Translation of "preventing" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : 妨げ 作物 防止

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Ways of controlling, preventing soil erosion.
We are but preventing her from injuring another.
We are but preventing her from injuring another.
ホームズはソファの上まで座っていた と私は彼を必要としている人のような動きを見た
It's not the only reason preventing heart disease.
He was talking about preventing the second suicide attempt .
CA What's the bottleneck preventing this stuff getting from scale?
You know, the previous talk alluded to preventing heart disease.
Minamoto suffered physical damage preventing him from ever diving again.
でもね 源さん自身も あの時の緊急浮上で 二度と潜れない体に
And the evidence for it preventing cancers is not yet great.
ビタミンDだけが 主役ではないと言えます
So what's preventing him from doing to me what he did to naomi?
ナオミの時のようになったら 私は逃げられないわ
Basically, the name of the game for preventing cross site scripting is escaping HTML.
And still a third group got a message about being good citizens, preventing blackouts.
善良な市民になろうと メッセージを配りました 通常 電気代節約の通知が もっとも有効だろうと思いますが
We've got the tools, the knowledge and the cash, and commitment to preventing HlV too.
資金も 取り組みもあるのに イネス どうして感染者数がまだ増えているのか?
The key to preventing or mitigating pandemic bird flu is early detection and rapid response.
鳥インフルエンザのパンデミックを防ぎ 抑制するには 早期発見 緊急対処が重要です 今後3年間に鳥インフルエンザが流行しても
You are the one that is preventing abundance and money from flowing into your experience.
お金に関する思い込みと 気持ちで妨げているのです 貧困を感じながらお金持ちになることはできないのです
and your personal resentment is preventing you and you're wasting your breath and my time.
あなたは個人的な感情で目が曇っている そして君は時間を無駄にしている
So here's the thing. I need to access my operations account and you're preventing that.
任務会計へのアクセスを 君が妨げている
Is it safe as it sounds what's preventing North American governments from actually creating the reactor?
原子炉 約恐ろしいことは何です それ
Asking questions about Mary is not going to get us anywhere in terms of preventing violence.
Everything relies on you getting them in, getting them out and preventing anyone from getting killed.
全ては君の肩にかかっている 彼らの命運も 全てだ
The chordae tendinae and the papillary muscles do a really important job in preventing that from happening.
とても大事な部分なのです 今度はこちらの心室中隔に目を向けてみましょう
When they do this, they obscure the underlying genes, preventing the cell from being able to read them.
細胞は遺伝情報の解読ができません このエピジェネティク マークは 遺伝子をオフにするのです
I am the one thing the one thing preventing this place from being totally fucked in the ass.
私に限って 何故なんだ こんな事はデタラメだ こっちから辞めてやる
They use their oaths as a shield therefore preventing from Allah s way so for them is a disgraceful punishment.
かれらは誓いを かれらの悪行の 隠れ場とし アッラーの道から 人びとを 阻む かれらは恥ずべき懲罰を受けるであろう
A compound that has been tested in mice, BMN 111, is useful in preventing the action of the achondroplasia gene.
軟骨発育不全症の遺伝子の作用を 防ぐのに効果があります 軟骨発育不全は小人症の原因として 最も多いものですが
But what you're talking about here is not extending human lifespan by preventing death, so much as extending human youthspan.
Could the answer to cancer be preventing angiogenesis, beating cancer at its own game, so the cancers could never become dangerous?
ガン細胞の増殖を食い止めることが ガンの解決策になるのか 疑問に感じたからです
This is an incredibly successful story of government intervention in preventing a disease, and as I said here, prevent bad stuff.
そしてここで言ったように 悪い事を防ぐ このランダム化実験を使って ワクチンは有効だと分かった そして一旦分かったら 親も効く納得し
So to a large degree they are kind of on society's side in preventing management from kind of being overly bullish.
社会の側にいます 私は 空売りをしている人達を擁護していると
This process will also be catalyzed by the military for its own reasons of combat effectiveness and preventing conflict, particularly over oil.
防ぐためという独自の理由を抱えた軍部によっても 推し進められていくでしょう この主張は 石油からの脱却を成し遂げるために という本で発表しています
Okay, so there is a feedback signal that vetoes the signal of the mirror neuron preventing you from consciously experiencing that touch.
否認するフィードバック信号があって その触覚を自覚的に経験することを防いでいます しかし 麻酔状態にして この腕を取ったら
'Cause when your heart rate dips below 50, that battery will give you a wakeup call, preventing your body from shutting down.
心臓の動きが50を下回ったら 電気ショックで起こす 体が完全に止まらないように
Actually that I bring a huge volume of reference material with me is a makeshift way of preventing people from disputing my case.
実は 大量の資料を持ってくるのは 反論させないための姑息な手段である
It was all about preventing this domino theory that if one country in a region would fall to Communism, the other countries would.
アメリカは少しパラノイドになり それは正当だったのかもしれませんが
We're already preventing millions of deaths with existing vaccines, and if we get these to more people, we can certainly save more lives.
何百万人もの命を救っています ワクチンをより広く行き渡らせれば より多くの命を救えます
And remember, he was, invented cosmological constant as a means of preventing the expan, collapse of the universe for that wasn't really needed.
宇宙定数を発明してしまった人なのだ 本当はそんな物要らなかったのに 彼は宇宙の拡大を予言しそこなった それは暗に彼の方程式に
I know this label gets slapped on pretty much all we do, but preventing this transaction from taking place is our highest priority.
同様の事例がたくさんあるが この取引が起こるのを防ぐことは 我々の最も高い優先事項だ
This attachment to our own rightness keeps us from preventing mistakes when we absolutely need to and causes us to treat each other terribly.
最も大事な時でも 間違いの防止には役立ちません 酷い態度で接し合う事態を招きます
And the only thing preventing us from doing truly visionary work are these moralbased restrictions that lawmakers put up in the name of public policy.
空想のような技術でさえ 原理的には不可能ではない ただそれを阻むのは
They even draw a nice diagram like this, because they want to give us a fair chance of preventing Earth from turning into a mushroom farm.
こんな図まで買いて 説明してくれます 部屋が全く暗い時点で
But with your survival came your obsession... obsession to stop those around you from making the wrong choices, thus preventing you from making the right ones.
君は事件に執念を燃やし 正しい判断を見失っている 君が元に戻るには 救助 が必要だ
It would not have come as a surprise to Gregor if she had not come in, since his position was preventing her from opening the window immediately.
位置はすぐにウィンドウを開いてから彼女を防止した しかし 彼女だけでなく 内部のステップはなかった 彼女はさらに後退してドアを閉める
And we want to measure this because, well, while you're eating a strawberry or drinking tea, why not select the one that's most potent for preventing cancer?
苺を食べたり お茶を飲んだりする際には 抗ガン作用が一番高い種類を
Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property because the congressional aides who name these things have a lot of time on their hands.
インターネットにおける経済的創造性への現実の脅威ならびに知的財産窃盗の予防 の略になっています こういったものの名前を考える議員補佐官は
A patent is a government is giving you a monopoly by preventing others from making, using, or selling your invention, even if the other's infringement was innocent or accidental.
特許には進歩性がなければなりません 特許の保護期間は15年から20年ほどです