Translation of "intervened" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I intervened. | クルーに殺されかけてた |
I intervened. | 阻止したまでだ |
The police intervened in the disturbance. | 警察が騒動に介入した |
That country intervened in the internal affairs of our nation. | その国はわが国に内政干渉をした |
The teacher intervened in the quarrel between the two students. | 先生が二人の学生の口論を取り成した |
Who is this terribly ugly fiend Who so rudely intervened? | 邪魔になっている恐ろしい獣は なんだろうか 助けて |
He intervened and settled the matter peacefully for the time being. | 彼が仲裁してその場は丸く収めた |
I had no idea what was going on, but strangers intervened, kept my heart moving, beating. | 近くにいた人が心臓を 動かし続けてくれました 心臓は震えるくらいだったので |
The Justice Minister intervened saying that the investigations... were becoming a witch hunt , based on insufficient grounds. | 記者 特捜部は花岡代議士の逮捕を 一度断念したにもかかわらず捜査を続けてきました この さしたる根拠もなく疑惑追及に固執する姿勢が |
I'm here as a future oriented person who went over the top, who did all these sacrifices because teachers intervened, and made me future oriented. | トップに上り詰めるのに全てを犠牲にしました 先生が介入して 私を未来志向にしたのです そのマシュマロを食べるな |
Jaffers was struck under the jaw, and, turning, caught at something that intervened between him and Huxter in the melee, and prevented their coming together. | 乱闘で彼とHuxter間に介入し それらが一緒に来て阻止 彼は筋肉の胸を感じ 別の瞬間に全体の質量は苦戦 |
In order to prevent a further drop of the Japanese currency, the Bank of Japan intervened in the market to support it at around 150 yen to the dollar. | 日銀は円のこれ以上の下落を止めようと 1ドル150円程度で買い支えるために介入した |
Financial incentive was exiled from the realm of helping others, so that it could thrive in the area of making money for yourself, and in 400 years, nothing has intervened to say, That's counterproductive and that's unfair. | 利己の領域だけで 大いに追及されることになりました この400年間 このことが 非生産的で不公平だ などと言って止めさせようとする動きは 全くありませんでした |
Sometimes the gangsters would bring with them women being trafficked into prostitution, and if the police intervened, they would hurl the women into the sea so that the police had to go and save them from drowning, rather than chasing the bad guys. | 売春ルートへ流す女性を連れていました もし警察が介入した場合 ギャングは女性達を 海に投げ込み |
He said I will betake myself for refuge to a mountain that shall protect me from the water. Nuh said There is no protector today from Allah's punishment but He Who has mercy and a wave intervened between them, so he was of the drowned. | 息子は 答えて 言った わたしは山に避難しよう それは 洪 水から救うであろう かれ ヌ フ は言った 今日はアッラーの御命令によってかれの慈悲に浴する者の外は 何者も救われない その時2人の間に波が来て 息子は溺れる者の1人となった |
We intervened in Libya alongside a broad coalition, and with the mandate of the U.N. Security Council, because we had the ability to stop the slaughter of innocents and because we believed that the aspirations of the people were more powerful than a tyrant. | 無実の人々の虐殺を止める 能力があったからであり 人々の志は 圧制者よりも力強い と信じていたからです この会議で改めて宣言します バシャー アル アサド体制は終わるべきです |
He said I shall betake me to a mountain which will defend me from the water. Nuh said there is no defender to day from the decree of Allah save for one on whom He hath mercy. And a wave intervened betwixt the twain so he was of the drowned. | 息子は 答えて 言った わたしは山に避難しよう それは 洪 水から救うであろう かれ ヌ フ は言った 今日はアッラーの御命令によってかれの慈悲に浴する者の外は 何者も救われない その時2人の間に波が来て 息子は溺れる者の1人となった |
I think of these five chapters as points of intervention, places in their lives when our society could've intervened in their lives and nudged them off of the path that they were on that created a consequence that we all death penalty supporters or death penalty opponents say was a bad result. | 我々の社会が彼らの人生に介入して 彼らの歩む道筋から逸れさせるべきポイントです その道筋は死刑賛成派も死刑反対派も |