Translation of "rags" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : 雑巾 ぼろ 布きれ

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

To rags if necessary!
The man was in rags.
My little five year old kid neighbor comes running in, and he says, Rags, Rags.
慌ててやってきて 言いました ラガヴァ ラガヴァ ヒンドゥーがイスラム教徒を殺しているよ 気をつけて
I wear my coat to rags.
I'll just take Rags inside ( whimpering )
My grandmother wears a dress to rags.
You shouldn't keep towels and cleaning rags together.
Strip off the clean linen. Spread old rags instead.
きれいなシーッは外して 古いのでいいから
All he's got in his garbage are snot rags!
ゴミから何が見つかるんだ 鼻水だらけのティッシュか
If left it to the maids, twenty sheets would be rags.
メイドに任せると 使い古すから
Hey Rags, thank you for the magic carpet ride around the world.
私にとって 芸術は魔法のじゅうたんです
Sell those designer rags you're wearing and you can buy new ones
その身に付けてるブランドもん売れば 新品買えんじゃね
It's better than those rags you were wearing, and that's a fact.
君が着ていたあのぼろ服よりいいよ それは事実だよ
The rags were unwrapped from a little girl whose body was massively burned.
そこにはひどい火傷を負った 小さな女の子がいました また です
There is monster, rags to riches, quest, voyage and return, comedy, tragedy, rebirth.
旅と帰還 喜劇 悲劇 再生の物語です 他の分類法もあるかもしれませんが
You'll want to change those wet rags immediately. Yes. They look about the way I feel.
Rags to riches, that's not just the name of a book, that's what this country was all about.
いつか金持ちにというのが みんなの夢でした
And he walked in, and somebody said something to him, we realized he was deaf, and we looked into the rags, and there was this pair of eyes.
彼は耳が聞こえないのだと気が付きました 毛布の中をのぞきこむと そこには2つの目がありました
And on the first day at Simikot in Humla, far west of Nepal, the most impoverished region of Nepal, an old man came in clutching a bundle of rags.
ネパールの中で最も貧しい地域の一つである フムラの中のシミコットという町での一日目のことでした ぼろぼろの毛布握りしめた 一人の老人が
He's a twobit TV actor... who won't be around any longer than it takes for the ink to dry on the pages of the worthless rags you jerkoffs write for!
彼の くだらない記事を書いても
Poor Lazarus there, chattering his teeth against the curbstone for his pillow, and shaking off his tatters with his shiverings, he might plug up both ears with rags, and put a corn cob into his mouth, and yet that would not keep out the tempestuous Euroclydon.
彼のshiveringsで彼のぼろをオフに揺れ 彼はで 両方の耳を塞ぐ可能性が ぼろ と彼の口の中にトウモロコシ穂軸を入れ と まだ激しいEuroclydonを維持しないこと