Translation of "nurturing" to Japanese language:

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  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Not too nurturing.
One is through improper nurturing.
Exploring the feminine, nurturing side of divinity.
神は 力ではなく無力によって自己表現を
like any ecosystem, the web needed nurturing.
ウェブも育成される必要があったのだ ウェブが成長するにつれて ユーザーたちは新しい挑戦に向き合うことになる
It's also about thinking about the creative spirit and nurturing it, and imagining, particularly in urban America, about the nurturing of the spirit.
創造性について考え 米国の都市において どう育むかを考えました
You need enough nurturing for this system to develop properly.
きちんとした養育が必須です また極度のストレスはオキシトシンを抑制します
Those are entrepreneurial traits that you want to be nurturing.
Are you established, traditional, nurturing, protective, empathetic like the Oprah?
オプラのように親身になれる人 信頼があり 動じない親しみのある人
But everyone that I knew had an interest in the primacy of the written word in terms of nurturing a democracy, nurturing an enlightened life.
書き言葉の重要性について関心をもっています だから彼らは関心があって 時間もある
So babies have to attract our affection and our nurturing, and they do.
And that school is a very nurturing environment, which is just what you need.
学校も育成のいい環境と思う 君にふさわしい
By unlocking and nurturing their creative potential, we can create a step change in Africa's future.
アフリカの未来に大きな変革の一歩が作られます 時間と共にそれはアフリカの発展と科学に
Normal people say, she's warm like the sun, she's radiant like the sun, she's nurturing like the sun.
彼女は太陽のように輝くとか 太陽のように育っているとか すぐにつながりが見つかったでしょう
Investment has to be, in the new economy, protecting and nurturing the ecological assets on which our future depends.
私たちの未来を握る エコロジー的な資産の 保護と育成に投資するべきです
For example, you might say, oh, well, the trait to be nurturing after your reproductive years, that's after reproductive years.
育てる特徴 習性があったとする 繁殖後の何年間かだ それは 自分の子どもの繁殖を 助けるためだ
And it should be just as concerned with making the lives of normal people fulfilling, and with genius, with nurturing high talent.
天賦の才や高い才能の養育にも関心を持つべきです こうして この10年の間に
When have you ever heard the phrase as sweet as an ogre or as nurturing as an ogre or You'll love my dad.
次の言い方を聞いたことがあるか オーガーのように優しい オーガーのようにやさしい
They're fine with teaching Milo for the first few throws, but then they want to beat Milo, where women, they're more nurturing about this.
すぐに 負かしにかかります それに比べ 女性は 丁寧に育成しようとします
From her perspective she may be thinking that she is the reason why you won't come home, so be a little more nurturing and caring of her.
だから もう少し優しくしてあげなさい 僕の人生は自分で決めさせてよ
And then the children would get plenty of support, and nurturing, and mentoring, and the world population would decline very rapidly and everybody would be totally happy.
世界の人口も急激に減少するでしょう 誰もが幸せになることができるのです タイムシェアリングはもう少し先の話です
like the shirtless dancing guy that is standing alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals so it's clearly about the movement, not you.
対等に扱う大切さを 覚えておいてください 肝心なのは自分ではなく運動だということです
There's another one, equally important, about how that very same Mother Nature is so nurturing and so resilient that we can never make a dent in her abundance.
それは まさに同じ母なる自然が 養育力があり たくましいために その潤沢さには大した影響を与えられないという物語です
I'm a combative person, so I'm not actually so big on the nurture, but some way there is another way of nurturing victims, which is to police perpetrators of crime.
助けるという部分は 強くありません しかし 犠牲者を助ける方法は 他にもあります
And if we rely, as we do at the moment, solely on the criminal justice system and the threat of punitive sentences, we will be nurturing a monster we cannot tame.
刑事司法制度や過酷な刑罰の脅威に 頼り続けるだけなら 私達では制御できない怪物を育てることになるでしょう
Everything in nature is used up in a closed continuous cycle with waste being the end of the beginning, and that's been something that's been nurturing me for some time, and it's an important statement to understand.
自然では廃棄物は終わりの始まりなのです その考えが ある時は私の教えになってきました それは私が主張したいことです
Fathers can have time to listen to their kids every evening at dinner time. and would be able to engage in kids' problems such as school bullying, not to mention to check their homework and nurturing them.
躾や宿題はもちろん いじめの話にも ちゃんと早期に父親が関わっていけるでしょう そして女性は 仕事と育児を両立していくことができれば 年金の払い手で居続けることができます
It was a nurturing, loving environment, where they were encouraged to let down their emotional defenses and talk about how awful it is to have breast cancer with people who understood, because they were going through it too.
溜め込んだ感情をぶつけたり 同じ病と戦っている人と分かちあえる 共感と愛情あふれる空間でした
And we stand up in resistance, with our gardens of resistance, growing healthy food, nurturing the soil and the seed, thanking the ancestors of those seeds and their future generations, handing over to our future generations the care and custody of our precious diversity.
健康的な作物を植え 土壌を肥やし 良い種を育て その種をくださったご先祖様や 未来の世代に感謝しましょう
You may already have a film in the can that you've been quietly, privately polishing and nurturing for the last 10 years of your life or the last few weeks of your life, or you can sit down and actually think about what you'd like to do.
捉えて 映像に落として 編集する 15分にそれを凝縮する
If you think about what we normally take as giving life a lot of its meaning music, humor, eroticism, spirituality, aesthetics, nurturing and caring, gossip, chatting with people all of these, very likely, are enabled by a special circuitry that we humans have, but that you could have another intelligent life form that lacks these.
音楽 ユーモア エロティシズム 信仰 美学 養育 思いやり うわさ話 おしゃべり これら全ては 人間の脳に備わっている