Translation of "interviewing" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I wasn't interviewing. I was there...
尋問じゃないですよ ただの
Imagine this is the person interviewing you.
5分間まったく無反応ですよ 詰問でもされた方がまだマシです
Are you interviewing for a new associate?
And what are you doing interviewing witnesses?
一体何をしてるの 尋問なんてしているの
I'm kind of new at this interviewing thing.
This is a social worker interviewing Hyun Sook.
今になっていつも考えるのですが 彼女はこういった類のものとは
So I started interviewing men and asking questions.
研究対象にするようになりました 研究から分かったのはこんな答えです
I start interviewing people about how they think.
そこで 自分の考え方が
Started interviewing a wide range of innovators in their 20s.
A reporter is interviewing Dr. Patterson about Koko, a talking gorilla.
And so he went right in there and started interviewing people.
Tibet, and I started interviewing the people there, taking my photographs.
写真を撮ることを始めました これが私がやっていることです インタビューをして ポートレートを撮ること トゥルナン寺の頂上で
I was going in, interviewing these people and doing their portraits.
At the same time, while I was interviewing the Red Brigades,
気づいたのは 彼らの人生が
We're interviewing for the internships. You got a pen and paper?
実務研修の面接を行います ペンと紙持っていますか
I'm interviewing interns at 10 00 tomorrow night in the CS lab.
マジ切れ 明日10時 ラボで面接
What happened was while i was interviewing Julian hes quite a bragadosous person.
キング オブ レコードと言われてる 自慢家で 知ってることをあれこれ 俺に教えてくれた
Once, for example, I was interviewing this part timer from the Red Brigades.
アルバイトする人のインタビューしました 彼は精神科医で 航海が大好きでした
And the press were interviewing, and I was signing my book. (Laughter). Further imagery.
さらにイメージです 私はタッシェン出版と新しい本をつくっています
And I was doing a project there about happiness, interviewing a lot of local people.
多くの地元の人々にインタビューをしました ブータンではとても変わった所があって
In interviewing John for the job, we must take into account that he has very bad eyesight.
ジョンと就職の面接をする時には 彼が極めて視力が弱いということを考慮しなければならない
We're actually interviewing people on the street, in the places where they're hanging out and taking drugs.
実際にインタビューをします 清潔な針を携帯していますか
They will take barrier objects and put them between themselves and the person that is interviewing them.
垣根を作ろうとします 声のトーンを変え
The MlT project they were interviewing me for MlT and they sent their facilities people to Bilbao.
設備管理の人間を送って来て ビルバオで彼らに会ったんだ 3日も
I'm interviewing two interns to come to Palo Alto and we're gonna have to pay them something. Sorry, what?
I also want to bring to the stage Valerie Amos, whom I had the pleasure of interviewing earlier today, with Beyoncé.
コンゴ民主共和国から 戻ったばかりです
I hear getting a job for university grads is real hard these days so they're interviewing like crazy. Good for her.
こんな厳しい時代にもかかわらず 気にもかけない学生が たくさん居るそうだ
Because I've spent ten years interviewing hundreds of successful people, and one of the things they kept saying over and over again was,
繰り返し彼らから 耳にした言葉が いつも先のことを考えなさい だったからです
So I spent three months in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania interviewing entrepreneurs that had received 100 dollars to start or grow a business.
100ドルで起業や事業拡大をした 起業家にインタビューしました そしてこれらの交流を通して
While i was interviewing him, he was like Pritt you can take me anywhere i can find records i can do this and that.
And going out into the community and interviewing your neighbors about what kind of food they buy and from where and why that's a homework assignment.
どんな種類の食べ物を買っているかや どの店で買うのか その理由も 調べることが 宿題になります
They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating as I had heard it earlier in the shame interviewing.
それが自分たちを苦しめているとも 言いません 恥のインタビューの時に 聞いたような発言はありませんでした
My own law firm has a list of questions that I'm not allowed to ask when interviewing candidates, such as the sinister question, bulging with hidden motives and innuendo,
採用面接のときに 聞いてはいけない質問のリストがあります 例えば底意地悪いあてつけをしのばせた
In an alternative view of this pool of local, very flexible people, here's a market research company, and it's inducted maybe 25 local people in how to do street interviewing.
ある市場調査会社を紹介します この会社は街頭インタビューのやり方を 約25人に訓練しました 来週新しいキャンペーンを行う予定です
There's nothing worse than when I've been interviewing candidates where they've come to the interview and made a major boo boo, which just told me that they hadn't done any research.
インタビューに現れ 大きな失態を演じる事ほど ひどいものはありません
And while I had sometimes thought the parents I was interviewing were fools, enslaving themselves to a lifetime's journey with their thankless children and trying to breed identity out of misery,
感謝もしない子供のために一生を捧げ 人生を棒に振り 不幸の中からアイデンティティを つむぎ出そうとするなんて しかし 私はあの日 気づいたのです 調査のおかげで私には素地ができており
Is it because we are cops interviewing other cops, or is it because you guys could not sniff out who was smuggling drugs, and we have to do your job for you?
理由は保安部のプライド それとも 私達の捜査で 無能さがバレるから
But this also explains why, when I was interviewing the Red Brigades, and then, later on, other arms organizations, including members of al Zarqawi group in the Middle East, everybody was extremely reluctant to talk about ideology, or politics.
後になって 中東のアル ザルカウィ グループの メンバーなど 他の武装組織をインタビューをしたとき 皆がイデオロギーや政治について
And because all of these people I started interviewing this was an interview which is over 30 years old so many of the people described this as a spontaneous flow that I called this type of experience the flow experience.
インタビューは30年ほど前のものですが 実に多くの人がこんな状態を自発的な流れと説明します そこで私はこの種の経験をフロー体験と呼ぶことにしました
Put it out the for the younger people, younger generation to understand that the hard work hes doing going to new york, interviewing them people that the media and mainstream have no interest in. i like it i do like it.
主要メディアに取り上げられない人に インタビューしているんだよ 俺の仲間ではプリットが一番 ヒップホップ音楽に熱心だな