Translation of "propagation" to Japanese language:

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Propagation - translation :

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Enable transparent session id propagation.
recodeのサポートを有効にします DIRは recodeのインストールディ レクトリです
Your paper on viral propagation was very insightful.
ウィルスの伝染に関する研究では 非常に鋭い洞察力をお持ちだ
In particular, we'll talk about the back propagation algorithm.
Or any evidence of fracture propagation within the tectonic plates.
予期されていた液状化現象は 観測されては おりません
My story is actually not about plant propagation, but about pollen itself.
花粉そのものについてです そもそも 花粉の特徴とは何かとお尋ねになるかもしれません
We were studying wave propagation, and I couldn't understand this one problem, this one equation.
そこで教授のところへ行き これはいったいなんなのか どういった状況にこの方程式が成り立つのか 質問しました
Next, in order to compute the derivatives, we're going to use an algorithm called back propagation.
バックプロパゲーション 後方に伝播 と呼ばれる アルゴリズムを使っていく バックプロパゲーションのアルゴリズムは 直感としては
So that's the back propagation algorithm and how you compute derivatives of your cost function for a neural network.
アルゴリズムだ それとニューラルネットワークの コスト関数の偏微分係数を 計算する方法
The fund was, of course, for the propagation and spread of the red heads as well as for their maintenance.
だけでなく その維持のため それは非常に残念ですザットユー
They will be told, This (torment) is the result of your unreasonable happiness on the earth and of your propagation of falsehood.
それもあなたがたが地上で 正しくない歓楽を追求し また横柄であったためである
This is just the theorem of total probability or forward propagation rule applied to this case over here, so nothing really new.
At ₁の確率をXとします
The first thing we do is we apply forward propagation in order to compute whether a hypotheses actually outputs given the input.
フォワードプロパゲーション 前方に伝播 を 与えられた入力に対して 仮説が実際に何を出力するかを計算する為 適用する
Let's take everything and put it all together to talk about how to implement back propagation to compute derivatives with respect to your parameters.
パラメータに関する微分の計算を どう実装するのか 議論しよう
So this is our vectorized implementation of forward propagation and it allows us to compute the activation values for all of the neurons in our neural network.
ベクトル化された実装だ 以上でまた ニューラルネットワーク内の
Next we apply 2 more steps of this four and propagation to compute a(3) and a(4) which is also the upwards of a hypotheses h of x.
もう2ステップさらに適用して a(3)と a(4)を計算する これはh(x)の
He who has assigned (the propagation) of the Qur'an to you will bring you back to the destination. Say My Lord knows who has come to guidance, and who is clearly in error.
本当に クルアーンをあなたに授けられるかれは 必ずあなたを帰る所 マッカ に帰されるであろう 言ってやるがいい わたしの主は 導きを(西?)す者が誰か また明らかに迷っている者が誰であるかを 最もよく知っておられる
launch and propagation of a Charter for Compassion, crafted by a group of inspirational thinkers from the three Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and based on the fundamental principle of the Golden Rule.
思いやりの憲章 とは アブラハムの3宗教 ユダヤ教 キリスト教 イスラム教の 思想家の混成チームが 黄金律 の基本原理に則って 作ったものです
We'll fix this detail later about the regularization term, but so by performing back propagation and computing these delta terms, you can, you know, pretty quickly compute these partial derivative terms for all of your parameters.
後で修正するが バックプロパゲーションを実行して これらのデルタ項を計算する事で
The intuition of the back propagation algorithm is that for each note we're going to compute the term delta superscript I subscript j that's going to somehow represent the error of note j in the layer l.
各ノードごとに デルタ項を計算していく デルタには上付き添字のlに下付き添字のjがつく
It actually turns out, though, even though we've only known of long range propagation for a few decades, the whales clearly have evolved, over tens of millions of years, a way to exploit this amazing property of the ocean.
数十年前に過ぎませんが クジラたちは 数千万年かけて この海の 驚くべき性質の利用法を
So the first thing we're going to do is set a1 which is the activations of the input layer, set that to be equal to xi is the inputs for our i training example, and then we're going to perform forward propagation to compute the activations for
最初にやることは a1 つまり入力レイヤーの アクティベーションに対し
And then we're going to use the back propagation algorithm to compute delta L minus 1, delta L minus 2, and so on down to delta 2 and once again there is now delta 1 because we don't associate an error term with the input layer.
アルゴリズムを用いて デルタL 1 デルタL 2 と
But both in the programming assignments write out and later in this video, we'll give you a summary of this so we can have all the pieces of the algorithm together so that you know exactly what you need to implement if you want to implement back propagation to compute the derivatives of your neural network's cost function with respect to those parameters.
宿題と あとの ビデオで また まとめ直すので
The name back propagation comes from the fact that we start by computing the delta term for the output layer and then we go back a layer and compute the delta terms for the third hidden layer and then we go back another step to compute delta 2 and so, we're sort of back propagating the errors from the output layer to layer 3 to their to hence the name back complication.
デルタ項を 出力レイヤから 計算しはじめて


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