Translation of "retargeting campaigns" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Retargeting campaigns - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

We went through this process, then, called retargeting.
Hostage crises, terror campaigns,
人質救出 テロ対策
Retargeting is the process of transposing that data onto another model.
他のモデルに転置することです ベンジャミンの上半身の模型は
We need to finance new campaigns against Spain
スペインに対する新しい戦争に お金が必要なのです
I had good training on my father's political campaigns.
よく訓練を積んだのよ 君の父は誰?
I sit on boards,ms.Parsons. I advise political campaigns.
私は委員会のメンバーで 選挙運動の参謀もやってる
So the Alliance for Climate Protection has launched two campaigns.
2つのキャンペーンを開始しました これはその1つの一部です
I know campaigns can seem small even silly some times.
キャンペーンは小さく しかもおかしいように見えると存じてます 虚無な事が大きな障害になります
But you've represented every male model in each of his campaigns.
でもあなたは彼のキャンペーンで使う 全てのモデルの代理人ですよね
Many U.S. politicians depend on contributions from fat cats for their campaigns.
Consider two marketing campaigns. Campaign A has a response rate of 1 .
2つ目の販売キャンペーンBの回答率は1 01 です
It's used for public health awareness campaigns such as the prevention of cholera.
キャンペーンにも利用されています ジェンダーに基づく暴力といった
A few minutes ago, I talked about all the citizens' campaigns that are springing up.
In the last video, I talked about the two campaigns that eventually lead to Napoleon's downfall.
のちにナポレオンの失脚を招く原因になったとお話ししました その出来事の1つは半島方面作戦です
Women have heard the call for breast cancer and they have come out for awareness campaigns.
意識はあるでしょう 周知キャンペーンで 表明もしてきました
The prize will go to the man who is to write the story of Suvorov's campaigns.
この証券を アカデミーに預けてくれ
Doing whatever it takes to get a an A grade from the gun lobby that funds their campaigns?
親が子供を学校まで安心して送れることの どちらがより重要か
This is easily one of the top five, I would say, famous military campaigns in all of history.
5本の指に入ります まずはナポレオンと フランス帝国の関係
Hey, I just emailed you all those LexisNexis searches, on the male models who've appeared in Mugatu campaigns.
ムガトゥのキャンペーンに出た 男性モデルのリストを 君にメールで送っただろ
There are so many anti smoking campaigns these days maybe smoking really is a threat to the public order.
これだけ禁煙 禁煙といわれる以上 喫煙というのは公序良俗に反する行為なんだろうね
I used to join him in many of the campaigns, and you can see me here next to him.
私は父の遊説に よく同行しました 父の隣にいるのが私です 隣の若い方です
They have put their money where their mouth is and they have done advocacy and they have joined campaigns.
キャンペーンで積極的に支援をします 心疾患でも同じようにあって欲しい
I've spent my life as a warrior, working for women's issues, working on political campaigns, being an activist for the environment.
女性の問題に取り組み 政治キャンペーンを実施し 環境への活動を行ってきました
He was sitting outside of the road, watching one of these polio campaigns unfold, and a few months later he wrote
展開中のポリオ撲滅キャンペーンを観察し それから2 3ヵ月後 次のような記事を出しました これは最も英雄的な海外援助だ と
The communist Khmer Rouge enters Phnom Penh to liberate their people from the encroaching conflict in Vietnam, and American bombing campaigns.
ベトナム侵略で起きる闘争やアメリカ軍の空爆から 人民を解放するために プノンペンを陥落しました
So if you're running multiple campaigns clearly you don't want to be sending the wrong groups of people the wrong messages.
違う人に間違って違う情報を送ったりすることはないようにしたいわけです 必要なのは
Education campaigns, like the one that the president is focusing on in his funding, may not be enough, at least not alone.
それだけでは足りません もし人々にAIDS予防の動機がないのなら
It's responsive to commercial interests, who can spend millions on campaigns now without restriction, who literally drive the policy making in Washington, D.C.
費やしてくれる人が重要なのです そのような人たちは 政府における政策決定にも 大きな影響力を持っています 天候を制御することができるとは 信じられないのですが
It is my experience that senators focus... only on pleasing those who fund their campaigns... and they're in no means scared of forgetting the niceties of democracy...
私の経験では 選挙に金を出してくれる 連中のことしか考えていない 寄付金にありつくためなら 民主主義の基本など
And seeing as how our clients run a lot of our campaigns in their nationallysyndicated little girlie magazine, it wouldn't hurt you to do a little reading.
