Translation of "regulatory considerations" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Considerations - translation : Regulatory - translation : Regulatory considerations - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

First, let's make some general considerations.
グローバルな幾何を決定する事で そこから宇宙の究極的な運命を知り
No considerations. No beliefs. No reactions.
You can create or discreate considerations.
I suppose that's worth certain considerations.
What are the moral considerations of that?
You can also just apply simple considerations here.
A former member of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
ピーター ブラッドフォードは言います
And it has no rules to its regulatory system.
17.Regulatory framework and criteria fortest development and use
17. 遺伝子検査の開発と利用に関する規制上の枠組みと判断基準
This is not so simple. There are moral considerations.
単純な話じゃない 道徳上の問題がある
And you don't have any considerations about it at all.
For God's sake, Rand. Perhaps there are other considerations here?
他にも選択肢は あるでしょ
We don't have a regulatory system able to ensure that that production is safe.
なのでその成分の製造が 安全かを保証する術がありません また人権と基本的尊厳が
With all of these considerations, let's imagine we're working on a traffic light system.
ここに赤 黄色 青の3つの色が並んでいます
Your personal reality consists of the considerations you have made about the brick wall.
あなたはそれを美しいと思ったり 醜いと思ったり
If they did, the regulatory commission would shut the gas plant down, same with coal.
ウランとトリウムの少量が含まれています 彼らは スタックを上へ それらは分散している
They asked governments for supporting regulatory regimes, and in a lot of cases they got it.
いろいろな制度を獲得しました しかし経済全体を通して
However incredibly inadequate the nuclear disaster prevention plan is, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
著しく日本中 不十分であるのに この原子力委員会の田中俊一委員長は
We'd have to cut his higher brain functions without disturbing the purely automatic and regulatory systems.
高次中枢機能だけをカットして 純粋な自動制御と 一般システムを生かしておくんだ
There are also very important aesthetic considerations and color is a very big one of those.
重要な要素ですね スクリーン上で 明るくて 色を重ねて
There's been attempt by Monsanto to write a 'Monsanto Protection Act', it is called the Biotechnology Regulatory Act of India it's a de regulation act, but in typical Monsanto double speak, it's called a regulatory act.
それは インドのバイオテクノロジー規制法と呼ばれるものです それは 脱規制行為であるにもかかわらず モンサント社の典型的なダブルトークで 規制行為と呼ばれています その規制が認知されると 遺伝子組み換え作物に反対する人々を刑務所に送り込むことにもなるでしょう
And we have two major regulatory processes that affect how alert we are at any given moment.
それらは我々がいかに特定の時間に 覚醒しているかに影響します 一つ目は我々が何時間寝て
I've raised all sorts of counter counter considerations and in every case you've responded to my satisfaction.
あなたは全てに 満足のいく答えを出し その結果 議論の終わりに
Will your mom, the evil person, or the devil change because you change your beliefs and considerations?
あなたが自分の信念や思いを変えたからといって 変わるでしょうか 彼等のあり方が あなたのあり方への 反応だった場合に限り そうなります
And if they go a little deeper they will realize that they have negative considerations about brick walls.
レンガの壁について ネガティブな思いがあることに気づくでしょう またさらに深く見れば レンガの壁に 批判的な信念をもっていると気づくでしょう
Great and strange ideas transcending experience often have less effect upon men and women than smaller, more tangible considerations.
と小さく より具体的な考慮事項よりも女性 Ipingはホオジロ で鮮やかであるであり 誰もがガラのドレスだった
This class, we're gonna Touch on history a little bit, but more focused on the, on the technology considerations.
考察についてです これはヘネパタ またはA Quantitative Approachからの図ですが
We had a financial regulatory regime based on the assumptions that traders were rational creatures who wouldn't do anything stupid.
バカはしないだろう という前提の規制を 設けていました
We're at best ignored, and maligned and abused, at worst, by negligent regulatory agencies, pernicious zoning and lax governmental accountability.
