Translation of "interim findings" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Findings - translation : Interim - translation : Interim findings - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

With modern findings.
I'll summarise our findings.
And what were your findings?
Social Network Analysis Recent Findings
Caroline Miller ポジティブ心理学
You verified Dr. Mallard's findings.
Sorry about that. Clumsy.
EKG findings are different female pattern.
これが女性のパーターンです このような女性はどうなるかというと
Oh no, you are here as the interim CEO.
Well, that would explain certain other findings.
ああ 検査結果がそう示してるかも
Good boy. Ducky has his initial findings.
Keep quiet. I have a few more findings.
私は もう少し見つけました 本当に手短に言ってみます
Sagittaron have chosen their delegate for the Interim Quorum of 12.
サジタロンが暫定12議会の代表を選出 誰だか想像がつきますか
By leaking these findings to government and mainstream media
Based on these findings, I have a question for you.
And then we published our findings in the journal Nature.
研究成果を 出版したのです 私たちの研究成果が 公に出て以来
If you're looking for my findings, I'll be done momentarily.
Then, they wanted to share their findings with all their colleagues.
新たな知見を 同僚と共有したいという ニーズが出てきました 情報共有を容易にするために
Long and careful studies have reported many new findings on them.
ひとつは 野生のボノボが頻繁に二足歩行することです
Omar Rizwan, who's actually a high school interim made this, made this pretty neat module.
けっこう便利なものです 角度を測りたいときは
I will turn my findings over to the federal authorities at Ketchikan.
ケチカンの連邦当局に 渡します ここのランドが取調べを 行い
About half of all trials, on average, go missing in action, and we know that positive findings are around twice as likely to be published as negative findings.
肯定的な結果が論文になる割合は 否定的な結果の2倍となるとわかりました これは根拠に基づく医学の根本におけるガンです
Czar Nicolas has to abdicate and then later that year, the Bolsheviks overthrow the interim governement.
同じ年のこの後に ボリシェヴィキが政権を握りました ロシアは共産化し
While your cholesterol level has remained the same, the research findings have changed.
研究結果が変わってしまった 笑
One of the really interesting findings here some of you had some fun.
1 10²²キロなどという推測値があります これは冥王星の重さとほぼ同じです
There's been thousands of trials, hundreds of studies, and there's some really compelling findings.
まず私たちは 嘘を見抜くのが非常に下手です
Nevertheless, Alice Stewart rushed to publish her preliminary findings in The Lancet in 1956.
急いで1956年のランセット誌に発表しました 人々は称賛し ノーベル賞の話も出ました
Well, in fact, there are three somewhat counter intuitive findings that come out of all this.
3つあります 一点目 アメリカ独立宣言を
Archer relies on their findings to make his decisions. We could witness that as it happens.
アーチャーは決断うぃするのに彼らの発見に頼っている 我々は運よく目撃者になれるかもしれません
But in the interim it actually doesn't hurt to do this number line because you actually are visualizing what's happening.
なぜなら あなたに視覚的に何が行われているのかが解かるからです また あなたは円を描いていくやり方も出来ます
We will evaluate them and send you the results of our findings as soon as we can.
評価後 結果を至急にお送りします
In September, we had surprising but exciting findings from a clinical trial that took place in Thailand.
タイで行われた臨床試験から 予想もしないエキサイティングな結果が得られました エイズのワクチンが初めて人体で効果を示したのです
Feel free to have your physicians confirm my findings, and you're welcome to call with any questions.
医者に確認させて頂いて結構です どんな質問も歓迎します
We're very happy for you, cam. Brennan Now, for the position of the interim director of the lab while cam is away...
This is one of the most robust findings in social science, and also one of the most ignored.
最も確固とした発見の1つです そして最も無視されている発見でもあります 私はこの数年というもの
I collected my findings in a book, placed them chronologically, stating the name, the patron, the medium and the date.
年代順に並べ 製作者と支援者の名前 技法と日付を付けました この本は 3m x 7mの 展示品の隣にある
But the class itself is about critiques about each team's findings, from their original hypotheses to what did they actually learn.
各チームがお互いを批評しあうものです チームのやる気を引き出したいこともあります
Based on the findings in this case, all the nuclear power plants in Japan should be re examined all over again.
一から 見直されなければ ならないのです しかし 福島の事故の教訓を生かさず
We should advise you, however, that our preliminary findings indicate that your onboard Ninertriplezero computer is in error predicting the fault.
しかし 我々の予備調査によると 貴船の9000コンピュータが 障害予測を 誤った可能性がある
The interim evaluation survey showed that over 20 of households in cash transfer villages increased income earning were much more than that in the control villages.
実験群の村の20 以上の世帯に 収入の増加が見られた 実験群の村では 対照群の2倍の世帯が
The Thai results tell us we can make an AlDS vaccine, and the antibody findings tell us how we might do that.
エイズにもワクチンを作れることが確かめられ 抗体の研究結果が そのやり方を示唆しているのです
Maybe one of the most heartening findings from the psychology of pleasure is there's more to looking good than your physical appearance.
調査結果の1つだろうと言えるのは 魅力には外見以上のものがあるということです 好きな相手は魅力的に見えます
In the field of medicine, we need to translate the findings in the basic research more quickly, and efficiently into medical practice.
発見を速やかに展開し 臨床現場に還元 しなければなりません 健康維持に有意義な 結果をもたらせば
We began the project with an interim report, which quickly pulled together a lot of information that had been collected on the subject by many, many researchers.
まとめました 無数の情報が多くの研究員から 寄せられました
It's the first meeting of the interim Quorum of 12 which will coincide with Colonial Day, the 52nd anniversary of the signing of the Articles of Colonization.
これは暫定12議会の初会合となります そしてそれは コロニアル デイの 同日に行われます コロニー共同憲章の調印 52周年に当たります
So, I want to show you some of the findings that led up to what I think of I've uncovered as a presentation form.
辿り着いた あるプレゼン形式について お話ししたいと思います 当然アリストテレスから 始めるべきでしょう
So, I want to show you some of the findings that led up to what I think of, I've been covered as a presentation form.
辿り着いた あるプレゼン形式について お話ししたいと思います 当然アリストテレスから 始めるべきでしょう


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