Translation of "pistol" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Pistol - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Toss the pistol.
The holy water pistol?
He had a pistol.
Look, a pistol. Cool.
A ruffian's pistol went off.
He reached for the pistol.
I heard a pistol shot.
Gun? That .25 caliber pistol.
どこにある? 何のことか
Give me the phase pistol.
Every men has a water pistol.
狙いたくなりますよね 笑
Oh, he's a pistol, isn't he?
彼って ちょっとアブナイ人ね
Claridge HiTec semiautomatic 9 mm pistol.
Bill was careless in handling his pistol.
He was careless in handling his pistol.
I forgot. I did have a pistol.
昨日の朝 盗まれた
Where be Jack's pistol? Bring it forward.
A pistol bullet went clean through his leg.
This is my substitute for pistol and ball.
哲学的繁栄カトーは彼の剣によって自分自身をスローを使って 私 は静かにしてください
Tell that bastard to hand over his pistol.
ピストルを渡すように あいつに言え
Had my pistol and knew just what to do.
機会をうかがい 接近して後をつけた
I'm gonna kill her with a .44 Magnum pistol.
Give me the pistol, and then ask for my respect.
Last time you left me a pistol with one shot.
前は弾をひとつだけ込めた銃を 持たせてくれたよな
I don't own a small caliber pistol. The body's down below.
You do want to point your pistol at it, don't you?
便器の周りが汚れないっていう メリットがあるんですね
A bluesman never travels the road without a pistol. No, sir.
I have an idea he was killed with a small caliber pistol.
僕が正しければ 身の潔白を 証明できると思う
I never carry a pistol. Want to tell him that in person?
ー俺は銃は持たん ー本人に言ったらどうだ
When a pirate's marooned, he's given a pistol with a single shot.
海賊が島に置き去りにされるときは 弾の入った銃を渡されるんだ
Ten years you carry that pistol and now you waste your shot.
10年間大事にしてきた一発を 無駄にしてしまうのか
The police officer pointed his pistol at the criminal, who, in turn, held his pistol directly pointed at the officer. Neither had the advantage, the position was a stalemate.
警官は犯人にピストルを向けた するとその犯人が こんどは警官に直接自分のピストルをつきつけた どちらも勝ち目はなかった 絶体絶命だった
He was deliberately cocking his pistol, and, in the momentary silence that followed
ジョージの演説は 彼は彼で焼成
I have a .44 Magnum pistol. I'm gonna kill her with that gun.
44マグナムを持ってる そいつで殺るんだ
I went into this pawnshop, and I bought this little pistol and some bullets.
弾を そこの箱に入ってるものよ
Yeah, I'm one of the good guys. Why don't you put that pistol away?
ああ 俺は善人だ 銃をしまってくれないか
I don't want your pistol, I just don't want you pointing it at me.
欲しいんじゃない 俺に向けないでほしいんだ
But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol looks real friendly.
でも3週間もすれば その銃がたった1つの 救いに見えてくるのさ
Wayne. Keep that pistol aimed at the strike zone, because that is where this bad boy's going.
そいつをストライクゾーンに向けろ スピードを測る
Being a good American, he has a pistol in the nightstand, pulls out his gun, and walks down the stairs.
人殺しはいやだが 撃たれるぐらいなら
Come in, said the bearded man in an undertone, standing back and facing the unbolted doors with his pistol behind him.
彼の背後のピストルをドアにかんぬきをはずした 誰が来たない ドアが閉鎖されていた 五分後に第二御者は 慎重にそれらを彼の頭を押したとき
He drew up his pistol, examined it, pointed it towards that point in the defile where the first man would appear.
最初の男が現れます パーティの中で最も勇敢なの一つは 道がこのように作られて トムに続いて
It'll be one pistol as before, and you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady, and starve to death yourself.
今度も一丁だけだ レディを先に撃ち殺し 飢えで野たれ死ぬことで 紳士らしくしていたらどうだ
I know it's hard taking advice from someone, who used to chase you around the backyard with the plastic laser pistol.
かつて裏庭でおもちゃの ピストルで君を追い掛け回した 誰かからの忠告を聞くことが 難しいことは知っている
Over the battle of the marne, you shot down three german fokkers with a pistol and directed the artillery so the marines could win.
銃でドイツの三機を撃ち落とし 海軍が勝てるよう 大砲を向けたってな
Ye see ye get jist as much for him dead as alive in Kentucky, he said coolly, as he wiped his pistol on his coat sleeve.
彼のピストルは 彼のコートの袖で拭った ジョージは 後方に跳び Elizaは悲鳴を発声 ボールは彼の近くに渡されていた


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