無視されるばかりか 害を被ったり 虐待を受けています 第9区もサウスブロンクスも破壊を避けられる可能性がありました
I doubt that you will have to make a choice between marrying for love and marrying for more material considerations.
選択をする必要はないわね 愛と 他の条件の どちらを取るかを
It turns out that driving, with its associated design implementation and regulatory hurdles, is actually a harder problem to solve than flying.
設計や規制のハードルがあり 実際のところ空を飛ばすよりも難しいのです いつも地上で過ごしている私たちには
And when you think in that way, you become more sensitive to the human considerations, which are crucial to making ethical decisions.
人への配慮について もっと敏感になるでしょう それは倫理的決断に大事なことです 出かけて行って音楽家の友人と会うことを
So you have these levels operating in people's minds at the bottom is the primary, above that is a certain belief that was created, above that are considerations that are generated by that belief, and at the top are the reactions and experiences that arise from a person's considerations.
一番下にはプライマリーがあり その上には創られた何かの信念があり その上にはその信念によって生じた思いがあり
The Group considers that a more explicit regulatory framework for test development needs tobe set up throughout the EU. See report, chapter 6.2.2.
専門家グループは 遺伝子検査の開発に関するより明示的な規制上の枠組みをEU全土で設 定する必要があると考えている レポートの第6章第2節の2を参照
To what's arguably become a rogue division inside a federal agency, operating,if not completely autonomously, then well outside the standard regulatory purview.
おそらく連邦機関の 範囲外のケースで 内部分裂に発展しかねない
If a single account is used by multiple people it may be desirable to disable the input line history out of privacy considerations.
複数の人が一つのアカウントを利用する環境では プライバシー保護のために入力された内容が残らないように履歴を無効にしておくことを推奨します
Contour Crafting as a disruptive technology will have a number of impacts, including economic impacts, employment impacts, social impacts, regulatory, environmental, and architectural impacts.
色々な影響力があり 経済への影響や 雇用への影響や 社会的な影響や 法的な基準や環境
It involves the allocation of a different set of values, rights or special considerations to individuals, based solely on who or what they are.
その個体に施すことです 自分の都合に合わせて
Also, since microbes are relatively easy to manipulate, and even eliminate, they can be readily modified for better functioning, regulatory control, targeting and even delivery.
簡単にできるものがあり それらは標的に うまく働きかけ 機能を規則的にするため さらには物質伝達のためにも
A modern market is more than a website it's a web of interoperable marketplaces, back office mechanisms, regulatory regimes, settlement mechanisms, liquidity sources and so on.
互いに依存しあう市場で 事務処理機構 規制制度 調停機構 流動資産源などが複雑に絡み合っています
These breakthroughs, we need to move those at full speed, and we can measure that in terms of companies, pilot projects, regulatory things that have been changed.
企業やテストプログラム 法規制などがどのように変わったか によってその成果を測定することができるでしょう これについては 素晴らしい本が沢山あります
That's the job of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but their earlier resolute stance has been swayed whenever they had a closed meeting with the electric power companies.
この原子力規制委員会の態度は 初めは毅然としているのですけれども 電力会社との非公開の 会合を重ねるたびに
It was those two considerations, among others reconstructed memory, the fact about the eyewitness fallibility that was part of the instigation for a group of appeal attorneys
目撃証言の不確かさの2点を 考慮することをきっかけに すご腕の法律家であるエレン エガースに
The bronchi branch, branch, branch and they stop branching, not because of any matter of principle, but because of physical considerations the mucus, which is in the lung.
分岐が終わるということは 何かの法則によるのではなく 物理的な理由 つまり
The press is certainly a business, and in order to survive it must be a successful business, but the right balance must be found between marketing considerations and journalistic responsibility.
ビジネスとしての成功が欠かせません しかし 商業的な検討と 報道の責任のバランス点を正しく見極めなくてはなりません


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