Translation of "microbial spoilage" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Food packaging reduces spoilage. | 包装は腐敗を減らす |
Food packaging reduces spoilage. | 食物包装は腐敗を減らす |
Food packaging reduces spoilage. | 食品包装は腐敗を減らす |
It could be microbial, viral, parasitic, | 微生物によるものかも... 寄生虫 ウイルス |
And using indigo, make it anti microbial. | 微生物っぽさがなくなります 綿をこの濃さにするには |
Is it possible to really design microbial ecosystems? | 私は可能であると信じています |
Premature infants have real problems with their microbial community. | プロバイオティクスは |
And inside these wells, then microbial communities begin to form. | スポンジ状の土は 浸食に抵抗するだけでなく |
The microbial cloud, it is right in front of us. | 目には見えないので気がつきません 微生物ですから小さいのです |
And that means that your microbial hitchhikers are moving with you. | 例えば インド スーラトの 疫病の流行は |
So, for example, when you touch a pencil, microbial exchange happens. | 微生物が移動します 私たちの身の回りの 見えない生態系を デザインすることができれば |
Here we have the extreme with dead corals, microbial soup and jellyfish. | たくさんの微生物やクラゲがいます ダイバーがいるのが |
So if you look at the green data points, which is air that's outside, you'll see that there's a large amount of microbial diversity, or variety of microbial types. | 外の空気を示していますが たくさんの種類の微生物がいることが わかります |
Our desks, our computers, our pencils, our buildings all harbor resident microbial landscapes. | 全ての物が常在菌でいっぱいです そこで 私たちが 物をデザインする時 |
So they actually switched to leaving some of the microbial community in the ileum. | 提供者の微生物を残すことは |
Our bodies are comprised of 10 times more microbial cells than our own human eukaryotic cells. | 真核細胞だけなく その10倍以上もの 微生物細胞により 構成されています これらの微生物は主にバクテリアで |
Nowadays, in addressing microbial biodiversity, scientists are like explorers in a rowboat launched onto the Pacific Ocean. | 太平洋に小さなボートで漕ぎ出すようなものです しかしそれは 最新のゲノム技術のおかげで 急速に変化してきています |
The ocean provides a friendly environment, and chemicals detected in the plume of water are also favorable to microbial life. | 水の噴煙に検出された化学物質も 微生物に有益なものです エンキラドスが微生物を宿らせられると言う事は |
So what can we do to restore our microbial community when we have thousands and thousands of species on us? | 我々は無数の種類をもっています 動物はこうしています |
The data points that are closer together have microbial communities that are more similar than data points that are far apart. | 遠いところにある点よりも 微生物の集団が似通っています この表からわかるのは |
What I'm not suggesting is that microbial cellulose is going to be a replacement for cotton, leather or other textile materials. | 綿や皮やその他の繊維品の 代替品になると言っているのではありません でも 自然資源がますます貴重となっている今 |
If you take a closer look at a root system, you will find there are many, many, many diverse microbial colonies. | 実に多種多様な微生物が 生息しているのに気付きます これはブドウ栽培者はよく知っています |
Probiotics are one thing that you can try and do to restore the microbial community that is in and on you. | もと通りにしようという試みの一つです いくつかの例では成果がみられます |
And what we need now is to start thinking about this microbial community in the context of everything in human medicine. | 微生物群を人間の医学として 受け止めはじめることです 私たちのすべての部分に効果があるかはわかりませんが |
Less than 5,000 microbial species have been characterized as of two years ago, and so we decided to do something about it. | 5,000以下でした そこでわれわれは何かしようと決意し ソーサラー2探検 をはじめました |
We are right now in the beautiful Oreo of existence of at least life on Planet Earth following the first horrible microbial age. | 最初の過酷な微生物時代を終えて 現在オレオ クッキーのクリームの中に いるようなものです カンブリア爆発で湿地帯で生命が生まれ |
We find microbial life in every part of the planet in ice, in coal, in rocks, in volcanic vents it's an amazing thing. | 氷 石炭 岩 火山の噴火口 驚異的です しかも植物について分かってきたのは |
And so this microbial diversity differs between people, and what people have been thinking about in the last 10, maybe 15 years is, maybe these microbes, this microbial cloud in and on us, and the variation between us, may be responsible for some of the health and illness differences between us. | 私たちは過去10年もしくは15年にわたって たぶんこれらの微生物 すなわち 私たちを内外から覆う この微生物群と |
And so the spongy soil not only resists erosion, but sets up a microbial universe that gives rise to a plurality of other organisms. | 微生物の宇宙を創り たくさんの生命体を 誕生させます 私が最初に言ったのは 90年代初めでしたが |
