Translation of "lymph glands" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Lymph - translation : Lymph glands - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Five telepathy glands, maybe.
面白い人だこと 約束は守ってちょうだいね
Gone to your lymph nodes.
Took out most o9 the lymph nodes.
My glands, they grow old too fast.
And this works for metastatic lymph nodes also.
Cortisol is a major stress hormone involved in making skin cells churn out oily lipids from special glands called sebaceous glands.
皮脂腺という場所からの脂の 分泌を増加させます しかし 皮脂という脂質は
These are spinneret glands on the abdomen of a spider.
出糸突起腺です ここから繊維状に紡がれた 6種類のシルクを作り出します
Who amongst us hasn't had swollen lymph nodes with a cold?
Inside each spider, there are hundreds of silk glands, sometimes thousands.
時には数千に及ぶこともあります 分泌腺は 7種類に分類することができます
And the adrenal glands make androgens, which are a masculinizing hormone.
But when sentinel lymph node came into our treatment protocol, the surgeon basically looks for the single node that is the first draining lymph node of the cancer.
手術方法となった今 外科医は リンパ節でもガンに浸潤された 筋だけを探せばよくなりました
Females, like males, have in our bodies something called the adrenal glands.
副腎という器官が 体の後ろ側にあります 副腎はアンドロゲン
But fortunately it was removed before it had spread to her lymph nodes.
取り除く事ができました こうして この装置を使えば
Stage 3a, which means it's spread from the lung to the lymph nodes.
ステージ3A ガンは 肺からリンパ転移
Body hair began to shred, allowing sweat glands in the skin to evolve.
これが 日光の元で長時間いることを可能にした
The adrenal glands hemorrhage, the brain goes into shutdown, then the major organs.
副腎が出血し 脳が機能を停止 そして主要組織へと広がり
Some of these are swollen lymph nodes that look a little larger than others.
他のものと比べて少しだけ大きいものです 風邪でも肥大したリンパ節は現れます
Sentinel lymph node dissection has really changed the way that we manage breast cancer, melanoma.
がんやメラノーマの治療を大きく変えました 以前までは腋下のリンパ節を
Women used to get really debilitating surgeries to excise all of the axillary lymph nodes.
全て切除するという 患者を弱らせてしまう手術が必要でした センチネルリンパ切除が標準的な
Anyone has a sore throat, a fever, swollen glands, get in touch with us, all right?
ここに連絡してくれ いいか よし 大丈夫だ
Due to her unstable condition, it has become necessary to remove her zootoxin glands and stinger.
彼女の不安定な状態を考慮して... 毒素腺と針を切除する必要が出てきた
One branch of Cynodonts, mammals, evolved body hair for insulation, and milk glands to feed their young.
そして 子に母乳を与えるための乳腺も発達した 脳は 高度な機能を司る領域である 新皮質を発達させた
Anyone has a sore throat, swollen glands, doesn't feel well, you get in touch with us, huh?
具合が悪い人がいたら ここに連絡してくれ 子供達に石鹸を使うように言って
And then if that node has cancer, the woman would go on to get the axillary lymph node dissection.
その女性は腋下リンパ節の 切除手術を受けるのです つまり
The patient has cancer, you want to know if the lymph nodes have cancer even before you go in.
リンパ節がガンに侵されているかを 手術する前に確認できます MRIで見ることができます
There's the aggregate and flagelliform silk glands which combine to make the sticky capture spiral of an orb web.
混ざり クモの巣のらせん部の 粘着する糸(横線)を作ります 梨状腺は
Pyriform silk glands make the attachment cement that's the silk that's used to adhere silk lines to a substrate.
基質に糸が着くようにする 付着剤を作ります ブドウ状腺の糸は
So what that means is if the lymph node did not have cancer, the woman would be saved from having unnecessary surgery.
リンパ節にガンが見つからなかった場合 その女性は不必要な 手術を受ける必要がないのです
to slow the process, he must extract the hormones from the pituitary glands of his victims to treat himself, to stay young.
老化を遅らせるため 犠牲者の下垂体からホルモンを抽出し 自分に処置している
In an orb web weaving spider, you can find seven types of silk glands, and what I have depicted here in this picture,
7種類の糸の分泌腺(絹糸腺)があり 画面に図解しました 右上1時の方向からお話しします
let's start at the one o'clock position, there's tubuliform silk glands, which are used to make the outer silk of an egg sac.
管状腺という絹糸腺があり 卵を包む糸のふくろを作ります 次の集合腺と鞭状腺は
He had XX chromosomes, and in the womb, his adrenal glands were in such high gear that it created, essentially, a masculine hormonal environment.
子宮にいる間 彼の副腎はあまりに活発だったので 男性ホルモン環境をつくりあげてしまいました
But sentinel lymph node, the way that we do it today, is kind of like having a road map just to know where to go.
どこへ行くかを示す ただの地図に過ぎません 例えば高速道路を運転していて
So, there you see, it's a liver with colon cancer in it, and you see into the microscope a lymph node where cancer has invaded.
そして顕微鏡を覗くと がんが侵したリンパ節が見える CTスキャンでがんが肝臓にあることが確認できます
So if you ever have the opportunity to dissect an orb web weaving spider, and I hope you do, what you would find is a bounty of beautiful, translucent silk glands.
解剖する機会がありましたら いえ 是非解剖してみてください 半透明で美しい糸分泌腺が
It had already spread to his lymph nodes, so we used an antiangiogenic skin cream for the lip, and the oral cocktail, so we could treat from the inside as well as the outside.
血管新生抑制剤のスキンクリームを唇に塗り 内服薬も使用して 内と外から 治療しました
I won't go into this very much, but our technology, besides being able to tag tumor and metastatic lymph nodes with fluorescence, we can also use the same smart three part molecule to tag gadolinium onto the system so you can do this noninvasively.
私たちの技術は 腫瘍や転移リンパ節に蛍光で標識化するだけではなく 同じ3部構成の分子を使って
It has pores, it has sweat glands, it has all these things that work together very dynamically and very efficiently, and so what I propose is that our building skins should be more similar to human skin, and by doing so can be much more dynamic, responsive and differentiated, depending on where it is.
協調して絶えず効率的に働きます ビルの表面は 皮膚に非常に似たものであるべきではないでしょうか


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