Translation of "refusing" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : 拒否 物言い 紳士

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

And I'm refusing.
Of course, refusing to grow up
They're refusing all orders to stop.
Secretariat refusing to yield. Driving forward.
セクレタリアトも 譲らず前に出ます
Cowardly refusing to check an empty URL.
空の URL はチェックできません
Ambassador Gral's refusing to let Naarg fight.
That you're refusing to accept skin grafts.
皮膚移植も 拒んだとか
This is way I am refusing the offer.
She hung between refusing or accepting the invitation.
Women are refusing to marry men without toilets.
トイレなしなら 結婚もなし
You do not blame me for refusing him?
And refusing to talk about john and cameron,
だけど ジョンやキャメロンのことは 話さない
You're refusing the assignment. I'm not. I'll go.
Let the record reflect that the witness is refusing...
記録してください 証人は...
Love is a sickness full of woes, All remedies refusing.
恋は悲しみに満ちた病であり あらゆる治療をも薬をも受け付けない
I know. You were planning on refusing him very curtly.
そうなればそっけなく断ろうと 考えていたのは分かってる
He's refusing to take his meds, and he's stopped sleeping.
彼は薬を飲むのを拒否してます それに寝てないようです
Going out all day and refusing to tell me where.
How about my lunatic husband refusing to leave the house?
頭のおかしい夫が 出ていかないとか
The 58 year old farmer is refusing to slaughter his animals.
ヨシザワさんにとって 彼の家畜は 原発を運営する東京電力や
In a sense you are right in refusing to join that club.
Surely no one could blame you for refusing such an eccentric gamble?
確かに こんなおかしなギャンブルを 拒んでも誰が文句を言う
Hands growing weary of not finding one but refusing to give up hope.
しかし 諦める事を否定する手をです そして 最後に
There are even records of people being executed for refusing to grow potatoes.
処刑された農民もいたようです 大帝の次の案は
Dad. Although Downing Street is refusing to be drawn into a religious debate.
アポカリプスが来た との声明に ダウニング街からの返答はありません
And refusing to believe in something that is factual is a symptom of delusion.
幻想の兆候です 自明の事実は原理と呼ばれます
The kid is even refusing his doctorordered pain meds far as we can tell.
医師が処方した 鎮痛剤すら拒んでるらしい
People who are refusing to live life just as it is, and who want more!!
Your declaration merely spared me any concern for refusing you, had you been more gentlemanlike.
紳士らしい態度だったなら 断り方も違ったでしょう
My refusing to eat meat occasioned an inconvenience, and I was frequently chided for my singularity.
私が肉を食べようとしないことは不都合が生じ 私は自分の風変わりのためにたびたび叱られた
Have you been feeling sick? The 58 year old farmer is refusing to slaughter his animals.
58歳になるヨシザワさんは 家畜を殺処分することを拒み続けています
I saw an old man standing at his gate, knee deep in water, refusing to move.
彼は 今までここで生きてきた
And now, one of your idiot pilots is acting like a child... and refusing to take her pills.
今あなたの部下は 上官に意見している 彼女は薬を飲む事を拒否してる でも彼女に はい と言わせ
He's just trying to save his company money by refusing to pay linda's medical expenses. Why should I help him?
会社の金を守って 医療費を出し惜しむ奴だ
Fischer's still refusing to cooperate, but six weeks in solitary... ...might change his mind. I hope you're right about that.
Your declaration merely spared me the concern I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner.
紳士らしい態度だったら 断り方も違ったでしょう
And I'd also like to say that the irony of course, is that denying girl, suppressing girl, suppressing emotion, refusing feeling has lead thus here.
女子 を否定 制圧し 感情を抑え拒絶したことが 私たちを今日の世界へと導いたのです
Had Allah known any good in them, He would have made them hear. And if He had made them hear, they would still have turned away, while they were refusing.
アッラーがもしかれらに良いところを認められれば かれは必ずかれらに聞かせられる だがかれが仮令聞かせられたとしても かれらは 辞退して 背き去るであろう
Bush and Blair having difficulty getting alongside Muslim culture the whole of the hunting issue, and the royal family refusing to stop hunting and the tsunami issues and obviously Harry
すべての狩猟問題 王室が狩猟をやめるのを拒否しているところ 津波問題 そしてハリー
But they turned away refusing , so We sent upon them the flood of the dam, and We replaced their two fields of gardens with gardens of bitter fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees.
だがかれらは アッラーから 背き去った それでわれは かれらに洪水を送り かの2つの園を 柳と僅かばかりのハマナツメの苦い実を結ぶ園に変えた
How? If they get the better of you, they will not observe towards you any bond or treaty, giving you satisfaction with their mouths but in their hearts refusing and the most of them are ungodly.
どうして 盟約 出来よう かれらはあなたがたに対し優位であると見れば 血縁であろうと盟約があろうとあなたがたを顧みない かれらはロ先ではあなたがたを喜ばせているが 心では拒否する かれらの多くは主の掟に背く者たちである
Do you not consider, O Muhammad , those who were given a portion of the Scripture? They are invited to the Scripture of Allah that it should arbitrate between them then a party of them turns away, and they are refusing.
あなたは啓典の一部を与えられていた者たちが かれらの間の裁判を アッラーの啓典 タウラート に頼るようにと 呼びかけられるのを見なかったのか だがかれらの一部は背き去った かれらは転落者である
So, after having lost hundreds of pedo pornographic videotapes in the Dutroux case, after refusing to analyze thousands of DNA samples found in Dutroux' basement for financial reasons after making us believe that Julie and Melissa had died of hunger while they actually died of severe and repeated sexual abuses,
Dutorouxの家の地下で見つかった 何千ものDNAサンプルの分析を 金銭的理由から 拒否し ジュリーとメリッサは 深刻な性的虐待の繰り返しで死んだのに 我々には飢えで死んだと説明する その後じゃ もう笑いたいような気分がしません 今度はこう信じろと仰いますね
And recall when We took the covenant from the Children of Israel, enjoining upon them , Do not worship except Allah and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy. And speak to people good words and establish prayer and give zakah. Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you were refusing.
われがイスラエルの子孫と 約束を結んだ時のことを思い起せ その時われは言った あなたがたはアッラーの外に 何ものも崇めてはならない 父母に孝養をつくし 近親 孤児 貧者を規切に扱い 人びとに善い言葉で話し 礼拝の務めを守り 定めの喜捨をしなさい だが あなたがたの中少数の者を除き 背き去った