So, what we end up with is a microbial zoo dominated by bacteria and jellyfish, as you see on the left in front of you. | 微生物がごったがえした状態で 占領しているのはバクテリアや クラゲです ご存じのとおり |
We have as much time for animals to exist on this planet as they have been here now, till we hit the second microbial age. | 今後もしばらくは存続するでしょうが それは次の微生物時代までです 地球温暖化とは逆説的に |
He felt like he had made a good choice with the design process because it was both energy efficient and it washed away the building's resident microbial landscape. | 感じたようです なぜなら エネルギーも節約できますし ビルに住む常在菌を 消し去ることができたからです |
And the what, I think, is that we returned, over and over again, to the Pre Cambrian world, that first microbial age, and the microbes are still out there. | 大量絶滅が起きたのではないかと そしてその微生物は依然存在します 微生物は動物が嫌いです |
They take the sediment itself, they extract the oil from it, and from that they can produce compounds which turn out to be very specific to particular microbial groups. | それから特定の微生物群の 特徴を持つ化合物を生成できるのです 脂質はとても強いため堆積岩の中で |
So the microbial community can go wrong whether we want it to or not, or we can kill it with antibiotics, but what can we do to restore it? | 我々が望まなくても 抗生物質で殺すこともできます ではどうやってもと通りにできるでしょう |
And so, these studies have documented or suggested out of a variety of important functions for the microbial community, this cloud, the non pathogens that live in and on us. | 私たちの内外に住むこの非病原菌 微生物コミュニティの様々な重要な機能を 実証または提唱したのです 一つ大変興味深い領域があります |
Containment of aforementioned microbial species, deadly or otherwise, is to remain under the guardianship of the operation's chief scientist until such time it can be safely transported to Naval Research Headquarters. | 前述の微生物の隔離と保管を 輸送の安全性が確認されるまで 科学者の管理下で 現地にて継続する事 |
And somehow maybe the microbial community that's in and on me got off, and then this triggered some sort of immune response and led to me killing the cells that make insulin in my body. | 働かなくなり なんらかの免疫反応を引き起こし インシュリンを作る細胞を 殺すことになってしまったのではないか |
And so what I want to tell you about for a few minutes is, what people have learned using DNA sequencing techniques in particular, to study the microbial cloud that lives in and on us. | DNA配列決定の技術を使って人が学んだこと 特にヒトの内外に生きる微生物集団の研究についてです 特にヒトの内外に生きる微生物集団の研究についてです |
They take the donor ileum, which is filled with microbes from a donor and they have a recipient who might have a problem with their microbial community, say Crohn's disease, and they sterilized the donor ileum. | 移植者は 例えばクローン病のように微生物の群れに 何か問題があるかもしれません そこで彼らは提供者の回腸を滅菌しました |
Now what these transplants, these fecal transplants, or the poo tea suggest to me, and many other people have come up with this same idea, is that the microbial community in and on us, it's an organ. | 糞のお茶にヒントを得て 多くの人が同じ考えにいたりました 糞のお茶にヒントを得て 多くの人が同じ考えにいたりました 私たちが抱えている微生物群集とは臓器です |
Now you've heard of hydrothermal vents, but the other discovery is that deep below the sea floor, there is vast reservoir of microbial activity, which we have only just discovered and we have almost no way to study. | もう1つの発見は 海底よりずっと下の地中で 大量の微生物が活動しているということ |
So to understand why this was the case, we took our data and put it into an ordination diagram, which is a statistical map that tells you something about how related the microbial communities are in the different samples. | 私たちはデータを 順序付けした図に落とし込みました 微生物の集団が |
And I can tell you all the details about the microbial study that we did there, but the reason I want to tell you this story is something really striking that they did at the beginning of this project. | この話を聞いていただきたい理由は このプロジェクトの初期には 本当に驚くべきことを していたからなのです |
And excessive use of antibiotics, in particular in children, has been shown to be associated with, again, risk factors for obesity, for autoimmune diseases, for a variety of problems that are probably due to disruption of the microbial community. | 肥満や 自己免疫疾患などの リスクにつながり 微生物のコミュニティにおける |
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