Translation of "rally" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Rally - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

It's a rally.
Rally to me!
余のもとに集え 集え
Rally the villager?
Clone forces rally.
Rally the help downstairs!
下に人数を集めな 急ぎな したに にんずうをあつめな
3D rally racing car game
3D ラリーレースゲーム
When is the pep rally?
Reposition to rally point three.
Weak people rally around fame.
Did you go on to the rally?
Lincoln, you must rally or you will die.
リンカーンは 今すぐにでも死ぬとも
A rally in Victory Square at 21.30 hours.
21時30分 勝利広場の 集会に参加せよ
Three lunches. And the pep rally on Friday.
3回 それに集会も一緒
I thought, I'm in the sports rally or something.
They're holding a rally by the church right now.
A rally resembling this one in Triumph Of The Will
かわいらしい小型ロボットは サイレント ランニング
Zero Six is at rally point three and standing by.
Nothing like a pep rally to warm up our prince.
If Dooku escapes... rally more systems to his cause he will.
ドゥークーを捕り逃せば あやつはさらに多くの 星系を取り込むじゃろう
But I'm gonna go tell him right after the pep rally.
でも激励会の後で言うつもり 来る
They'll meet at a rally point off site until further notice.
離れた場所の合流地点集合 そこで命令を待つ
I thought it was up to me to rally round old Corky.
あなたはそれから少し遠くに立ってほしい と私は言った
We're comin' to get you, son. Just get to the rally point.
君を救助に向かう 集合地点に向かってくれ
To push public opinion to rally for you to stay, didn't you?
世論に訴えさせ 抗議活動を扇動させた 違いますか?
In a few months, we hope to have a giant youth rally here.
沢山の若者がいると望んでるわ 有難う みんな
Hey, come to the pep rally with me. I brought extra pompoms. Come on!
壮行会があるの 行きましょ
Cinderella if you're listening, your prince wants to rendezvous with you after the pep rally.
シンデレラ... もし聞いてるなら 激励会の後待ち合わせしよう
The news of a Vulcanhuman hybrid could inflame them... give them something to rally against.
バルカン人と人間のハーフのニュースは 彼らを再燃させ抗議集会の口実になる
I was suddenly on a stage surrounded by thousands of cheering people during a political rally.
路上で何千もの観衆に 取り囲まれていました そこで気づいたのは 私が国を去ったときは
The man was still thoroughly pipped about the hat and tie, and simply wouldn't rally round.
ラウンド ある朝私はWoostersの誇りを沈没しように多くの慰めしたかった
I am quite convinced that 10,000 more systems... will rally to our cause with your support, gentlemen.
君たちが力を貸してくれれば さらに1万の星系が 我々の側につくと確信している
So he's going to try and rally his people behind him by striking back at the U.S.
だから 合衆国を攻撃しようとしてる
But we knew we really needed the right person to kind of rally behind and build something for.
適任者を見つけることの重要性を認識していました 数か月間 このアイデアは保留にされた後
Mr. Bickersteth is in a bit of a hole, Jeeves, I said, and wants you to rally round.
ラウンド 先生 非常に良い Bickyは 少し疑問だった
(Filmmaker) The following day immigrants and thousands of their supporters took part in a rally denouncing Golden Dawn's violent attacks.
フランク 翌日行われた 黄金の夜明け による襲撃を弾劾するデモには 移民たちと 数千人の市民たちが参加した しかしこのような激しい怒りの表明が行われているにも関わらず
First time, a rally and a street play in a rural school unheard of to tell their parents why literacy is important.
It can get sideways like a rally car driver, always able to take the tightest curve, even on slippery, changing surfaces, never spinning out.
急カーブでも失敗しません 滑りやすい路面でも 路面コンディションが変化しても ー スピンしません
Say, Should all humans and jinn rally to bring the like of this Quran, they will not bring its like, even if they assisted one another.
言ってやるがいい 仮令人間とジンが一緒になって このクルアーンと同じようなものを(西?)そうと協力しても 到底 このようなものを(強?)すことは出来ない
All a publisher has to do is to write cheques at intervals, while a lot of deserving and industrious chappies rally round and do the real work.
値する勤勉chappiesのラリーのラウンドと実際の作業を行います 私は一自分自身をしてきたので 私は 知っている
In hard economic times, countries may be tempted to rally the people around perceived enemies, at home and abroad, rather than focusing on the painstaking work of reform.
自国や外国で敵と考える相手に 国民を結集させようと試みるかもしれません さらに 人類の進歩を阻む要因は常に存在します 権力に固執する独裁者
The activist did not want to release his name and simply identified him as 'A'. A was arrested at an anti racist rally while carrying an anti nuke banner.
And it's the nationalism of an idea that essentially says you can endure differences of caste, creed, color, culture, cuisine, custom and costume, consonant, for that matter, and still rally around a consensus.
階級や信念 肌の色 文化 食事 習慣 服装 そして言葉の発音まで 違いをすべて許容しながらも 合意の基に話し合えるというアイデアです
The second takeaway is the following however powerless we may feel, we can still inspire those who have the power to change things, rally them to your cause, and get them on board.
それは私自身 無力な人間ですけども 無力だったら多くの出来る人 そして連携できる人に共感を生んで
Although the application is still under process the fact that 700 people got together and took a rally out was a great thing and it was one of the biggest impacts that we've had.
700人が参加してくれたことは 偉大です 大きな影響力を生めました SNSのようなネットワーキングサイトも
At a rally of the AntiSex League in Victory Square held to celebrate a 50 per cent decrease in civil marriages, over 10,000 Party women took a vow of celibacy and pledged themselves as vessels...
反セックス連盟の大集会が 民事結婚50 減を 記念して催され 1万人以上の女性党員が 独身を誓い


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