Translation of "lengthy proceedings" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Lengthy - translation : Lengthy proceedings - translation : Proceedings - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

These proceedings are closed.
during the divorce proceedings.
思われるんですが なんですって
Now these proceedings are closed.
さて この訴訟を終わらせよう
The lengthy lecture palled on me.
The proceedings therefore will be secret.
よって 審理は 非公開とする
And they share a lengthy land border.
But after our rather lengthy peace talks,
だが 長期の和平会談の後では
Or I could start some criminal proceedings.
In the daytime, you have lengthy work to do.
本当にあなたは 昼間は要務で長く追われる
Some five years ago, during a lengthy visit to
ワルシャワは 私の知り合いを作った
You're hoping to use these proceedings to incriminate me.
この裁判を利用して私を犯罪者に 仕立て上げようとしてるんだろ
It was his lengthy narrative that bored me to death.
私を死ぬほど退屈させたのは 彼の長ったらしい話だった
People tend to speak in short bursts, not lengthy speeches.
短く話す方が普通です そしてセリフを 有効に使いましょう
One of the visitors cried out to obstruct the proceedings.
In his lengthy career, he had never seen the market so high.
長年勤めたが 彼は市場が高騰するのに出会ったことはない
The peace we have today is the result of lengthy peace talks.
長い和平交渉を経て 現在の平和がある
The facts are briefly these Some five years ago, during a lengthy visit to
ワルシャワは 私はよく知られている冒険家 アイリーンアドラーの知人を作った
They can push through the quickest habeas corpus proceedings the courts have ever seen.
お前の裁判のことを 一気に終える力をもってぃる
Moreover, as you were not present at the time of the proceedings she got everything.
さらに あなたが 調停に遅刻されたため 財産は彼女のものに
Now the first one results in lengthy searches when you try to find K's nearest neighbors.
Pretty soon, a lengthy discussion ensued, and finally the manager came over to me and said,
彼らは長い話し合いをし 最終的に店長が謝りに来ました あいにく 砂糖がございません...
As a young woman, I was in a psychiatric hospital on three different occasions for lengthy periods.
精神病院に長期入院してきました 医師は私を統合失調症と診断し
We published our results in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and in Nature Biotechnology.
米国科学アカデミー紀要と ネイチャー バイオテクノロジーで 発表しました ディスカバリーとエコノミストでは
I think it's the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.
アメリカ合衆国の学会誌です 今日 色々な方々が偉業を報告なさった時に
So this paper can be found in the CVPR 2012 proceedings, and also on our website. So
They've given us five days to make good and then they start attachment proceedings against the motel.
その後モーテル差し押さえの 訴訟を始めると モーテルを?
Despite the digits' being calculated by a computer, the process was quite lengthy and took just over a year.
その過程は思った以上に時間がかかり 一年ちょっとかかりました 今 皆さんは思われているでしょう
The world seemed to splash into a million whirling specks of light, and subsequent proceedings interested him no more. gt
議事録は彼にこれ以上興味を持っていません gt 馬車 IN 第十一章
Briony Lodge and laid out in the principal room, while I still observed the proceedings from my post by the window.
部屋 私はまだ見ながら ウィンドウで私のポストから手続 ランプが点灯していたブラインドが持っていた
The principal didn't want to stand up to the parent because he didn't want to get dragged into some legal proceedings.
法的な争いに引き込まれたくなかったからでした 彼女は幾つもの会合に呼び出され
So what all of these death row inmates had to do was rely on volunteer lawyers to handle their legal proceedings.
ですから死刑囚の 法律上の手続きを取り扱おうにも ボランティアの弁護士頼みでした
When We provide comfort for the human being, he withdraws and distances himself but when adversity befalls him, he starts lengthy prayers.
われが人間に恩恵を示せば かれは脇を向いて われに近付かず反って 退き去る だが一度災厄に会えば長々と十分に祈る
And when We show favor to man, he turns aside and withdraws himself and when evil touches him, he makes lengthy supplications.
われが人間に恩恵を示せば かれは脇を向いて われに近付かず反って 退き去る だが一度災厄に会えば長々と十分に祈る
I must warn you, Mr. Rand, you are familiar with the proceedings of this court and I expect you to abide by them.
あなたはこの法廷手続きを 熟知している それに従うようにしてください
For example, it is counterintuitive to have an illiterate study participant, like Celine, sign a lengthy consent form that they are unable to read,
理解する事はもちろん 読むことさえできない 長文の承諾書に サインさせるのは 明らかに間違っています
When We grant the human being a favor, he ignores it and turns away but when he is afflicted by hardship, he starts lengthy prayers.
われが人間に恩恵を示せば かれは脇を向いて われに近付かず反って 退き去る だが一度災厄に会えば長々と十分に祈る
Slowly and solemnly he was borne into Briony Lodge and laid out in the principal room, while I still observed the proceedings from my post by the window.
部屋は 私はまだ窓が私のポストから手続きを観察しながら 私はホームズを確認できるように ランプが点灯していたが ブラインドが描かれていなかった
And they observe deliberations after mock trial proceedings so that they can better advise their clients how to adjust their trial strategy to have the outcome that they're hoping for.
陪審員の審議を観察します より適切な裁判戦略を依頼主にアドバイスすることで 期待どおりの判決が得られるようにするのです
I had just arrived in London after lengthy service in Afghanistan, and was anxious to find a quiet place, preferably dry, hmm... where I could rest and find a bit of peace.
アフガニスタンの配備から ロンドンに帰ってきたから 静かな暖かい休む所を 探していました
Over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization.
国家や公共の安全を脅かす事のない個人は 国家追放の手続きへの一時的な解除を要請でき 就職許可証に志願する事が出来るようになります
I remembered that when I had arrived in America about a year before, the proceedings had begun at some ghastly hour like six, and that I had been shot out on to a foreign shore considerably before eight.
議事録は 6のようないくつかのゾッとするような時間に始め そして私がに出撃たれていたことをしていた かなり八時前 外国海岸へ デュースはレディバーン Jeevesのは誰ですか 彼女の奥様が 私の中で先生に打ち明けるしませんでした
Examples of their gifts are found in every area of society the silicon chip for the computer the internet, which is based on the universal internet green building technology for construction fiber optics Teflon Kevlar the list is lengthy.
Ž ÌŽžŠÔ Ì ½ Ì ª ð F ˆ D A Þ ç ÌŒ¾ û Š̓ ƒCƒgƒVƒbƒv Ì ã Å ß ² µ ½ Ì Å A Ç m Á Ä é í Å B
All these queer proceedings increased my uncomfortableness, and seeing him now exhibiting strong symptoms of concluding his business operations, and jumping into bed with me, I thought it was high time, now or never, before the light was put out, to break the spell in which I had so long been bound.
彼のビジネスオペレーションを締結強い症状を示すと にジャンプ 私と一緒にベッドで 私は それが高い時間だと思った 今または決して 光を出す前に 私は長い間持っていた魔法を破るために


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