Translation of "radiator hose" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

The r.V.'s radiator hose is shot.
動いていないから 空気が吹き込まず
Fuckin' radiator.
It's not the radiator.
Do you see that radiator?
Connecting the 1 2 hose directly to the hose barb, with a hose clamp, is preferred
小さい付属品は 大幅に配信空気量を削減します
Hose it down!
Mind the hose.
You know, I'll be Hose A , you'll be Hose B .
It's just a stripped radiator cap.
It is recommended that the 1 2 hose is connected directly to the Hose Barb with a Hose Clamp
Mishima's hose is ruptured.
三島のホースが... 破損してます
It attaches to the hose here.
It's more duct tape than hose.
All right, get that hose outta there.
さあ ホースを出すんだ
I have an oxygen hose connected here.
He played a hose on the burning hotel.
He was watering his garden with a hose.
Trying to push a watermelon Through a garden hose.
For other people, it's a guy with a garden hose.
Preston, go over there and hold the hose ready, OK?
よし プレストン むこうでホースの準備をするんだ
Hey, Preston, give him a good hose behind the ears!
おい プレストン 耳の後ろも忘れるなよ
Boy, that hose isn't long for this world, is it?
I told you we'd never get far on that hose.
このホースじゃ遠くへは 行けないと話しただろ
Come on, get the hose outta there. ( shouting indistinctly ) It's hot.
Don't worry, I got you. Hose B . Alright, class, that's it.
And the hose on that van is just about a perfect match...
そのバンについてるやつが ぴったりフィットするんだ
Get over to the mouth and get that hose down. Go! What happened?
You can you hold them in your hand. They're like a garden hose.
しかし別の見方では ご想像の通り
...through a garden hose. Sir, no, sir. I don't like the name Lawrence.
お前が気に食わん おカマか水兵の名だ
Don 't hose your lawn, your car, or anybody else, for that matter.
ホースで水を撒くのはやめ 何であろうとね
And then I can't tell you how hard it is to do that radiator, which is curved.
Yesterday he gave me a fire truck with a hose that squirts real water.
本当の水を撒くホース付きだよ そんなお話はもう十分だ ジョニー
No hose line to guide you out if you get lost in the smoke.
Way I diagnose it, your radiator needs immediate surgery and we got a lot of complications in the transmission.
すぐにラジエーターの 手術が必要で トランスミッションに いろいろ合併症があるね 修理にかかる時間は
If you press on a hose pipe in a sealed system, it bulges someplace else.
押すと他の場所が膨らみます もしその膨らむ場所が
We have art students getting together, taking old radiator parts and doing an iron pour to make something new out of it.
古い冷却装置の鉄の廃材を ドロドロにし 新たな物を作っていました 夏に行ったのでとても暑かったです
Apply pipe thread sealant to the air gun hose fitting and fasten it tightly to the connecting point
You just drive to the nearest lake, stick your hose in it, and you've got your car filled up.
車を満タンにすればいいのです ただしマッチを擦って火を起こすと
Move to the coolant pump area and attach the wash down hose assembly to the mounting point on the coolant manifold
ホース アセンブリ洗うクーラント マニホールドへの取り付け位置に取り付けます TSC ポンプの左側にある開口部を置く
Using this technology, the specialists at UCLA Medical Center were able to identify where that compression in the hose pipe was occurring.
この技術を使ってパイプのどこに 圧迫があるか特定しました 循環器系外科医は左右の第一助骨を取り除きました
Place the TSC pump in the left side opening and connect the high pressure hose to the high pressure filter on the machine
高圧フィルター上に高圧のホースを接続 次標準クーラント ポンプを配置し ポンプにクーラント マニホールドから 3 4 冷却水ラインを接続
If your high pressure hose pipe or hydraulic line bulges a little, you just wrap some tape around it, it really is that simple.
高圧の油圧パイプが少し膨れたら その外側をテープで巻きます コンセプト上は本当にシンプルです
Because following the fire hose of Trac comments and everything like that has gotten pretty big and you might not need to follow everything.
勢いよく流れてくるすべての Trac チケットやコメントを すべてフォローするのはかなり大変になってきたからです すべてをフォローする必要はないかもしれないですよね
If you have a car that no one knows, and you know to borrow petrol with the help of hose, you quite some time to travel.
誰も知らない車があって ホースでガソリンを 拝借する方法を知ってれば 相当に長い間 旅を続けることができる


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