Translation of "optic glioma" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
This optic was 22 feet long. | 6.7メートルです 日中に太陽光が入ると |
Monkeys with high speed digital fiber optic technology | そうは言っても 猿は猿だ |
The microsensors will move along your optic nerve. | マイクロは あなたの視神経に沿って移動します |
Fibre optic cables can carry huge amounts of information. | 光ファイバーケーブルは膨大な量の情報を搬送できる |
That's a sea sponge that has a fiber optic. | 海綿動物の基部に見えます |
Draws a groovy rotating fiber optic lamp. Written by Tim Auckland 2005. | いかした光ファイバの灯り Tim Auckland 2005年作 |
Two eyes at the bottom, optic nerve flowing out from the back. | 大きな鼻がありますが |
well, we need a piece of equipment. it's, uh, laser optic hardware. | ちょっと装置が必要だが |
For example, our eyes have blind spots where the optic nerve is attached. | 視界が欠損している部分があります |
You see the going down towards the fovea where the optic nerve begins. | 視神経の始まるところですが 左の絵では網膜には突起があり |
We took little bots that we had created that spooled a fiber optic. | 作り 持ち込んだのです 当時まだ謎に包まれていた |
When you move forward, you get optic flow, flowing outwards in your visual field, | 視野の外側に流れていくものです 宇宙船エンタープライズ号がワープに入ったようになります |
And inside, the daylight each one is an optic and it brings light into the center. | 1本1本から中心に向かって 光が入ります 夜になると |
We are already laced up as if we're in a fiber optic corset, if you like. | コルセットをしたような具合です ちょうどこんなふうに |
So we are really duplicating the kind of signals that you have on the optic nerve. | これらは網膜チップからの出力のスナップショットですが |
It's a fiber optic network linking every street intersection to a data center in city hall. | 光ファーバーの通信網で... すべての交差点を取りつないで... 市役所のデータセンターに中継する. |
Fiber optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs. | 光ファイバーケーブルは人間の髪の毛ほどの細さの小さなガラスでできている |
And then you can take a fiber optic cable and light up some of the same things. | 同じ回路を活性化させることができます ちなみにこれを実施するにあたり |
I'm quite certain, also, that the optic chiasm has deteriorated somewhat due to a weak ipsilateral component. | それも確信があります 視神経交叉が低下気味です 同側部位が弱ってるためです |
There's some fiber optic cable probably between those 2 points, and there's no need for any routing directions. | 経路を選ぶ必要はありません サンノゼでこのポイントに到達すると 他のポイントを検討せずにニューヨークに決まります |
Because I've added blur to these optic flow lines, your brain says, They're probably already moving, that's why they're blurry. | 頭脳は 多分 既に動いているんだ だからぼやけているんだ と考えます 頭を振ると実際より早く |
Now, this is a map of the undersea fiber optic cables that connect Africa to the rest of the world. | 海底光ケーブルの 敷設地図です 驚くべきことに アフリカは |
Now, you're looking at this thinking, Ah, Admiral, these must be sea lanes of communication, or these might be fiber optic cables. | 提督 これは海上交通路ですね それとも光ファイバーケーブル網でしょうか 違います これはTwitterから見た世界を 図で示したものです |
And then I came across this material fiber optic, which usually emits light at the end of this light, as you can see. | 光ファイバーは通常その先端から光を放つものですが ご覧の通りこの光ファイバーは変わっています |
So when you take a fixation, you end up with this weird optic blur stuff, and it tells you the direction you're moving. | このような 変な視覚的ブレが生じ これで動く方向がわかります さて ここで半分話は終わりました |
When you look at a painting that you qualify as beautiful the activity goes through the retina, the optic pathways, to the primary optic cortex to the specialized areas that are specialized for detecting and processing bodies, and then goes to the medial orbital frontal cortex, somehow, and you experience beauty. | その活動は網膜という 視覚的経路を通って 一次視覚野を経て 物体を検出し処理することに 特化した領域を通り |
In effect, when we give cancer patients antiangiogenic therapy here, an experimental drug for a glioma, which is a type of brain tumor you can see that there are dramatic changes that occur when the tumor is being starved. | 血管新生抑制治療を行い グリオーマという脳腫瘍の試験薬を 投与しました |
And these four types of information your optic nerve has about a million fibers in it, and 900,000 of those fibers send these four types of information. | 100万本ほどある視神経のうち 90万本を通じて 送り出されます |
the only way that we can see what she saw, even in theory, is if we could recover the electric impulses that were traveling along her optic nerve. | 理論的でも彼女が見た物を再現するには 視神経を通過する 電気パルスの復元が必要だ |
The point is that it's the stimulus at the back of your eye that has these optic blurs in them, and that's what tells your brain that you're moving. | このブレが生じるわけです これが脳には動きとして伝わります 前に動くとき眼はカメラのように焦点を合わせていきます |
This is a fiber optic cable that was laid between those two cities to just be able to traffic one signal 37 times faster than you can click a mouse just for these algorithms, just for the Carnival and the Knife. | 光ケーブルで マウスクリックの37倍の速さで 信号を伝えることができます |
We had to do this, and the fiber optic, and the attentuation, and the this and the that, all the technology of it, and the difficulty, the human performance aspects of working at sea, you can't explain it to people. | あれやらこれやら その技術的側面と 難しさ 洋上で働く事による人間的側面 |
But if you add cues and this is just one of many kinds of cues that can lead to these kinds of illusions, this very strong optic blur cue then you're going to perceive instead exactly how it will appear in the next moment. | 他にもいろいろありますが このような錯覚が起こります とても強いブレのヒントが起こり |
What I've done is I've collected together the data from the question, the total time of the round trip for the data, which was 75 milliseconds, the one way distance, which was 2,500 kilometers, the speed of light in an optic fiber, which is 200,000 km sec. | 往復時間のデータは75ミリ秒でした 片道の距離は2 500キロメートルで 光ファイバの光の速さは秒速20万キロメートルでした |
Neuroscientists have done the following fascinating experiments where you cut the wire from the ears to the auditory cortex and you re wire, in this case an animal's brain, so that the signal from the eyes to the optic nerve eventually gets routed to the auditory cortex. | 興味深い実験を行なってきた それは 耳から聴覚皮質への 線をカットして |
They want to compress the information they just want to send the changes, what's new in the image, and so on and that is how your eyeball is able to squeeze all that information down to your optic nerve, to send to the rest of the brain. | 画像におこった新たな変化を送信したいのです そして このやりかたで 眼球は視神経を通じ すべての情報を抽出することができます |
These are big brains, highly social animals, and I thought, well, if we give them choice and control, if they can hit a symbol on this keyboard and by the way, it was interfaced by fiber optic cables from Hewlett Packard with an Apple II computer. | そこで考えたのは イルカが選択肢から選べる装置 キーボードの記号をタッチするものです この時 使用したのは 光ファイバーケーブルで |
It's about the router of one network, a Facebook or a Google or a B.T. or a Comcast or a Time Warner, whatever it is, connecting with usually a yellow fiber optic cable up into the ceiling and down into the router of another network, and that's unequivocally physical, and it's surprisingly intimate. | タイムワーナー等の ネットワークのルーター同士が 通常 黄色の 光ファイバーケーブルで 天井をつたって 繋がれています |
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