Translation of "residential" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Residential - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Residential Area
Residential CDOs.
He was already a residential patient
今から五年ほど前 私がここに来た時
This carpet is designed for residential use.
The Tama Hills became a residential development.
多摩丘陵になりました 住宅開発
This residential area is comfortable to live in.
This is for a single detached residential building.
Because their address is on a residential area,
A factory is not suitable for a residential district.
This is how we would envision a residential application.
エネルギー事業は 特に 晴れの日が多い辺鄙な所で
To reach out to the residential agency in durango.
I have 4 billion in residential CDOs, collateralized debt obligations.
債務担保証券 住宅向け
You had rail networks that connected residential, industrial, commercial areas.
道路網も整備されました モデルとされたのは 皆に車を与え
Augustine, residential serpent, comes flirting and spouting the latest gossip.
パラサイト シングルのオーギュスティーヌ 他人の恋愛沙汰や ゴシップを撒き散らしてた
The aircraft went down in a residential neighborhood near edgeborough.
飛行機はエッジボロ近くの 住宅地に墜落しました
I want to have horticulture and greenhouses on top of residential areas.
居住スペースの一番上にあればいいと思います それらの温室から または穀物の発酵から
This was in an area called Wellawatta, a prime residential area in Colombo.
There are many bike stations conveniently located in residential complexes along major streets
便利な場所に位置しています 杭州市内どこで立ち止まっても 数分以上
And that's what these residential CDOs are, that are the crux of the issue.
しかし とにかくそれは置いておいて
And so I wanted to show you this because these aren't just any residential CDOs.
これらは AAAではありません
Only a small proportion choose to live ascetically in the cloisters of our residential halls.
ごく一部 ascetically生きることを選択しました... ...私たちの住宅のホールの回廊_インチ
Now we have sprawling residential suburbias that are well distinct from production areas and commercial areas.
生産地域と商業地域から 全く切り離されています そしてこの150年の間
And then we focused in a little bit on this piece, this green piece here, residential CDOs.
この緑の住宅向けCDOです そして それらが何であるか説明しました
Major cities have been zoned with residential and commercial areas placed far apart, forcing people to drive.
車が欠かせない 多くの地域が
There are different ways in which we must use it for residential, for nature, for agriculture purposes.
例えば 居住用 自然用 そして農業用です 家畜も再検討する必要があります
So my journey in autism really started when I lived in a residential unit for adults with autism.
成人の自閉症者用の施設でした 昔の事ですが そこの人達は
And at least the management of this company thinks that it has 4 billion worth of residential CDOs.
40億ドルの価値があると思っている 住宅向けCDOを持っています これは毒性のあるもので それはこの政府救済の焦点ですが
Across Europe and Central Asia, approximately one million children live in large residential institutions, usually known as orphanages.
およそ100万人の子ども達が 大規模な居住型施設 孤児院で 暮らします 孤児院と聞くと 愛情あふれる温かな環境を
And the asset in particular we're going to focus on is this 4 billion in residential CDOs right here.
焦点を当ててきました しかしとにかく 総資産は260億ドルで
Yesterday, I found a tiny piece of land for sale in a quiet residential area and I immediately decided to buy it.
昨日 閑静な住宅街にある猫のひたいほどの売り地を見つかって すぐ買うことに決めた
This is how we envision it would be in a residential installation you'd probably have more than one unit on your roof.
屋根に一台以上設置できると思います 屋根や庭など どこにでも設置できます
And then this is the thing that I really wanted to highlight, that it also had 4 billion of residential collateralized debt obligations.
その銀行は40億ドルの住宅向け債務担保証券を 保有していた事を確認しましょう 私はこれらが何かすこし説明しましたね
And I want to use the energy that comes from those greenhouses and from the fermentation of crops to heat our residential areas.
得られるエネルギーを使って 自分達の居住空間を温めたいです それを可能にする方法がたくさんあります
I envision a 36 story, 450 unit residential high rise a reason to consider the mental health of any architect before granting an important commission.
マンションを想像してみる どんな建築家でも 重要な設計を任せる前に その精神衛生上の状態を
And I know that you have some type of assets, you have some of these residential mortgage backed securities, or you have some of these derivative assets there.
不動産担保証券を持っている事を知っており ここにデリバティブ資産を持っている事を知っています そして あなたは本当の多くの透明性を与える事はないと
And now notice something here, the book value of this residential mortgage backed security, at least what this bank management says the book value is, is 4 billion.
少なくとも何で銀行のマネージメントは帳簿価格で 40億ドルと示したのでしょうか それを飛び越しては行けませんね 40億ドルと書きましょう
If you want real evidence of out of body experiences, get yourself along to a residential conference of senior academics, and pop into the discotheque on the final night.
教授の重鎮が集まるような 数日間の学会に行ってみるといい 最終日の夜にはディスコに行って
Many countries have not developed inclusive schools, and so even children with a very mild disability are sent away to a residential special school, at age six or seven.
障害の程度が軽くても 6 7才で 寄宿制の 特別支援学校に送られます
If we spend less on these children but on the right services, we can take the savings and reinvest them in high quality residential care for those few children with extremely complex needs.
重度の障害をもつ子ども達向けの 質の高い居住型ケアに 資金を分配できるのです ヨーロッパでは ケアの質が低い
And then the maps above that show its gradual transformation into a compact, mixed use New England village, and it has plans now that have been approved for it to connect to new residential neighborhoods across the arterials and over to the other side.
漸時的な変化を示します それがコンパクトになってゆき 複合用途のニューイングランド村となり


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