Translation of "recruit" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Recruit - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We recruit.
Shall we recruit one?
エリカ 募集しちゃいますか
I'm here to recruit you.
皆さんを勧誘に来ました もっと健康的な世界を共に作り出すために 皆さんを勧誘しに ここに来たんです
Time to recruit some backup.
Recruit focuses on light board.
The instructions refer to the recruit .
その指示は 新人 と言ってるが
So when did they recruit him?
Chief called you the worst recruit ever.
あんな鈍くさいヤツは 初めてだって 教官あきれてたぞ
You can't recruit everyone into a governmental organization.
ある人々は 取り落とすことになります
So we recruit some people for an experiment.
One of my purpose is to recruit new members.
恐らく新しいパーティのメンバーが 見つかるんではないかな という風に思っています
How did you recruit the men in your camp?
募集はどのように あなたのキャンプに...
They're carving out his personality. That's how they recruit.
No, the way she said recruit made my stomach turn.
リンカーン よく聞いて
You used that to recruit me to killing for you.
俺の戦意を強化するために 言ってるんだろ
No, it's gonna be a while before I recruit again.
俺が人集めをするには まだ時間がかかる
So a challenge for the US military was how to recruit.
Parris Island, South Carolina the United States Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
パリス アイランド 南カロライナ州 合衆国海兵隊の新兵訓練基地
After michelle was killed... he figured I'd make a good recruit.
ミシェルが死んで 獲得に絶好の機会だと踏んだようだ
The recruit sits no more than 24 inches from the device
The papers found lots of monkey business when they investigated the Recruit scandal.
That's where they recruit from. That's where they get their power and strength.
つまり そこで消費者が生まれるのです
How to increase one's creativity and how to recruit and reward creative people
またどうすれば 創造的な人々を選び その人たちにインセンティブを与えるか
I'm certain there are easier ways for you to recruit a new lab assistant.
Adopt a secret identity, recruit your allies, battle the bad guys, activate the power ups.
悪者と戦い パワーアップを 発動させる ゲームは単純でも
A 19 year old army recruit holds bullets, I wouldn't hesitate to use my weapon.
武器は迷わず使うよ 生きて帰りたいか それとも棺桶に入って帰りたいかって話
You went to Iraq to recruit a man to help you save Agent Scott's life.
君はスコットを救える男に会うため イラクへ行った
That politician has come down in the world since the so called Recruit scandal was publicized.
あの政治家はいわゆるリクルート スキャンダルが発覚して以来落ち目になってしまった
So I've decided to recruit some of my TED friends to read my words aloud for me.
私の言葉を読んでもらいます 最初は妻のチャズから始めます
Remember I was going to recruit you in the health professions, but here's the important point far beyond!
勧誘するつもりなんです でも 重要な点が一つあります この状況を超えることです あなた方はこの不正を正す方法を持っているから
Help me recruit a hundred thousand math and science teachers within ten years and improve early childhood education.
採用するのを手伝ってください コミュニティーカレッジで学んだ技術が 職に直結する機会を
Various ways ads in magazines we have people that scout them, people that recruit them in various locations.
色々さ例えばー 雑誌の広告 スカウト
When it came time to recruit, we each backed our own horse. Your boy Tom bet on you.
新人を募集した時 皆は他を推薦した
High performing systems are very careful in how they recruit and select their teachers and how they train them.
教員採用と研修に力を入れています 教員採用と研修に力を入れています 厳しい状況で 苦労する教師の
He went out to recruit the best of the best dancers off of YouTube to create this dance troupe
ダンサーたちを集めて ダンスグループを結成しました 究極のダンサー集団 LXDです
Sir, yes, sir. If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training you will be a weapon.
貴様ら雌豚が 俺の訓練に 生き残れたら
Did it ever occur to you that it is against the law to recruit from worlds outside the Star League?
宇宙同盟国以外から 召集するのは同盟違反だ
A German named Hans Staiger was paying you to help recruit troubled Muslim Marines to serve for the other side.
金を払った ハンス シュタイガーは 宗教問題を抱える海兵を勧誘 拒否した2人は死んだ
They recruit exsoldiers and swat team members from around the world, then they hire them back to the military security teams.
元SWATメンバーや軍人を 世界各国から彼等を招集し...
All right, the Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year Do you know what that's like?
715) デス イーター
The most valuable thing they had was their three minute presentation time in class, which they sold to a company that wanted to recruit those students.
クラスで行なう3分間プレゼンテーションの時間でした 彼らはこの時間を クラスの学生を採用したい会社に売ったのです 驚いてしまいますよね
The Recruit scandal is a corruption scandal concerning public officials and politicians who accepted as bribes undisclosed shares from the RecruitCoscom company. The shares had been rising steadily.
リクルート事件は 値上がり確実であったリクルートコスモス社の未公開株を賄賂として受け取ったとして 政治家や官僚らが次々に逮捕された日本の汚職事件である
I, in my research, have seen that the Taliban have perfected the way in which they recruit and train children, and I think it's a five step process.
タリバンの子供たちを加入させる方法と 調教する方法は完璧に 出来ているという印象です
And let's recruit students from the whole of Africa, bring them together with lecturers from all over the world, and we'll try to give them a fantastic education.
世界中から講師を招き そしてすばらしい教育の機会を与えるということです ケンブリッジ大学の教授として いろいろなつてがありました
But this is exactly what I did because I wanted to know what had turned my best friend into a terrorist, and why she'd never tried to recruit me.
なぜなら私は 何が親友をテロへと駆り立て しかも なぜ私を誘わなかったのか


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