Translation of "outsourcing suppliers" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Outsourcing - translation : Outsourcing suppliers - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Number of Suppliers.
We face competition from foreign suppliers.
How will I pay our suppliers?
We've been outsourcing the facts of life for decades.
As opposed to outsourcing,which is what you are.
ジプシーコヨーテ 2つも覚えたな
There are thousands of suppliers in there.
Who are your key partners and suppliers?
これまでの講義で価値提案 顧客セグメント
Now, these suppliers were our big companies.
大企業です 彼らは世界市場の登場人物です
They fought the suppliers, they fought the manufacturers.
それは激しく仕入先や メーカーと
I've started outsourcing my memory to the digital world, you know?
アウトソースするわけです でも それって
Did I have to do something with my suppliers?
ビジネスを成功させるには コスト構造を理解する必要があります
But today, with globalization, with outsourcing, English has become a language of aspiration.
アウトソーシングも相まって 英語は熱望される言語となりました 皆が英語を学ぼうとしています
And their key partners might be the professional sports league, and the suppliers, and the dry cleaners, and the shop vendors, and envelope suppliers, and
プロスポーツリーグ メーカー ドライクリーニング店 スタジアムの店舗 包装資材業者 UPS FedEx 米国郵政公社
The next piece is who are your key partners and suppliers.
Now let's think about what happens with the number of suppliers.
供給の数量がどうなるかを見ていこう 供給の数量
and say, Where does your stuff come from? They say, Suppliers.
製品の行き先を尋ねると 消費者へ
Well, there's the Grandview job. Hold up payment on the suppliers.
This Heisenberg, Walter White he was one of Tuco's local suppliers.
ハイゼンベルクは トゥコに ブツを流していた
And they have one of the world's most amazing supply chains, 60,000 suppliers.
Looking at 30 billion per year, we look at our two largest suppliers,
2つの大きな石油の供給国 サウジアラビアと オイルサンドを持つカナダ
There was a co creation, a huge co creation, with vendors and suppliers.
さまざまな共同開発を行いました あらゆるアイデアが歓迎されました
like the one just shown at the auto show by one of the tier one suppliers.
And the consequence of cheap phone calling, free phone calling, to India, is the pissed off programmer, is the outsourcing.
怒れるプログラマ つまりアウトソーシングです グローバル化の中で起こった変化でも劇的なものでしょう
Worse, some of the suppliers realized that they could substitute a product which mimicked heparin in tests.
試験でヘパリンをまねた製品を作り それがヘパリンの代用になると気づきました この代用品は1パウンド9ドルです
They might be partners, they might be suppliers, but they're needed to make your business model work, and these partners and suppliers might supply or give you resources, activities, and other things that are essential for your company to succeed.
いずれもあなたの会社のビジネスモデルを動かすのに 不可欠です 彼らパートナーやサプライヤーはあらゆる資源 活動 そしてあなたの会社が成功するのに不可欠な
Do it like Wal Mart, get it to go green for its customers and its suppliers and for itself.
顧客の為 サプライヤーの為 そして自身の為にグリーン化させて下さい 既存の枠組みの外で考えて下さい
The company keeps operating as it always would so it can pay its suppliers and operate as a regular business.
そして 通常通りのビジネスを行えます この全ての人は 弁護士を雇います
And it made me think, what does this mean, if we're going to be able to start outsourcing, not just lower unimportant brain functions.
自分でやる必要がなくなったら しかも自分より優れているものが やってくれたら 皆さんも 昔はー
And We have made in it means of subsistence for you and for him for whom you are not the suppliers.
われはあなたがたのためにも またあなたがたが決して養育者たりえないものにも生計の道を与えた
The second kind of invisible innovation coming out of India is what we call outsourcing innovation to Indian companies, where many companies today are contracting
インド企業への アウトソーシングイノベーションです 今日では多くの企業が 世界向け製品の 製品開発部門の大部分を
The people getting back to work and keeping the jobs in America. The company I work for is outsourcing, and I think they should fine corporate people from outsourcing our jobs. I don't believe that, you know, I mean, people in this country they need, they're homeless, and you're worrying about sending money and everything else to other countries.
