Translation of "just realised" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Just - translation : Just realised - translation : Realised - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I just realised that's the first time I've laughed,
I realised something.
Once you realised...
It's just as probable that he hasn't realised how hopeless the situation is.
それは彼が状況の深刻さを 分かってないような感じだな
He realised that and hanged himself.
自分の本性の腐肉など 欲しくないし
Because he realised that not just any wish comes true here, only your innermost wish.
ここでかなえられる望みは 無意識のものなんだよ
I never realised Then do something about it.
I realised that his story wasn't being told.
彼は自分を傷つけます 自分の顔を殴るのです
I realised that when Sarah said to me,
アスペルガー症候群ってことは 私には できないこと があるんだよね
Augment DNA was more aggressive than you realised.
オーグメントのDNAは知っているより はるかに攻撃的だったのか
I realised that maybe I didn't know him.
And as I started doing that I realised that
自分の写真を通して誰かの 物語を語れるかもしれないって
I expect you realised that without being conscious of it.
And that I had never realised how my account (stood)!
わたしは自分の清算が どんなものであるかを知らなかった
He calmed down and realised he'd left his knife there.
落ち着いて ナイフに気付いた
Once I tried tackling the question, I realised it was easy.
Once I tried tackling the question, I realised it was easy.
On entering her room, I realised that she was a Yuming fan.
彼女の部屋に入るとすぐに 私は彼女がユーミンのファンだとわかった
So our Lord's Word is realised against us we are tasting it.
それで主の御言葉が わたしたちに実証された今 わたしたちは 懲罰を 味わわねばならない
Once this truth is realised, there's no more neccessity to be reborn.'
もう 次の人生は必要ない 中には 怖がる人もいて
Instinct told me to run, but then I realised it was hopeless.
逃げたい衝動に駆られたが それは無理だ
I realised that... he didn't really go to Iraq for the money.
イラクに行ったのは お金のためじゃなかった
That made us feel stronger as we realised that we were not alone.
真夜中までヘリコプターを 見るまでそこにいました
I never realised how much I love you, but I know it now.
今 それがわかった
'This spring was the first I felt tired, and realised I was ageing.
俺も疲れを感じるようになり 老け込んだ
The Word has been realised against most of them, yet they do not believe.
本当にその御言葉が かれらの多くの者に下ってしまっているのだが かれらは信じない
I realised that my photography was a tool and a way to do it.
思うに それが本当の鍵でした
So, after I saw the work of Arsath Ro'is and I realised what it meant,
その意味を理解してからは プロジェクトやコンセプト
And then I realised I never set out to Congo, to Angola, to Bangladesh to take photographs.
コンゴや アンゴラや バングラデシュに行ったのは 写真を撮るのが目的ではないって そういう場所に行ったのは 何かの変化を生み出したいから だって
I have tried to be true There are some things I never realised
いくつかのものがある 私は決して実現まで
We realised that we could not weaken the power of God on earth, nor outpace Him by running away.
だがわたしたちは 地上においてアッラーを出し抜くことは出来ないし また逃避して かれを失敗させることも出来ないと思っている
So I based my whole style on having the craziest footwork, legwork, patterns that I possibly could. From the very beginning, I just realised that there was no money in breaking.
最初から思ってたけどブレイキンをやってても ただやってるだけでお金にはならない
Even so the Word of thy Lord was realised against the unbelievers, that they are the inhabitants of the Fire.
このように あなたがたの主の御言葉は 不信心の者たちの上に実証される かれらは本当に業火の仲間である
They were successful in starting to get people thinking about that and then they realised their campaign had moved on.
人々に考えてもらうことができたわけです 次の手段として
1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7, 8. And i amp x27 ve never even realised that this is quite creepy.
しかしとにかく 問題に集中しましょう
I should have realised how saving a country and saving a woman could be the same thing to someone like Pyle.
国を救い 女性を救う方法が 分かっているはずだった パイルのように誰にとっても同じ事だった
Have they not realised that God knows their secrets and their confidential talk, and that God has the knowledge of unknown things?
かれらはアッラーが かれらの隠し た考え も秘密の相談も 知っておられることを知らないのか またアッラーが 見得ないこと凡てを熟知されている ことを
I realised this is where I was meant to be... and that this thing between us... isn't that big of a deal.
本当の居場所に気づいたんだ 俺達にとってこれは 大きな事件じゃないだろ
From the waist up. 'After I'd parked my car and started for my office, 'I realised I'd forgotten to tune in the news.
上半身は 事務所へ帰る車で 俺はニュースを聞き忘れた
Have they not realised that anyone who opposes God and His Prophet, will abide in Hell for ever? And that is the worst disgrace.
かれらは知らないのか アッラーとその使徒に反抗する者には 実に火獄が用意されており その中に永遠に住むことを それは大きな屈辱である
They heard the chink of money, and realised that the robber had found the housekeeping reserve of gold two pounds ten in half sovereigns altogether.
金の積立 完全halfソブリンの10 2ポンド that音で氏ホオジロは突然の行動に葉脈のだった
I realised that things weren't going to change or get any bigger there and I asked myself, Is this how I am going to continue
その時気づいたんだ このままじゃ 何も変わらない 何も成長しない このまま一生を終えるのか スポンサーからお金を お願いして生き続けるのか
Those against whom the Word will be realised will say Our Lord, these are the ones whom we led astray just as we ourselves strayed. We absolve ourselves before You of all blame. It was not us that they worshipped.
判決が言い渡される者たち 不信心者 は言う 主よ これらは わたしたちが迷わせた者 外の不信心者 です かれらを迷わせましたが自分たちも迷っていたのです だがわたしたちは あなたに対して潔白です かれらが拝したのは 決してわたしたちではありません
So without realising when we crossed that mark and became 16,000 and 40,000 we realised we could not communicate with anybody who was in the group anymore.
どんどん メンバーが増え1万6千人を超え 4万人に到達すると グループ内でコミュニケーションをとるのは不可能です 掲示板機能を使うのがせいぜいで
I don't think Mr. Phillips realised I was aware of his friendship with Marla Rakubian, and out of respect for him I never intended to tell anybody.
彼に配慮して 誰にも黙ってた


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