Translation of "marginal propensity" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Marginal | trust level |
marginal | ある程度信頼full trust |
Marginal | ある程度信頼Full trust in key |
We had marginal profit I did. | 私たちの利益は限界点 |
Your defect is a propensity to hate everyone. | 人嫌いの性格は問題ですわね |
There is only a marginal difference between the two. | 2つの物の間にはごくわずかな差しかない |
Here, this is your assumed marginal income tax rate. | なぜ これが重要なのでしょうか |
We had marginal profits, and we had unhappy stakeholders. | 出資者は不満だらけ いくつかの基本的な変革を通じて |
Somewhere in the Amazon forest is the marginal tree. | そこで木を伐採すると 熱帯雨林の生態系は崩壊します |
This is called the prior, and this is called marginal likelihood. | P A B は事後確率と言います |
Some of these fission products have a really big propensity to eat neutrons. | 核反応でこれを説明することは彼らです その断面を呼び出します どのように考えています |
And I actually went to the Marginal Revolution blog by Tyler Cowen. | ブログ 限界革命 で議論しました |
But 20 years ago when they arrived, it was degraded, marginal pasture land. | ここは荒れ果てた牧草地だった 最初にしたのは 土地のほとんどを自然の状態に戻すことだった |
In other words, the minds on the margin are not the marginal minds. | 末端にある知性が 最低限の知性というわけではありません そのメッセージを掲げて |
That propensity there was to go and do what you already knew how to do. | そんなに良いトリウムよりも開発されました そう ウィグナーはでは恐ろしく巧妙ではなかった |
The signature is valid but the trust in the certificate's validity is only marginal. | 署名は有効ですが 証明書はある程度しか信頼されていません |
If your marginal tax rate is 20 , a 100 deduction will save you 20. | 20ドル節税出来る事になります それが 効果を示す時です |
However, there is large number of assertions which impact performance only in a marginal way. | それは結果がゼロ以上であることなど 範囲をチェックするものです |
In other words, the propensity to find these patterns goes up when there's a lack of control. | コントロールできない状況下で上がります 例えば野球選手はバッターボックスに立つときに |
I know you have a propensity for not trusting people, But my team has been working around the | 人を信じない人だと でも我々のチームは |
So we have this early wake time, this circadian surge in wake propensity and it's an unintended consequence of artificial light. | 覚醒へと駆り立てる概日リズム そして人工的な灯りの意図せざる影響によってです そのうえ我々がカフェインを摂取すると |
Redwoods have an enormous surface area that extends upward into space because they have a propensity to do something called reiteration. | 複製と呼ばれる行為を行うからです セコイアは自己相似的な形状をしています |
So a lot of people are following this person very influential and they have a propensity to talk about what's on TV. | 番組の話をします マスメディアとソーシャルメディアとの |
Could how you speak about time, could how your language forces you to think about time, affect your propensity to behave across time? | いつの間にか 行動傾向にも 影響しているのではないか 英語には未来形がありますから |
At that point in the text, where I said I'm God, or I used to be, my husband made a marginal note. | 私は神よ もしくは神の生まれ変わりよ の箇所で 夫は欄外に注を書きました おまえは神を辞めたか クビになったのかい? (笑) |
Synesthetes inherit a biological propensity for hyperconnecting brain neurons, but then must be exposed to cultural artifacts, such as calendars, food names, and alphabets. | 生物学的傾向を持っているが 共感覚の発現には 文化的な人工物に触れることが必要だ 例えばカレンダーや |
If you do this again and again, the propensity, the tendencies for anger to arise again will be less and less each time you dissolve it. | 怒りの繰り返しは 解消するたびにだんだん小さくなります そしてついには たとえ怒りが生じても 心をかすめるのみで |
This income tax saving from interest deduction, this is assuming that at that marginal tax rate, you can deduct the property tax and the interest on the debt. | これは その限界税率でそれを仮定しています あなたは 固定資産税及び負債の利息を差し引くことができます そしてそれは 所得税の節約を受けた後の |
Only 32 of my capacity is being utilized and, obviously, right now you can say, the market price for cupcakes is well above the marginal cost of producing a cupcake. | 明らかに カップケーキの市場価格はカップケーキの原価を上回っています イムランはさらに大きな生産能力を持っています |
So if you can deduct 100 in interest and property tax, if your marginal tax rate is 30 so that means at what rate are you being taxed on every incremental dollar. | あなたの限界所得税は30 です この意味は それがどの程度の割合で すべての増分ドルに課税されていることを意味します それが 30 なら 100ドルから差し引いて 30ドルあなたは節約する事になります |
Now, if you assume that this greater cross wiring and concepts are also in different parts of the brain, then it's going to create a greater propensity towards metaphorical thinking and creativity in people with synesthesia. | 脳の別の部分にもあると仮定すれば 共感覚を持つ人々にとっては より隠喩的な考えと創造性を |
And some of these industries may seem sort of marginal to you, but these are the gross sales for low I.P. industries, industries with very little copyright protection, and there's the gross sales of films and books. | 小規模なように見えるかもしれませが これが低 知的所有権産業 つまり 著作権保護が非常に少ない産業の |
After the war, they picked up on this again because now they were thinking, Let's talk about making power instead of making nuclear weapons. This is a chart that shows absorption propensity of each of these different nuclear fuels as a function of neutron energy. | 代わりに 核兵器を作るの電源となっています これは 吸収の傾向を示すグラフです これらの異なる核燃料の各々としての 中性子エネルギーの関数 これは この 熱エネルギーと呼ばれるものです 彼らは道を減速してきたことを意味します これは |
And so I think that we evolved ... there was a natural selection for the propensity for our belief engines, our pattern seeking brain processes, to always find meaningful patterns and infuse them with these sort of predatory or intentional agencies that I'll come back to. | 物事を信じるエンジンやパターンを探す 脳の作用が自然淘汰で残ったのでしょう 見出されたパターンはいつも |
Look, I've got a fantastic idea for an embryonic product in a marginal market, with consumers we've never dealt with before, and I'm not sure it's going to have a big payoff, but it could be really, really big in the future? | すごいアイデアです 新規分野で新規顧客対象で 利益も直ぐにはでませんが |
What I'm here to talk with you about today is an intriguing new hypothesis and some surprisingly powerful new findings that I've been working on about the link between the structure of the language you speak and how you find yourself with the propensity to save. | 言語の構造と 貯蓄傾向の関連性についての 言語の構造と 貯蓄傾向の関連性についての 驚くほど大きな新発見です |
And it spread because of the power of an idea so the very, very simple idea about turning education on its head and putting the things which were marginal, things like working in teams, doing practical projects, and putting them right at the heart of learning, rather than on the edges. | とてもとてもシンプルなアイディアであり 教育の方向性を変え それまで軽視され 隅においやられていた |
In normal times, a blog written by an economist might not get that much attention, but our next presenter's blog, called Marginal Revolution, is quite popular, and he writes a column for the New York Times, called the Economic Scene, here to explain the world to us in terms of the Great Recession and beyond. | 経済学者のブログは たいして注目されないものですが 次の講演者が書く Marginal Revolution 限界革命 というブログは 大変な人気です 彼はニューヨークタイムズ紙上のコラム |
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