Translation of "reformed" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Reformed - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I wanted to show her that I reformed
俺が立ち直ったとこを 見せてやり たいと思ってたー
I am a reformed marketer, and I now work in international development.
今は国際開発に携わっています この前の10月 コンゴに行く節がありました
They'll collide with enough energy and bonds will be broken and reformed.
壊れて新しく作られます 活性化エネルギーは
Speech rushed up sonorously formed, With the word you so much reformed
君という言葉を ぼくが思う時
As a reformed professional counterfeiter, what is the Dutchman's interest in these?
更生したプロの偽造屋として聞く ダッチマンは これのどこに興味を持ったんだ
It is the educational system that needs to be reformed in this area.
The reformed Labour Standards Act will be in force from Jan 1st 2004.
平成16年1月1日から 改正労働基準法が施行されます
Hugh Benny has reformed his wayward life and become a bornagain good citizen.
ヒュー ベニーが生活を改めて 善良な市民になるそうだ
And I present myself as Exhibit A, a kind of reformed and rehabilitated speed aholic.
スピード中毒から 更生できています いまだにスピードは好きです
Except those who repented thereafter and reformed themselves then indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
だが後に悔い改めて 身を修める者は別である 本当にアッラーは 寛容にして慈悲深くあられる
The Pirate Party works for reformed copyright laws, an open internet and free access to culture.
僕らが海賊党なら あの判決は...
Every education system in the world is being reformed at the moment and it's not enough.
改善が進められています でも十分ではありません 改善では役に立たないのです
And there were in the city nine persons who made mischief in the land and reformed not.
この町には9人の一団がいた かれらは地上に害悪を流し改心しなかった
And he made sure this whole story was written down in reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics chiseled onto gold plates, which he then buried near Palmyra, New York.
彫り刻み ニューヨークのパルミラ近くに 埋めたそうなの 笑
Lord, admit them and their fathers, spouses, and offspring who have reformed themselves to the gardens of Eden which You have promised them. You are Majestic and All wise.
主よ あなたがかれらに御約束なされたアドン エデン の国に かれらを入れて下さい またかれらの祖先 配偶者と子孫の中の正しい者を 本当にあなたは 偉力ならびなく英明であられます
And do not corrupt the land after it has been reformed and pray to Him in awe and expectation. The blessing of God is at hand for those who do good.
秩序が定められた後 地上で悪を行ってはならない 恐れと熱情をもってかれに祈れ 本当にアッラーの慈悲は 常に 善行をなす者の近くにある
Except those who repented and reformed themselves and held fast to Allah s rope and made their religion sincerely only for Allah so they are with the Muslims and Allah will soon bestow upon the believers a great reward.
だが悔悟して その身を 修め アッラーにしっかりと縋りきって アッラーに信心の誠を尽くす者は別である これらは信者たちと共にいる者である アッラーは やがて信者に偉大な報奨を与えるであろう
Now there's the more urban middle class pious Muslims who, again, look at their tradition and see that there are some problems in the tradition, and they understand that they need to be changed and questioned and reformed.
自身の伝統を尊重し その問題点にも目も向ける より都市的で中流階級の信心深いムスリム達がいるのです 彼らは変わっていき 自問し 改善していく必要があることを理解しています
Then they told me how this guy named Joseph Smith found those buried gold plates right in his backyard, and he also found this magic stone back there that he put into his hat and then buried his face into, and this allowed him to translate the gold plates from the reformed Egyptian into English.
それを帽子の中に入れて顔を埋めると 神官文字から英語へと 翻訳できたっていうの


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