Translation of "retrieval time" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Retrieval - translation : Retrieval time - translation : Time - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

CDDB Retrieval
CDDB 検索GenericName
Data retrieval techniques.
Standby for retrieval.
Retrieval has failed.
Use information retrieval words
Configure the CDDB Retrieval
CDDB 検索の設定Keywords
He's successful in his retrieval of food with this tool every time.
Amazon locale for cover retrieval
カバー取得に使う Amazon のロケール
Wikipedia locale for information retrieval
情報取得に使う Wikipedia のロケール
CDDB Audio CD Info Retrieval
CDDB オーディオ CD 情報の取得
Use full email address for retrieval
Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot.
今は中華料理を 配ってるけど
Save open tabs and windows for easy retrieval
Automatically rip all tracks upon a successful CDDB retrieval
CDDB 検索がうまくいったら すべてのトラックを自動的にリッピングする
GENERAL Your mission is the safe retrieval of Scylla.
Our deal is contingent upon the retrieval of Scylla.
We'll talk about information extraction, about spelling correction, about information retrieval.
内容を理解するためには, 基本的な線形代数の知識が必要です
And, again, this is a very widespread technology now. Content based image retrieval...
検索を行うときに あるカテゴリの画像が欲しい場合があります
You know how important the retrieval of this card is to me, Gretchen.
個人的にも 会社 的にも どんなに大切なのかは知ってるだろ
If in 1999 I told you, let's build a data storage and retrieval system.
テラバイトのストレージを持ち いつでも利用できる
And of course these simple retrieval questions are not the end of the story.
すべてではありません もっと突っ込んだ 練習問題も必要で
As yardsticks to measure the effectiveness of information retrieval there exist those called 'recall ratio' and 'precision ratio'.
情報検索の効率を測る尺度として 再現率と適合率というものがある
We'll talk about the inverted index and TFlDF and vector models of meaning that are important in information retrieval.
説明します これらは情報検索で重要なものです また, 実用的でロバストな 本当のアプリケーションもこのコースで扱います.
We've tried to build in retrieval practice into the platform, as well as other forms of practice in many ways.
いろいろ組み込んでいます ビデオも単なるビデオではありません
Stanford for the last 12 years, and I am also the author of the leading textbooks on Information Retrieval and Statistical Natural Language Processing.
教えています 私の著書は 情報検索の基礎 と 統計的自然言語処理 です
With all due respect to the guys, why don't we just capture the bird bring it home with a crew trained in satellite retrieval?
ダイダロス復活に水を刺すようだが シャトルで衛星を捕まえて そのまま地球まで持ち帰った方が 簡単じゃんないのか
It's time! It's time. It's time.
Time After Time
夜の空に 生まれた意味 問い掛ける
I was troubled that the retrieval of organs from executed prisoners was at least as morally controversial as the harvesting of stem cells from human embryos.
臓器を摘出するのは 少なくともヒト胚から 幹細胞を採取するのと同様に 倫理的問題であるように感じ
Audience Nice time, time
ED 時間
From time to time.
One time! One time!
Time and time again.
何度でも 何度でも
Come on! Time, time!
さあ 始めるぞ
Even so, it's necessary to go furthermore, a step further which will show more workplaces, more social inclusion and new energy in the retrieval of the production.
生産活動を活性化する必要があります 私たちは改善を達成し 変革を起こしています
Time, nobody can see time.
ご存じかはわかりませんが 現在
Time is. Time has come.'
ホワイト先生が行ってしまうんだね スティーブは陰鬱に言いました
Our time is their time.
Next time, OK, next time?
One time is one time.
一回は 一回だ
And from time to time
Taking his time this time.


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