Translation of "invasive carcinoma" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Carcinoma - translation : Invasive - translation : Invasive carcinoma - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I heard the word carcinoma.
We'll, they're both non invasive.
両方とも何かを身体に突っ込んだりしませんし 既存のインフラを使います
So we are working now on a non invasive again, these are all invasive studies.
これまでは 全て観血的な検査を使った研究です 将来はこれら全てを 非観血的に行なえるのが理想です
It is called a minimally invasive surgery.
And most of our work's pretty non invasive.
A blynch is a far less invasive procedure.
I discovered an invasive species in my own backyard.
First, it's clearly a non invasive, wireless form of communication.
脳を侵さないこと 二つ目は ラジオのブロードキャスト放送のように
The neurologist's test is non invasive. They both use existing infrastructure.
Invasive species, such as non native trout and crawfish, eat native frogs.
ザリガニなどの侵入種が 固有種のカエルを食べるのです 人間が世界中で
So you recognize that wind and solar are environmentally invasive forms of energy generation?
The sensor would have to be inexpensive, rapid, simple, sensitive, selective, and minimally invasive.
簡単で 高感度で 判定度が高く 低侵襲でなければ なりません 実は がん検査が
They were replaced by invasive species, which had less holding power to the rock.
侵入種に取って代わられました そこに嵐が来て
This minimally invasive surgery is safer, certain, and easier to use on the patient's body.
確実で より簡単に 患者の体の上で利用できます これをもっと直感的にするため 仮想現実と実際の映像の
It would have to be simple, sensitive, selective, rapid, inexpensive, and minimally invasive to a patient.
しないといけないでしょう 作る自信はまぁまぁあったけど どう作ればいいかわからなかった
I invented a device called the MarrowMiner, a much less invasive way for harvesting bone marrow.
より非侵襲的に骨髄を採取できます DFA の認可がおりたので
But if you have to have an operation, what you really want is a minimally invasive operation.
傷を最小限に抑えた 低侵襲手術 がいいですよね 今晩お話し したいのは
An educational technology and pedagogy that is digital, automatic, fault tolerant, minimally invasive, connected and self organized.
障害に強く 人を侵害せず つながりを持った自己学習のことです 教育者はこれまで 技術を求めたことはありませんでした
What I said, is it would have to be inexpensive, rapid, simple, sensitive, non invasive, and also selective.
安く 速く 簡単で 高感度 低侵襲で 判定度の高いものってことでした さらに調べていったら
So I thought of a minimally invasive approach, and a new device that we call the Marrow Miner.
新しい装置 メローマイナ 骨髄採取器 です これだけです
So here's Allan teaching an English speaking surgeon in Africa these basic fundamental skills necessary to do minimally invasive surgery.
侵襲手術を行うための 基礎技術を教えています 素晴らしいですね
This is a system that's designed to save the status quo, including the status quo of big and invasive government.
出しゃばりで大きな政府の 現状維持も含まれます 右派 左派双方の動きを 阻止するという意味で
And again, 50 years of good non invasive stress testing, we're pretty good at recognizing male pattern disease with stress tests.
負荷検査を進化させることで 男性型の心臓病を負 発見出来るようになっています
It would have to be inexpensive, rapid, simple, sensitive, minimally invasive and it would have to be pretty accurate detecting the cancer.
単純 高感度 患者に侵襲が少なく かなり確実に 判定できるものとなるべきです 作る自信はまぁまぁあったけど どう作ればいいかわかりませんでした
This is the number of invasive exotic species that have rushed in to fill the new ecological niches that are opening up.
これは 侵略的外来種の数です これらは 新しく開放しつつある 生態的適性を埋めるため殺到しています
It's completely non invasive, sensors in the crutches that send signals back to our onboard computer that is sitting here at her back.
センサーは松葉杖にあり 背中に搭載されたコンピュータへ 信号を送るようになっています
So, I think that the implications of these discoveries is huge, because what if we could, without a single invasive procedure, treat disorders like autism, depression and multiple sclerosis.
侵襲的な治療を全く行わず 自閉症やうつ病 そして多発性硬化症のような疾患を 治療出来るとすればどうでしょう 微生物ベースの治療法は私たちに
This is 20 year old dolphin living in Florida, and she had these lesions in her mouth that, over the course of three years, developed into invasive squamous cell cancers.
口の中にできた傷が 3年の間に 浸潤性扁平上皮ガンになりました
We get into even smaller micro robots that will eventually autonomously move through your system again and be able to do things that surgeons can't do in a much less invasive manner.
より小さなロボットも実現するでしょう それによって外科医には出来ないことを より非侵襲的に行えるようになります
I is for the invasive species like the fire ants, the zebra mussels, broom grasses and pathogenic bacteria and viruses that are flooding every country, and at an exponential rate that's the I.
そして病原性のバクテリアやウイルスが 世界各国で爆発的な割合で増えています HIPPO 一つ目の P は公害 (Pollution) です
And in the last two to three summers, these invasive organisms, this kind of Ebola of the trees, as it were, has swept through the primeval Hemlock forest of the east, and has absolutely wiped it out.
木のエボラウイルスとも言えますが 東部の原生ツガ林に押し寄せて 完全に食いつくしてしまいました 昨夏に木に登って来ましたが
Now just this past year, one of our partners, the American College of Surgeons, teamed up with us to make an announcement that all surgeons should be FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) certified before they do minimally invasive surgery.
パートナーの米国外科学会と共同で 低侵襲手術を行う外科医は全員 FLS (基礎腹腔鏡手術) の資格を 収得すべきであると
One of the most famous of these guys, Frere Jacques, shown here doing a lithotomy which is the removal of the bladder stone, one of the most invasive surgeries they did at the time had to take less than two minutes.
ここでは結石切除術 つまり膀胱結石を除去しているところですが 当時の最も侵襲的な手術で
And so, please consider this a work in progress, but I'd like to tell you today a story about a very rare cancer called midline carcinoma, about the undruggable protein target that causes this cancer, called BRD4, and about a molecule developed at my lab at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, called JQ1, which we affectionately named for Jun Qi, the chemist that made this molecule.
今日はこれから 大変稀な扁平上皮性癌と その原因でありアンドラッガブルな
Now that foundation is so important that a number of us from the largest general surgery society in the United States, SAGES, started in the late 1990s a training program that would assure that every surgeon who practices minimally invasive surgery would have a strong foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to go on and do procedures.
そこで 我々は 米国最大の外科学会である SAGESの医師達で 1990年に訓練プログラムをスタートしました
Well, all of us know the dozen sorts of ticking time bombs going on in the modern world, time bombs that have fuses of a few decades to all of them, not more than 50 years, and any one of which can do us in the time bombs of water, of soil, of climate change, invasive species, the photosynthetic ceiling, population problems, toxics, etc., etc.
カチカチ時を刻み作動しているのをご存知でしょう 時限爆弾は 数十年で起爆します すべてが50年以内に爆発します その一つでも 我々には致命的です


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