Translation of "peg" to Japanese language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Peg Solitaire
ペグ ソリティア
Peg elimination game
Peg Elimination Game
Put the peg in!
Default theme for Peg E
KTron の標準テーマName
How about mumblety peg, fletcher?
I hung my hat on the peg.
This is a question about peg solitaire.
The wooden pieces are fastened with a peg.
When I get this last peg in here,
この最後の 釘を入れば
I needed an anchor, an image, a peg to peg this process on, so that I could go from there.
支えを利用して この状況から 抜け出す必要がありました
Look, Peg, we've been through this a dozen times.
I don't know, but he had a peg leg!
わからないけど 義足はつけました
It is difficult to peg the direction of interest deregulation.
Every chance he gets, he takes me down a peg.
The meaning of the 'dollar peg' is stick with the strong countries.
ドルペッグの意味は 強い国につけということです
In peg solitaire, a single player faces the following kind of board.
次のようなボードを使います 最初は中央以外のすべてのコマが埋まっています
I peg you as a glass is half empty kind of guy. Right?
あんたは 半分しかない と 思う方だな
Is there anything that you'd like to peg me for, Don? Oh, stop.
他にも私に 望むことはない ドン
And I'd like to know, what is the number of steps that an optimal solution will require to move all the disks from the left peg, to the right peg.
すべての板を移動させるために必要な ステップの数はいくつでしょうか
He might, however, have seen a wooden peg of a different size or color.
しかし 彼は違った大きさや色の木製の留めくぎを見たことはあるかもしれない
We have the peg legs there, that are all handmade and fitted to you.
You can find more information on peg solitare at the following URL. http wiki peg_solitaire
Tragic attempts by lonely old coffin dodgers... to meet someone before they give up and peg out.
寂しい一人身の 年老いた棺桶から免れた人たちを悲劇が襲う 諦めて死ぬ前に 誰かに出会うために
For example, Pepperberg would show Alex an object, such as a green wooden peg or a red paper triangle.
例えば ペパーバーグは緑色のもくせいの留めくぎと赤色の紙の三角形のような物体を見せる
You can use the middle peg, but the rules are you can only move one disk at a time.
小さい板は大きい板の下に置いてはいけないという ルールがあります
I'd like to know, whether the number of the disks on the left peg are an admissible heuristic, if you use A search.
許容的ヒューリスティックになるでしょうか そして最適な解法を使った場合 一番左の杭から一番右の杭へと
John and Cathy have different tastes and different characters. Trying to get them together is like putting a square peg in a round hole.
ジョンとキャシーは興味も性格も違う その二人を一緒にさせようとするのは丸穴に角釘を打つようなものだ
It's a single player game, by which you try to move the tower of four slices over here, onto the right peg, over here.
中央の杭も使えますが 1枚の板しか同時に動かせないということと
In the midst of the dollar falling hard against the Yen and other major Eastern currencies the Chinese Yuan, with China effectively taking a 'dollar peg' policy, has become cheap.
ドルが円をはじめとする主要なアジア通貨に対して急落しているなか 実質上のドルペッグ政策を採っている中国の人民元は割安となっている
China s abrupt decision to raise the value of the renminbi (yuan) by 2.1 and to end its peg to the dollar comes after months of pressure from the US. But the revaluation is likely to be a one time affair and the free floating of the renminbi is probably not real because a stable currency is very much in China s interest.
中国の 人民幣 (元) を 2.1 切り上げ ドル ペッグ制を廃止するという突然の決定は 米国からの過去数ヶ月にわたる重圧の成果である この驚くべき政策変更は 中国にとっては依然として固定通貨が有利であるため しばらくの間保留されることになりそうである