wait for a reversal of your fortunes. Upon them will fall the cycle of misfortune. God is Hearing and Knowing. | 遊牧の アラビア人の中には アッラーの道のため かれらの施したものを 上納金のように思い いっそあなたがた ムスリム に凶運が下るよう待ち望んでいる者がある かれらの上にこそ凶運が見舞うであろう アッラーは全聴にして全知であられる |
Among the Bedouins are those who regard what they spend as a loss, and they watch for a reversal of your fortunes. Theirs shall be an adverse turn of fortune, and Allah is all hearing, all knowing. | 遊牧の アラビア人の中には アッラーの道のため かれらの施したものを 上納金のように思い いっそあなたがた ムスリム に凶運が下るよう待ち望んでいる者がある かれらの上にこそ凶運が見舞うであろう アッラーは全聴にして全知であられる |
Can we map that space, using the language of neutrinos or cosmic rays, taking the bounding condition of the body as its limit, but in complete reversal of, in a way, the most traditional Greek idea of pointing? | 素粒子や宇宙線を手段とし 身体が囲む領域を境界と捉え 一方で伝統的な ギリシャの技法である 星取り法 とは正反対の やり方で描き出せるでしょうか |
Since the end of the Cold War, there have been fewer civil wars, fewer genocides indeed, a 90 percent reduction since post World War II highs and even a reversal of the 1960s uptick in homicide and violent crime. | 殺人や暴力犯罪における60年代の上昇分も取り返しました これは FBI がまとめた他殺の統計です 50年代と60年代は暴力が抑えられていましたが |
Twenty percent of all the glucose in your body is used by the brain, and as you go from being normal to having mild cognitive impairment, which is a precursor for Alzheimer's, all the way to Alzheimer's disease, then there are areas of the brain that stop using glucose. | 正常の状態から 軽度の認知機能障害の状態に なるというのは アルツハイマーの前兆で 果てはアルツハイマー病になり |
Now we've used this research to try to understand not just how a normal person develops, and elaborates their skills and abilities, but also try to understand the origins of impairment, and the origins of differences or variations that might limit the capacities of a child, or an adult. | 正常な人間の発達や 技能と能力の習得だけでなく 障害の原因や |
But not as teaching machines at all the whole notion is to use this as an instrument where there is a complete reversal of roles the child is, if you will, the teacher and the machine is the student and the art of computer programming is a vehicle that sort of approximates thinking about thinking. | 道具として使うのが目的ですから 立場が逆転します この子が教師で 機械が生徒なのです |
And we placed electrodes in area 25, and in the top scan you see before the operation, area 25, the sadness area is red hot, and the frontal lobes are shut down in blue, and then, after three months of continuous stimulation, 24 hours a day, or six months of continuous stimulation, we have a complete reversal of this. | 一番上のスキャン画像が手術前です 領野25 悲哀の領野は過活動の赤で 前頭葉が青で停止しています |
Now, many events can be subject to either construal, kind of like the classic figure ground reversal illusions, in which you can either pay attention to the particular object, in which case the space around it recedes from attention, or you can see the faces in the empty space, in which case the object recedes out of consciousness. | それは 古典的な地と図の反転の錯視のようなものです 中央の物体に 注意を向けると |
Certainly, from a medical standpoint, my legs, laser surgery for vision impairment, titanium knees and hip replacements for aging bodies that are allowing people to more fully engage with their abilities, and move beyond the limits that nature has imposed on them not to mention social networking platforms allow people to self identify, to claim their own descriptions of themselves, so they can go align with global groups of their own choosing. | 私の足や視覚障害のためのレーザー手術 人工膝関節や人工股関節などは 人間本来の力に近づくことを可能にし |
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