Translation of "is reviewed" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Is reviewed - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Many cases were reviewed.
Each one of those is rated and reviewed.
こんなことができるスタジオは ハリウッドにもありません
Helen reviewed the day's happenings.
It's been reviewed many times.
何百もの調査から 説得力のある結果が出ました
We reviewed it there. Nice.
Implemented, reviewed and tested various functions
The high is the average of 103 scientific, peer reviewed studies.
見積もりの平均値である この数値は
So we said, we'll get it reviewed.
米国科学アカデミーのデール パーヴェスに 送りました 神経科学の第一人者です
Have we reviewed video from the Hamburg Airport?
I reviewed the budget, and decided to cut costs.
予算を検討し コストを削減することにした
Please come to class having reviewed the materials beforehand.
When he reviewed the Tair, he said How is it I do not see Hud hud? Is he absent?
またかれは鳥たちを検閲して 言った どうしたのですか ヤツガシラ鳥がいないではないですか あれも欠席組の中だったのですか
And hopefully this is reviewed to you, but if not take the time to go through this.
もっとも一般的な中心的傾向の指標は 平均値 メディアン 中央値
Jove is a website that was founded to encourage scientists to publish their peer reviewed research on video.
査読済みの科学研究を ビデオとして公開するための ウェブサイトです
And there, it was reviewed by five independent referees, and it was published.
出版されたのです (拍手)
Now, given what we just reviewed, let's think about what's happening with carbon.
炭素の方を見てみましょう 炭素原子には6個の電子があります
One day he reviewed the birds, and said, Why do I not see the hoopoe? Or is he absent?
またかれは鳥たちを検閲して 言った どうしたのですか ヤツガシラ鳥がいないではないですか あれも欠席組の中だったのですか
And he reviewed the birds, then said How is it I see not the hoopoe or is it that he is of the absentees?
またかれは鳥たちを検閲して 言った どうしたのですか ヤツガシラ鳥がいないではないですか あれも欠席組の中だったのですか
We know senior figures in Assad's military machine reviewed the results of the attack.
He reviewed the birds and said 'Why is it that I do not see the hoopoe here? Or is he among the absent?
またかれは鳥たちを検閲して 言った どうしたのですか ヤツガシラ鳥がいないではないですか あれも欠席組の中だったのですか
I made the mistake of marking the translation as reviewed without having contacted my partner.
翻訳を校正済みとしてしまったことがありました 今思うと わずかな
And again hoping that this is reviewed for most of you, if it's not, take your time to work through it
そしてこのコース長年やってるので 分かるんですが
Yesterday, you reviewed the patient's case, and you realized that you forgot to try one medication.
薬剤の1つを試し忘れていたのに気付きました イブプロフェンはまだ試していない
And he reviewed the birds then he said, 'How is it with me, that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent?
またかれは鳥たちを検閲して 言った どうしたのですか ヤツガシラ鳥がいないではないですか あれも欠席組の中だったのですか
And the way that you know that the answer is dogs is you quickly reviewed in memory the times you've seen dogs and pigs on leashes.
犬や豚がリードにつながれた場面を 素早く思い出すからです 犬を思い出すのは簡単ですが
And all of those pages were reviewed by another 400 plus scientists and reviewers, from 113 countries.
科学者や査読者によって査読されました これは大きなコミュニティです 事実 その年次総会は
There are 200 studies of health in relation to income and equality in the academic peer reviewed journals.
所得格差の観点から見た健康の研究が 200件もあります この現象は対象国に限られておらず 普通の状況を
And then they went to see if these trials had been published in the peer reviewed academic literature.
調べたところ こんなことがわかりました 治験の成績は五分五分で 治験の半分は成功
Yesterday when you reviewed the case, you discovered there were two medications you didn't try out yet ibuprofen and piroxicam.
薬剤を2つ試し忘れていたことに気付きました イブプロフェンとピロキシカムです 試していない薬剤が2つありますが どうしますか
In 2009, when the U.N. reviewed progress, they discovered that almost 100 million square kilometers of seabed had been protected.
