Translation of "quay dues" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Quay - translation : Quay dues - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The boat was alongside the quay.
He was sitting on the quay.
This is housing association dues.
もし あなたがコミニティに住めば そこでゴルフコースをシェアしたり
The boat moved slowly away from the quay.
Pay your dues to the treasurer.
I've paid my dues on time, (Laughter)
笑 ゲイ プライド フラッグのパレードにだって はるばる行って参加したのに
She's paid her dues working there for years.
You answer the bell. You pay your dues.
お呼びがかかり 行くだけだ
She was waiting at the quay as the ship came in.
See where she stands and waves Her hand upon the quay
毎日 僕がいない間 彼女は僕を探してみる
He paid his dues for what he is now.
I caught sight of Jim leaning over the parapet of the quay.
fiveアナス以上3つのネイティブ船頭の口論は 彼にひどい列を作っていた
As stars with trains of fire and dues of blood...
Cross off the names of the people who have paid their dues.
Many members dropped out of the club when the dues were raised.
The housing association dues, once again, this is on a monthly basis.
月額ベースになっています そして その仮定から 12で掛けました
Who, when they take the measure (of their dues) from men take it fully,
かれらは人から計って受け取る時は 十分に取り
Hey Walter, how are you going to get these robots to pay union dues?
どう組合費を取るつもりだい ルーサーは じゃあ そっちは
Give the relatives, the destitute and those who when on a journey have become needy, their dues.
近親者に 当然与えるべきものは与えなさい また貧者や旅人にも だが粗末に浪費してはならない
It's more like joining a club, where you pay dues every year, and every year, they say,
毎年ソフト会社は言ってきます 機能を追加しました 99ドルです
We have dues for all of your bid. We are covered with stones and filled with ash.
私たちは戒律の代価を払いました あらゆる石と畑を灰で覆いました
And I'll yield the floor here for a second to Einstein, who, I believe, has paid his dues.
これは当然ですよね 彼は問題の定式化が肝要だと言います
He will pay them their dues in full, and will increase them from His bounty. He is Forgiving and Appreciative.
かれは 十分にかれらに報奨を払われ 御恵みを余分に与えられる 本当にかれは 度々赦される御方 奉仕に 十分感謝される方であられる
Therefore, establish Salat, pay the Zakat dues and obey the Messenger it is expected that you will be shown mercy.
それで礼拝の務めを守り 定めの喜捨をなし 使徒に従え そうすればあなたがたは 慈悲にあずかるであろう
You couldn't charge dues to the people in the gang, because the people in the gang didn't have any money.
彼らには金がない マリファナは儲かりません
And what this assumption drives is, well, there's going to be some inflation on things like housing association dues, annual maintenance, insurance.
住宅協会費や年間メンテナンス費や 保険代がインフレになります これをあなたはどう仮定するか このモデルでのインフレ率は
Michael Free at PATH says you have to figure out who will choose, use and pay the dues for a product like this.
把握しなければならないと言います ベンチャーキャピタルは いつもこう聞きます
Michael Free at PATH says you have to figure out who will choose, use and pay the dues for a product like this.
こういう製品は 誰が 選び 使い 費用を払う のか 考えるべきだ と言います ベンチャー資本家のいつもの質問が 大事です
On that Day Allah will pay them back (all) their just dues, and they will realise that Allah is the (very) Truth, that makes all things manifest.
その日アッラーは かれらが受けるべき応報を 凡て 払い戻され かれらは アッラーが真理であり 凡てのことを 明瞭になされることを 知るであろう
Sooner or later, I should be wanting to go back to England, and I didn't want to get there and find Aunt Agatha waiting on the quay for me with a stuffed eelskin.
ぬいぐるみeelskin with私のために岸壁で待機しているおばさんアガサをそこに見つける そこに絶対に何もそれのためになかったが仲間を置いての最善を尽くすために
So they set out till they (came to the quay) and went on board a ship in which he made a hole, (and Moses said ) You have made a hole in the boat to drown its passengers? You have done a strange thing!
そこで2人が出発して 舟に乗り込むと かれはそれに穴をあけた そこでかれ ムーサー は言った あなたがそれに穴を開けるのは 人びとを溺れさすためですか あなたは本当に嘆かわしいことをなさいました
And for all, We have appointed heirs from whatever the parents and near relatives leave behind and to those with whom you have made an agreement, give them their dues indeed all things are present before Allah.
各人のために われはその父母と近親が残すものの相続者を決めた なおあなたがたの右手が約束した者にも その分け前を与えなさい 本当にアッラーは凡てのことの立証者であられる
Verily Allah commandeth you that ye shall render dues unto the owners thereof, and that, when ye judge between men, judge with justice. Verily excel lent is that wherewith Allah exhorteth you verily Allah is ever Hearing, Beholding.
誠にアッラーは あなたがたが信託されたものを 元の所有者に返還することを命じられる またあなたがたが人の間を裁く時は 公正に裁くことを命じられる アッラーがあなたがたに訓戒されることは 何と善美なことよ 誠にアッラーは全てを聴き凡てのことに通暁なされる
Well, we've all heard about what they are, I think, and we all know they're used quite a bit by people and companies who are trying to avoid paying their proper dues to society, also known as taxes.
幽霊会社は よく個人や会社が 社会への適正な義務 つまり税金の支払いを
It is He Who produceth gardens, with trellises and without, and dates, and tilth with produce of all kinds, and olives and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in variety) eat of their fruit in their season, but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess for Allah loveth not the wasters.
かれこそは棚を備えた果樹園 また棚のない果樹園を創られる御方であり またナツメヤシや様々な味の異なった農作物 とオリーブ ザクロその外同類異種のものをも 創られた御方である 実が熟したならば食べなさい 収穫の日には 定めの喜捨を供出し 浪費してはならない 本当にかれは 浪費の徒を御愛でになられない


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