Translation of "norms" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
It challenges the norms. | 私は 街から多くのさまざまな 問題を見出します |
Radiation levels within norms. | 放射線レベルは基準内だ |
Uncritical conformity to group norms. | 怠慢や無関心によって受動的に悪を許容する |
You already know the norms. | 市長の命令だぞ |
We have to change the norms. | 新しいテクノロジーが 新しいビジネスの |
If it is within our norms. | 基準に合う物か? |
It was about the norms for cheating. | 同じグループの人がズルをし それを見たならば |
Same deal. You we're timing for norms. | あなたたちにはインセンティブを与えます |
A crisis that cannot anymore accept the old norms. | 人は外の現実世界を生きる時 |
Accepting the other's norms is submitting to the other's power. | あいての基準を受け入れるのは そのあいての力に服従することだ |
But we can simply no longer rely on established norms. | 地球が何千年にもわたって 経験してきたCO2濃度の範囲外で |
Broke many norms of the standard conventions for the first time. | 例えば 単一バランスシャフトを用いる車で |
All these choices involve value judgments and social norms, not objective facts. | 価値判断を伴い 客観的な事実などではありません そこで 第4の提言です |
He asked, what do women need to do to conform to female norms? | この国で最も多かった回答は |
If the meme prospers, our laws, our norms, our society, they all transform. | 法律 規範 社会が 全て変わる 法律 規範 社会が 全て変わる これは社会の進化だ |
Information spreads in populations, norms can spread in populations, behaviors can spread in populations. | 常識も人から人へと広がります 言動も人々の間で広がります 言動というのは犯罪行為や |
He just had the rules, he had the norms, and he tried to use them. | そして82年 レバノンで |
So we think that what's spreading is this tendency to transmit ideas, these norms of behavior. | 実際上 誰もが社会有機体で社会環境によって作られる あなた も わたし も存在しない |
And these include a sense of shared responsibility, common norms that bind people together as a community. | コミュニティとして人を結びつける共有の規範です 付帯条件付きの利用 他者の参入は可能ですが |
In that case, what I've worked with is people who have body types that challenge social norms. | 社会において逸脱するような 体型をもつ方々の活動です 例えば |
For the divorced women there shall be a provision, in accordance with honourable norms an obligation on the Godwary. | 離婚された女に対しては 妥当な贈り物をしなければならない これは主を畏れる者の負う務めである |
It's rooted in gender norms, and roles, and the way that we perpetuate and reinforce those ideas in society. | これらの概念を推し進め 継続させる社会にもあるからです ジェンダーアイデンティティとは 頭で自分の性をどう感じて |
Since the big content markets have grown in line with historic norms, it's not additional growth that piracy has prevented, but copyright math tells us it must therefore be foregone growth in a market that has no historic norms one that didn't exist in the 90's. | 例年並みには成長しているので 海賊行為で成長が抑えられたとは考えられません しかし 著作権数学 で分かるのは |
We have to change the norms in order to enable new kinds of technologies as a basis for new kinds of businesses. | 基盤となるように 規範を変えなければなりません 知らない人がいない世界なんて |
I'm going to time you to establish norms, averages for how long it typically takes someone to solve this sort of problem. | 一般にどれくらい時間がかかるのか 平均時間を知りたいのだと言います もう1つのグループには 報酬を提示します |
Some try to go back to sleep in some way, using alcohol, or drugs, or work, or social norms to numb themselves into unawareness. | 自分を無感覚にして 気づきを閉じていきます 場合によっては 個人的責任を 奨励する人や集団を批判します |
Limitations may be the most unlikely of places to harness creativity, but perhaps one of the best ways to get ourselves out of ruts, rethink categories and challenge accepted norms. | でもマンネリから抜け出し カテゴリーを再検討し 一般に認められた規範を疑う 最高の方法でしょう |
She tried to challenge those patterns and stereotypes in her work and she tried to show the challenges that journalists face from external sources, their own internal biases and cultural norms. | ジャーナリズムが直面する課題 彼らが因われている 偏見や文化的規範を 明らかにしようとしました 偏見や文化的規範を 明らかにしようとしました |
It would be ideal to have a standard set of norms where, when we got to a post conflict situation, there was an expectation of these mutual commitments from the three parties. | 紛争後の状況において 三者の相互関与が期待できる 規範があるべきです |
When he asked about men, what do men in this country need to do to conform with male norms, the answers were always show emotional control, work is first, pursue status and violence. | どうするべきか尋ねると 主な回答は 常に感情を抑え 仕事第一で |
To make law simple so that you feel free, the people in charge have to be free to use their judgment to interpret and apply the law in accord with reasonable social norms. | 合理的な社会規範と釣り合うように 自身の判断で法の解釈や運用を行うためには 責任者は自由でなければなりません |