政治の仕組みは壊れていると思いますか もしそうなら どうやって直したらいいでしょうか
Even the safety of the inventor is an important factor, since the monopoly of our current energy suppliers leaves no room for progress.
エネルギー供給の独占者もいる 無料エネルギーは皆の権利だ
So I actually scheduled sleep on my calendar, and spent the 8 hour time difference on conference calls with material suppliers, manufacturers and potential customers.
眠る予定を書き込んだ後 8時間の時差を利用して 材料 製造業者 見込のある取引先と 電話会議をしました やり取りの中で バージニア州の
All the fashion vendors, all the suppliers of high end fashion get together, and actually work together to promote a joint view of the industry.
業界の共通価値を推進するために共同で働きます コーぺティションは別の可能性を含むパートナーの形です
If we wanted to translate the other 80 percent into Spanish, it would cost at least 50 million dollars and this is at even the most exploited, outsourcing country out there.
少なくとも5千万ドルはかかります 甚だしく搾取された国にアウトソースした場合でそうなんです プロの翻訳というのは高くつくのです
They've bribed their way into large contracts, they've tried to influence foreign policy to their own benefit all good reasons why this country should not be outsourcing its military operations to private corporations.
欧米諸国から利益を得るため 彼等は対外政策に影響力を持とうとしてる 何故 国は軍事力を民間に 委託してはいけないと思う
Yeah, I guess he'll just go to some other dealers and suppliers and that's all we need, is 10 South Americans chasing us for the rest of our lives.
ええ 私は彼だけで行きますね いくつかの他のディーラーやサプライヤーへの して すべて私たちが必要なの 私たちを追いかけ10南米です 私たちの生活の残りの部分です
So let's see if we understand the types of partners and suppliers that are available and remember, none of these come with a memo that says they look exactly like these.
覚えておきたい点は どれ一つとして種類が はっきり分かれていないことです 実際の境界線はあいまいです
For start ups, trying to understand what it is you want to focus on versus what is it you require in terms of activities and resources and suppliers is a real strategy.
活動 リソース サプライヤーの観点から必要なものを選ぶこと それが 真の戦略 です パートナーシップは追加機能ではありません
like in Germany, Hermes, and so on and they came back very, very quickly, driven by an unholy alliance between the powerful elites in the countries there and the suppliers from the North.
彼らはあっという間にやって来ます それを促すのはとんでもない癒着関係です その癒着とはその国の
Toyota, instead of treating its suppliers as a marketplace, treats them as a network and trains them to produce better, even though they are also training them to produce better for their competitors.
ネットワークとして扱い 生産性向上にむけて訓練します それが 競争相手の為に訓練することになっても さて どの企業も 利他主義者から行っているのではありません
He developed an interesting outsourcing model for sexual services, (Laughter) no longer tied to a single monopoly provider, in many cases, sourcing things locally, and of course, the ability to have between one and three girls delivered at any time
笑 単独のプロバイダとの付き合いもやめ 多くの場合身近で供給先を確保し
What matters most is whether a country adopts the right growth strategy. With none of Mexico s advantages, Vietnam pursued a strategy that focused on diversifying its economy and enhancing the productive capacity of domestic suppliers.
もっとも重要な点は 国が適切な成長戦略を採用するか否かである メキシコのような優位なくして ベトナムは経済の多様化と国内供給者の生産能力の拡張に重点を置く戦略を追求した
Some of these might actually blur the lines, but let's take a look and see if we can understand who would fit under strategic alliances, joint ventures, traffic partners, coopetition, joint business development, and suppliers.
それをふまえた上でパートナーの種類について つまり戦略的提携 共同事業 トラフィックパートナー コーペティション 共同事業開発 サプライヤーについて 詳しく見ていきましょう
Even if everyone at my firm has good skills, if the workers at the suppliers to my firm do not have good skills, my firm is going to be less competitive competing in national and international markets.
会社の仕入れ元の人々が 優秀なスキルを持っていなければ 私の会社は 国内 国際市場で戦うには


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