Translation of "infamous" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Infamous - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Infamous, really. | 死体は火曜の朝 発見された |
You're the infamous mother. | 悪名高き母上か |
So this is the infamous | イチイヅタです |
Mr. Bush's reply has become infamous. | いや 無神論者を市民と考えるべきかは分からないね |
Crude, and above all, mean and infamous, | 乱暴 残虐 な者 その外素性の卑しい者 |
Wickham treated Darcy in an infamous manner. | ダーシー氏に ひどい仕打ちをしたの |
Save me from infamous and betraying men. | 我を悪や裏切りから守り給え |
Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures. | 鮫はその血に飢えた残忍さで悪名高い |
Molas are infamous for carrying tons of parasites. | 寄生虫に寄生虫がいるほどで ダンがそんな詩を |
Or take the infamous verse about killing the unbelievers. | 不信心者の殺害 これは確かに書かれています |
In Python, this would be the infamous print statement. | 確認ですがこれがプログラムでこれがシングル入力です 不具合があります |
I have another objection. Your youngest sister's infamous elopement. | 反対する理由はまだあるわ 妹さんの駆け落ちの件よ |
Oh, hey! You want the infamous D Day shirt? | ねぇ あの日のパーカー欲しい |
That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. | 悪名高き海賊ジャック スパロウの 大冒険って そんなものなの |
Bloopers, outtakes, deleted scenes and clips from Wood's infamous Bear Webcam Show. | ウッドのベアー カムの映像もあるの 自主制作だからシーズン2をやる為には |
Anyone violating these rules shall be subject to infamous under the occupation forces. | So, there are no materials for the Government or doctors today to learn about those days. |
I glare resentfully at the crimson letter, is this the infamous red paper draft notice? | 真っ赤な手紙を忌々しげに見つめ これが悪名高い赤紙ってヤツなのか |
But in the last couple of years we've become infamous for a couple of things. | 悪い意味で有名になってしまいました まず経済の崩壊が挙げられるでしょう |
What if they come in through the back door or the bathroom window like that infamous Beatles' song? | 裏口や浴室の窓から 入ってきた場合は 悪名高いビートルズの曲みたいにさ |
Now if that name sounds familiar to you, that's because Reyes was a member of the infamous Oceanic Six. | この名前に聞き覚えがあるとすれば レイズが悪名高きオーシャニック6の メンバーだからでしょう |
Have you never been told that it's just as cowardly and infamous as killing an old man or a child? | 老人や子供を殴るに等しい 卑劣な行為だ |
It's quite infamous in the region of Turkey, near the Black Sea, for it's ability to induce an apparently mortal paralysis. | 黒海近くのトルコでは 実に悪名高い毒で 一見したところ死んだような 麻痺を引き起こす効果がある |
I'm so pleased you inquired. A demonstration is in order. Allow me to present the return of the infamous Blue Shadow virus. | 聞いてありがとう 実物説明する ブルー シャドー ウイルス を紹介させて いただきます ブルー シャドー ウイルス |
I was walking through El Dorado it's a prison town, famous prison, or infamous prison in Venezuela, and I don't know what possessed me, because this was not like me. | 悪名高くもあるところです 何が私をそうさせたのか わかりません まるで自分ではないかのようでした 私はそこにいて 門を歩き抜けたときに門番が私を止めて言いました |
Now what is so interesting and to some, the extent, what's a bit infamous about The Origin of Species, is that there is only one line in it about human evolution. | 興味深く 時には 疑問に思われるのは 本書の中では たったの1行しか |
And linked to this crowd mania were examples all around the world from the election of a president to the infamous Wikipedia, and everything in between on what the power of numbers could achieve. | 世界中にあります 大統領選挙から 悪名高いWikipediaまで 数が集まることが力になるものなら |
And this island happened to be the infamous Robben Island, where many, many, many political prisoners who fought against apartheid were held wrongfully for some 20 years, give or take, one of those prisoners having been President Nelson Mandela. | アパルトヘイトに抵抗して闘った 多くの政治犯が 約20年間 不当に囚われていた島です 囚人の中の1人に 後の大統領 ネルソン マンデラもいました |
But 'Whizzer' White grew old, and he is probably most famous for an infamous opinion, which he penned on behalf of the Supreme Court, Bowers v. Hardwick, an opinion where the Supreme Court upheld the Criminalization of Sodomy laws, with the passage | 彼は 最高裁判所は バウワーズ対ハードウィックのために書いた 最高裁判所は ソドミー法の犯罪化を支持した意見では 経過とともに amp 39 このような背景から 右に従事することを主張する |
And my mother, brave lady, was partly to blame, taking me to the New York Natural History Museum, buying me books on snakes, and then starting this infamous career of mine, which has culminated in of course, arriving in India 60 years ago, brought by my mother, Doris Norden, and my stepfather, Rama Chattopadhyaya. | 彼女にも非があります 私をニューヨーク自然史博物館に連れて行き 蛇の本を買ってしまいました |
So obviously there's a massive housing gap, and this really upset me, because academia tells you after a major disaster, there's typically about an 18 month time frame to we kinda recover, start the recovery process, but what most people don't realize is that on average it takes 45 to 60 days or more for the infamous FEMA trailers to even begin to show up. | 本当に腹立たしいですが 研究者たちが言うには 大きな災害の後 ある程度回復をするには 1年半を要して そこから本格的な |
like the infamous three strikes law that would disconnect citizens from the Internet for file sharing, which has been condemned by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression as being a disproportionate violation of citizens' right to communications, and has raised questions amongst civil society groups about whether some political representatives are more interested in preserving the interests of the entertainment industry than they are in defending the rights of their citizens. | これは ファイル共有を利用している 市民をインターネットから切断させる法律で 表現の自由における国連特別報告者から |
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