Then through some division and multiplication you can arrive at whether that should be given to a 10 year old child or a 14 year old child or whatnot to read based on expected reading norms. | 適当なのは10歳の子どもなのか 14歳の子どもなのかを判断し 想定される読書年齢水準を決めるのです このような測定基準は簡単に計算できます |
And then finally, we're going to try to develop and pioneer a new perspective on high seas governance that's rooted in ocean basin wide conservation, but framed in an arena of global norms of precaution and respect. | 作り出し発展させつつある 新たな観点について考えて行きます それは海盆規模での保護の観点に基づきつつも |
But it is important to recognize that North Korea and South Korea started out with identical sets of rules in both the sense of laws and regulations, but also in the deeper senses of understandings, norms, culture, values and beliefs. | 北朝鮮と韓国とは 全く同じルールから出発したということです 法令や規則という意味においてもそうだし |
And what he said here rings true in my ears all these years later as I'm thinking about norms, and folkways, and what Durkheim called mores, and all the descriptive roles we play in our day to day without even really... | 考えるのは世の中の規範や習俗 デュルケームが提唱した道徳的慣行 日々気づきもせずに演じている 記述的な役割とか おっと 笑 |
Yet, if this is what the Venezuelan people want, then so be it. It is, after all, their business who governs them, and how, as long as human rights are not systematically violated, democratic institutions are not indefinitely suspended, and standard norms of international conduct are respects. | それがもし ベネズエラ国民達の望むことであれば そのままにすればよいだろう 結局 それは彼らを統治する者達の問題であるし 人権が組織的に侵害されない限り 民主主義制度は無期限停止になるわけではなく 国際行動の道徳的基準は尊重されるのだ |
Those of you who die leaving wives shall bequeath for their wives providing for a year, without turning them out but if they leave, there is no sin upon you in respect of what they may do with themselves in accordance with honourable norms. And Allah is all mighty, all wise. | あなたがたの中 主に 召されて妻を残す者は 追い立てられることなく1年間扶養を受けるよう 妻たちのために遺言しなければならない だがかの女らが出て行き合法的に行動することに対しては あなたがたに罪はない アッラーは偉力ならびなく英明であられる |
These populists promise solutions that dispense with the habits and norms of moderation, notably with centrist democratic policies and an internationalism that seeks to promote peace and prosperity. One sometimes wonders whether we are experiencing not so much the end of history as the end of enlightened history, perhaps of the enlightenment itself. | これら人民主義者は 節制の傾向と規範 とりわけ中道民主主義政策と 平和および繁栄を促進しようとする国際主義を省く解決策を 公約に上げる 時折 我々が経験しているのは歴史の終わりというよりも 啓発された歴史の あるいはもしかすると啓発そのものの 終焉なのだろうかと考えてしまう |
As for those of you who die leaving wives, they shall wait by themselves four months and ten days, and when they complete their term, there will be no sin upon you in respect of what they may do with themselves in accordance with honourable norms. And Allah is well aware of what you do. | もしあなたがたの中死後に妻を残す者があれば かの女らは独身のままで4ヶ月と10日間を待たなければならない その期間が満了した時 かの女らが適切に その身を処することに就いては あなたがたに罪はない アッラーはあなたがたの行うことを熟知しておられる |
You see, we also learn that experts are located, are governed, by the social and cultural norms of their times whether it be the doctors in Victorian England, say, who sent women to asylums for expressing sexual desire, or the psychiatrists in the United States who, up until 1973, were still categorizing homosexuality as a mental illness. | 専門家はその時代の 社会的 文化的な 常識によって |
Well, here's some actual proposals that have leaked cutting of Internet access for a number of broadly defined reasons violating international human rights norms giving governments more power to monitor Internet traffic and impose regulations on how traffic is sent defining Spam so broadly that they could justify blocking anything from photos of cute cats to human rights campaigns. | 広義の理由の数のため インターネット接続の切断 国際人権規範に違反する 政府インター ネット トラフィックを監視し トラフィックの送信方法に関する規制を課すより多くの電力を与えること |
The mistake of the international aid industry is to pick these isolated incidents of success, generalize them, pour billions and trillions of dollars into them, and then spread them across the whole world, ignoring the specific and unique circumstances in a given village, the skills, the practices, the norms and habits that allowed that small aid project to succeed | こういった少しの成功に注目し 当たり前のようにしてそこに何億ものお金を注ぎ込み それを世界中に広げていく中で |