知ってるかしら クライアントが私達のキャンペーンを 展開しに走り回ってるわ 全国的に出版されてる女性誌よ
It's also tried to save children by doing other things giving vitamin A drops, giving measles shots, giving bed nets against malaria even during some of these campaigns.
ビタミンA錠を投与したり はしかの予防接種を行ったり さらには マラリア予防の蚊帳の配布も 行っています
In the U.S., in the Philippines, in Kenya, around the world, citizens have self organized political protests and get out the vote campaigns using mobile devices and SMS.
市民はモバイルやSMSを使って 政治的抗議や投票推進運動を自発的に組織しました 協力的アポロ計画は可能でしょうか
And we need to rethink our development strategies, so that we're not promoting educational campaigns to get them to stop being farmers, but rather to stop being poor farmers.
農家に高等教育を与えることで 農家以外の職業に就いてもらう ことを目指すのではなく 貧しいままの農家にならないように 武装すべきです
Here are ten tactics explained through successful campaigns from around the world that you can use to turn your information into action 10 tactics for turning information into action.
10つの戦術を紹介します きっとあなたにも参考になるはず 10の戦術
We're now texting out to about 200,000 kids a week about doing our campaigns to make their schools more green or to work on homeless issues and things like that.
彼らが通う学校のエコ化を行ったり ホームレス問題解決などの活動を進めています パソコンのメールと比較して 11倍も効果が出ました
It talks about the candidates, written very well, but no information, no follow up, no websites for the campaigns, no information about when the debates are, where the campaign offices are.
でも補足情報や ウェブサイトがありません 討論会や選挙事務所の情報もありません
Both Mr. Heller and Mr. Salvino have been pumping scandalous amounts of money into slick advertising campaigns that, so far, have only demonstrated. their ability to slander each other and squander campaign contributions.
ヘラー氏とサルヴィーノ氏の両氏は 金に物を言わし... ...これまでの所 単に彼等の能力を 説明したキャンペーンに留まり... ...お互いを中傷し 選挙資金を浪費したに過ぎません
And then IDEO and Acumen spent several weeks working with them to help design new social marketing campaigns, community outreach strategies, business models, new water vessels for storing water and carts for delivering water.
新しいソーシャルマーケティングキャンペーン コミュニティの奉仕活動戦略 ビジネスモデル 新しい貯水タンク
To do this would require a single statute, a statute establishing what we think of as small dollar funded elections, a statute of citizen funded campaigns, and there's any number of these proposals out there
小口に分散された市民からの 資金による政治活動を規定する 小口に分散された市民からの 資金による政治活動を規定する 一つの法律だけです
I will show you in a moment one of the most recent campaigns, and I'm afraid it's a story from Uganda, and, although we had a wonderful story from Uganda yesterday, this one isn't quite so good.
これはウガンダの話です 昨日はウガンダの素晴らしい話を聴きましたが 残念ながらこれは良くない話です
But I'm going to segue to another thing that relates, because one of my private campaigns I've been conducting for over three and a half years is for transparency and accountability around the bailout of CL Financial.
私が3年半以上も関わってきた CL Financialという 企業に対して行われた 救済措置の
One could argue because the Germans did not want the US to enter on the side of the Allies it was why the Germans agreed to loosen up at least for couple of years on their U boat campaigns.
アメリカに同盟国側について 参戦してほしくなかったので 少なくとも数年間は ドイツ潜水艦 Uボート戦略を
It'll make New York the first city in the world to document street harassment and we'll use that data to better target the problem of street harassment, but also to build support for education lt br gt and awareness building campaigns.
ストリートハラスメント被害を 記録する都市になり 私たちはこのデータを使って この問題に効率的に取り組み 教育の支援および啓蒙活動も行っていきます
We write project management software for environmentalists that are running campaigns or managing programs on the ground to actually have the same kind of tools you would have in a for profit but because you're in the environment now you've got one.
彼らは営利目的のために使うようなツールを持つために 現場でキャンペーンを行ったり事業を運営しています ですがあなたは環境の中にいるので そのツールを得ています 社会的利益のためのコーディングに関する 新たなプロジェクトを始めると聞きました
That led to a whole series of other campaigns in Japan, and I'm really proud to say that at this point, it's very difficult to buy anything in Japan that's labeled incorrectly, even though they're still selling whale meat, which I believe they shouldn't.
誇りを持って言えますが 今日本に 偽装表示の商品は ほとんどありません


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