評価を行ったところ 実に1億平方キロメートル近くもの海底が 保護できたことが判明しました
I need it by the morning of April 5, so it can be reviewed by other members prior to the meeting.
ミーティングの前に他のメンバーに検討してもらうため 4月5日の午前中までにそれが必要です
But when they went to look for these trials in the peer reviewed academic literature, what they found was a very different picture.
違う描像が浮かび上がってきます 否定的な治験で論文公開されているのはわずか3報です
Would it surprise you to learn that Karen Sutherland has reviewed every single human research project at her company since you met with her?
夜光人間が何の役に 手がかりは
And it was co sponsored by the Pentagon it's independent, it's peer reviewed and all of the backup calculations are transparently posted for your perusal.
独立した著作で専門家の査読を受けており 誰でも精査できるよう 議論の元となる計算式も全て公開されています 役に立つかもしれない経済の歴史を少しお話ししましょう
So I was kind of proud of it, and I went to a friend of mine, and said, You know, this is, you know, kind of the best reviewed shot I've ever worked on.
ねえ これが一番評価されてるやつなんだよ ねえ これが一番評価されてるやつなんだよ どうしてだと思う って訊いたんです
And of course, we may be wrong this hasn't all been peer reviewed, we're in the middle of thinking about it but so far, it seems good.
これは まだ査読も受けていませんが これまでのところは 間違っていないようです しかし 大気中での粒子の 滞留期間を延ばすことは
We often talk about how stories change the world, but we should also see how the world of identity politics affects the way stories are being circulated, read and reviewed.
どれだけアイデンティティ政治が 影響を及ぼすのかという点にも 目を向けるべきです
So, the average life expectancy in the U.S. and the U.K. is 78.1 years, but we know from more than 1,000 peer reviewed scientific studies that you can add 10 years of life by boosting your four types of resilience.
1,000以上の査読付き科学論文から 4つの回復力を 高めることで これを10年伸ばせる ことが分かっています 高めることで これを10年伸ばせる ことが分かっています
The red is good at the beginning, and a year later this is from a study done in a peer reviewed journal called Angiology there's more red after a year on a diet like I would recommend, there's less red, less blood flow after a year on an Atkins type diet.
これは アンギオロジー という学術雑誌に載った レビュー済の論文です 私が勧めるダイエットでは赤は減りませんが 他方では 1年経つと 赤が減り血流が悪くなリました
Interestingly, some parallel work going on in social psychology some people reviewed 208 different studies in which volunteers had been invited into a psychological laboratory and had their stress hormones, their responses to doing stressful tasks, measured.
社会心理学で同じ類の研究が進められています 208件の別々の研究が検討されたのですが それらの研究では 心理学研究室に集まってもらった
And there's a lot of really good questions that are asked and important questions that we spent quite a long time working on the answers to as we put together our report and the peer reviewed report.
これに答えるために 多くの時間を掛けて これらの質問に取り組んで 報告書とピアレビューされた 報告書を作りました
You may recall a year ago when a firestorm erupted after the United States Preventive Services Task Force reviewed the world's mammography screening literature and issued a guideline recommending against screening mammograms in women in their 40s.
米国予防サービス調査特別委員会が マンモグラフィー検診に関する 世界の文献を精査し 40代の女性に
There's very good evidence again, we don't necessarily have a peer reviewed methodology that's bulletproof yet but there's very good evidence that the average cat in Europe has a larger environmental footprint in its lifetime than the average African.
繰り返しますが 私たちは決して 専門家によってしっかり評価された 方法論を持っているわけではありません
So I studied her mammogram, and I reviewed the radiology literature, and I was shocked to discover that, in her case, our chances of finding a tumor early on the mammogram were less than the toss of a coin.
放射線医学の文献を調べました 驚いたことに 彼女の場合 マンモグラフィーで腫瘍を
Even with this announcement, as we did in 2003 that work was funded by the Department of Energy, so the work was reviewed at the level of the White House, trying to decide whether to classify the work or publish it.
2003年の発表と同様でした エネルギー省から資金を得ていましたので ホワイトハウスのレベルにおいて


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