Translation of "reinforcements" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Yup. Reinforcements?
はい 援軍?
Enemy reinforcements?
敵の増援 いいえ
Reinforcements reporting.
We need reinforcements.
We need reinforcements.
We need reinforcements.
Radio for reinforcements, now.
We must summon reinforcements.
Where are our reinforcements?
We need reinforcements, sir.
Send down reinforcements to investigate.
援軍を派遣して 調べて
We'll soon have reinforcements from Jaca.
General juma, they brought in reinforcements.
ジュマ将軍 敵戦力が強化されました
There are no reinforcements available, Chancellor.
遅れる援軍はもうない 議長
We need reinforcements to continue the pursuit.
追跡を続けるため 援軍をお願いします
If reinforcements come along this jungle path...
もし増援がジャングルの小道から やって来たら...
Osgiliath is under attack. They call for reinforcements.
オスギリアスに敵襲です 援軍要請がきました
We're in pursuit, but we could use reinforcements.
追跡してるけど 増援を頼むよ
Some of them cry for help, Bring the reinforcements.
処置 を請う信号は 感染と戦っている時は良いのですが
She's busy with a fleet of separatits reinforcements nearby.
近くに分離主義者の艦隊増援と 戦ってる
It's not a competition with rural farm it's actually reinforcements.
相互に補うのです それは現実的で経済的にも成立する
Signals that bring reinforcements are good if you're fighting off an infection.
攻撃して処置してくれ と 免疫組織に
I want reinforcements from every branch within 50 miles brought into this.
50マイル以内の各署から 応援要請する
If you succeed, what's to prevent the Cylons from coming back with reinforcements?
上手く行ったとして 防ぐ手立ては サイロンが 援軍と戻ってきた場合
And if all the reinforcements were added together, they'd outnumber everyone in this county.
そしてすべての援軍が一緒になれば この県の総人口を凌駕するでしょう
This guy needs reinforcements going against a very strong leader of the former slave rebels.
援軍が欲しいって言ってる けど ナポレオンは損切りが速いことで有名だ
Once they make it off that ship, we'll need reinforcements to finish off the enemy.
あの船から脱出すれば 敵を壊すのに増援が必要となる
Contact the fleet at Besteene Inform them we've engaged Grievous and require reinforcements Right away, sir
ベスティンでの艦隊へ連絡して グリーヴァスと交戦中と報告して 増援を頼むんで すぐ連絡します シャトルの長波送信機を準備した方がよいよ
I'm gonna do whatever I can to help these people. Perhaps we could send you Republic reinforcements instead.
私はできるだけ民間を助ける もしかして 共和国の援軍を送るかも
Leonidas will receive no reinforcements, and if he returns, without my help, he would go to jail or worse.
レオニダスは応援部隊を得ない 彼は助力が無く 帰れば牢屋送り またはそれ以上の罰
This guy, despite how evil and how cruel he was, he needed reinforcements from Napoleon if he had to take on Dessalines.
デサリーヌと渡り合うには ナポレオンからの援軍が必要だった そして もうひとつ
If we hang around here any longer, there could be reinforcements coming from the second gate to take us in a pincer movement!
これ以上ここでもたついてると 後ろの第二関門からも増援が来て 挟撃されるかも知れねーんだぜ
Well, we've doubled the police on duty, and every officer carries extra arms, and we've deployed our men so that reinforcements are always nearby.
人員を2倍に増やし 武装も強化した 更なる増員の用意もしてる
Sir, a squadron of fighters are attacking. They have a clear path right to us. Now is the time to bring in our reinforcements.
敵のファイターが攻撃する 真っ直ぐこっち 向かってる 今 増援を頼む時間だ
Signals that say Come here and attack and bring reinforcements are not good if they're telling the immune system to attack normal tissues and normal cells.
健康なヒト組織や細胞を 攻撃するようにと 訴えているなら 良い信号だとは言えません 上に見ている画像がそれです