Translation of "representations and warranties" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Representations and warranties - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Various Useful Representations
These are different representations.
And I mentioned I'll use some visual representations of sounds.
使用すると言いましたが これが最初の例です
I think this example really illustrates the advantage of compact Bayes network representations over unstructured joint representations.
コンパクトなベイジアンネットワークの 表現の利点を表しています
When they appear close to the edge, they are representations, representations in which the viewers have become the viewed.
姿が見えます 観察者が反対に観察されるのです 私にとってアートとは 金銭の交換ではありません
There's an infinite number of representations of them.
しかし 従来の規則では
All of the representations of the vector b.
There are other representations you'll learn later on.
また後のビデオで meanを
Let's do some problems with plotting points and graphical representations of functions.
表現する問題をしましょう ここに問題を書いてませんが
Because remember, all of these are valid representations of b.
b の表現であることを覚えていますか ベクトル b の表現のすべての
Now remember, these are just visual representations of the process.
As a result, networks are ideal representations of complex systems.
ネットワークです ネットワークにおけるノードは
So the most efficient implementations of search actually have both representations.
一方 探索済みリストはもっと単純です
Our ancestors used natural materials to create pictorial representations of their reality.
現実の物を絵で表現しました これは 30,000 年ほど前に描かれた
And then you put in some randomness, some fluctuations and some randomness, and realize a whole bunch of different representations.
ゆらぎを加えます さまざまな形が現れます これからお見せするのは
To make a series of videos on YouTube about women's representations in games.
彼らが虐待を 楽しいゲーム と呼ぶなら
Help! Welcome to our multi part video series exploring the roles and representations of women in video games
ビデオゲームにおける女性の描写と役割を 追求するビデオシリーズへようこそ
We are governed by the representations in memory that were formed early in development.
記憶の中の表現に支配されているのです ここで目にしているものによって
There are different types of representations we'll see, when we start working with three dimensions.
3次元を扱う時には これらは違った表現があるのを知るでしょう ですが 私が思うに もっとも直観的なのは これらのどれも
We're writing programs to solve problems, but they're dealing with abstract representations of those problems.
This brings us to one of the core reasons why the trope is so problematic and pernicious for women's representations.
悲嘆の女性は 非力 の同義語だけではなく
What it's all about is the selective representations of things that are important to the brain.
選択的表現です なぜなら脳の活動期間の大半で
So tell me which, if any or all, of these are accurate representations of the problem.
それぞれの公理が 単独で正しいかどうかを判定してください
And it seems that there may be more succinct representations of a belief state, rather than to just list all the world states.
簡潔な表現方法があると思われます 例えばこの状態を考えてみます
We live in a society that completely tends to valorize symbolic forms of representation algebraic representations, equations, codes.
記号化した表現方法を 非常に評価する傾向にあります 代数による表現や
But with this kind of a formal representation we can automatically come up with good representations of heuristics.
自動的によいヒューリスティックを 得ることができるのです 例えばいくつかの制限を 機械的に減らすことにより
Is this code readable or not? and from that build a formal mechanical model that we can use to evaluate existing pieces of code and make representations.
既存のコードを評価します 可読性はソフトウェア開発の 70 に影響するにもかかわらず
And that results in defective representations of sounds of words not normal a different strategy, by a machine that has different time constants and different space constants.
異なる空間定数を持つ脳の 正常でない方法で言語処理が行われます そのような子供の脳を調べ その空間定数を記録することができます
The good news is that there is nothing stopping developers from evolving their gender representations and making more women heroes in their future games.
女性が英雄のゲームを作ることは すぐにでも可能なのです ゼルダ姫 シークやテトラが 主人公のゲームができたら素晴らしいでしょう
And that's because the brain is constructing representations of things that are correlated in little moments of time and that relate to one another in little moments of successive time.
情報を取り入れ 構築しているためです そして時間の流れの中でそれぞれが関連するためです 脳は全ての情報を記録し
And if we compare this to more recent representations of the visual system, you'll see that things have gotten substantially more complicated over the intervening thousand years.
視覚系の解説図と比べると 千年を経て物事が非常に 複雑になったと分かります
And in a structured representation, an individual state is not just a set of values for variables, but it can include relationships between objects, a branching structure, and complex representations and relations between one object and another.
互いに関係を持ちます 例えば分岐構造や複数の対象の間の 複雑な関係などです これらは既存のプログラミング言語や 構造化データベース
And this data gets sent to a machine that slices the data into two dimensional representations of that product all the way through almost like slicing it like salami.
全体を2Dの断面図へと 輪切りにしていきます サラミを
But this language allows us to say that they are representations of the same symmetrical abstract object, which we call 4 4 2.
この型は 1 4回転できる位置が二カ所 そして半回転できる位置が一カ所あるので
I'd like to do is give you more intuition about what these hypotheses representations do, as well as go through a few examples and talk about how to compute them efficiently.
何をするかの 直感を伝えたいと思う それと同時に
We're producing a three minute animation based on one of those re writes in order to have different cultural representations of women in the Middle East.
中東の様々な 文化的背景を持つ女性を示します 地図も情報を見える化する方法のひとつ
For the past four years, I've been running a video web series on Youtube called Feminist Frequency, where I deconstruct the representations of women in the media.
Feminist Frequency という ビデオシリーズを作成し メディア中の女性の 描かれ方を分析しています 人々が性差別やジェンダー問題について
And it turns out that quite a few people are actually interested in a project that would deconstruct the representations of women in games, and who were totally outraged at the harassment that too often plagues our gaming communities.
たくさんの人たちが関心を寄せていて 彼らは ゲームコミュニティをしばしば蝕む こうした嫌がらせに対し 強い憤りを示してくれました
But m could be 0 as 0 can be expressed as 0 1 or 0 2 or 0 3 or 0 537 these are all representations of 0
定義されていないからです m は 0 になることができます 実際 0 は有理数です なぜなら 0 は 1 分の 0 と表現できるからです
So see if you can decide which one of these four representations will be the best one to use to represent the index for our web content corpus.
Webコンテンツコーパスのインデックスを表すために 使用するにはどれがよいでしょうか
To the extent that you can equalize the amount of detail that people put into the mental representations of near and far future, people begin to make decisions about the two in the same way.
詳細に想像させればさせるほど その2つの未来についての それぞれの決定は同じになります
In the next video, I'm going to show a bunch more of examples, and I'll actually draw representations of these vectors, although you don't have to, and we'll kind of have a little more visual understanding of what they mean.
例でこれらの表現を使用し できれば より視覚的な理解を深めましょう
But this is a space that is actually filled with people, disembodied voices, and out of that ambient environment, when people come close to your own body zone, very close, they appear to you as representations.
実体をもたない声で 満たされていて 周囲の環境から 現れる他者は あなたの身体空間に かなり近づいて
A lot of times, we'll turn to sketches, visual representations of the idea, metaphors we can wrap around this game is like something you know, except it does that.
それらのものは 徐々に時間をかけて より洗練されていくことでしょう そして私達は 自分のアイディアの もっと効果的な伝え方がわかるでしょう
Next I want to discuss two representations of graphs and we're mostly going to be using the s econd one in this course, but this first one, the adjacency matrix, I do want to mention just briefly, just on this slide.
我々 は ほとんどこのコースは この最初の 1 つに s 次ぐ 1 つを使用するつもりだ だけで簡単に ちょうどこのスライドに言及するには 隣接行列したいです これです 超自然的なアイデアは 行列を使用して グラフのエッジを表します できます


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