Translation of "routines" to Japanese language:

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Sub routines that you design.
どんな風に使われるか どんな入力が来得るか いかなる知識も持ち合わせていないから
There are few routines in our office.
We called these two routines sense and move.
Adjusting to new food, new routines... trouble sleeping...
食事が合わないとか 新しい仕事 睡眠障害に...
There were no graphics routines. There were no mouse drivers.
but my plot is based on her daily life routines
あっ でもこの企画は 彼女のリアルな日常を描くものなので
It wasn't just a matter of tuning up some graphics routines.
グラフィックスルーチンもなければ マウスドライバもなかったのです
The boy was bored with home routines that were dull and unchanging.
We're all going to get back to our normal routines once this little
私たちはね 普通の生活に戻っていくよ
So, as a result, worst case analysis is particularly appropriate for general purpose sub routines.
その場合 サブルーチンをデザインする時には
Athletes are also very good at using routines, getting themselves in the right frame of mind.
心を平常に保つためです あとでその様子を少しだけお見せします
We are sceptical ourselves and we are running crosschecking routines to determine reliability of this conclusion.
信じ難い結論なので 信頼性判断の為に 再チェックルーチンを実行中だ
You go out for a jog, you give yourself some routines and pretty soon you find your legs.
外でジョギングをしたり 少し運動したほうが良い 日課を作るんだ すぐに慣れるよ
looking at the ways in which digital platforms are reshaping our everyday lives, what kinds of new routines are possible.
私たちの日々の生活を再形成し どのような新しい習慣が 生まれるのか調査してきました 特に注目したのは
The guards however only worked 8 hours shifts, and they returned to their normal routines as students when off the job.
仕事が終わると学生生活に戻った そして 驚くべきことが起きた
Remember that the value and max value and min value routines that we have defined are doing a depth first search.
深さ優先探索を行っていますね この中のどれが空間計算量を必要とする容量を 正確に示していますか
With these three recursive routines value, max value, and min value we can determine the value of any node in the tree.
木構造におけるすべてのノードの値を 求めることができます 効率よく行うには 結果を記憶しておく方がいいと思うかもしれません
our boss loves Opera he says that must have Opera in commercials but the plot is based on her daily life routines
うちの社長がね 大の演歌好きで CMつくるんなら演歌流せって 聞かないんだよ エヘへへ しかしですね この企画は白鳥美咲さんの 日常生活をスタイリッシュに...
And then it became essentially an analogy for a mental state where you feel that you are not doing your ordinary everyday routines.
精神状態を表すたとえとして使われるようになりました 忘我とは本質的には 異なる世界の現実に足を踏み入れることです
I personally believe, when kids have some say in making those rules and those routines, and those working agreements, they're going to own them more.
彼らは更に多くのルールやルーチンワーク 授業の決まりを 持つようになると確信しています
I've made a couple of helpful routines to help with the heap. given a position i in the heap, left (i) returns the position of the left child.
ヒープの中のある位置をiとし left(i)が左の子の位置を返します right(i)は右の子の位置を parent(i)は親の位置を返します
linear algebra routines to compute this inner product between the two vectors, theta and X. And not only is the vectorized implementation simpler, it will also run more efficiently.
二つのベクトルtheta および x の 内積を算出します 単にベクトル式化された実装の方が
I wanted to retreat to the routines and comfort of life in an unsung suburb a grandmother, a mother and two daughters ending each day as they had for almost 20 years, telling one another the story of their day and falling asleep, the three of us still in the same bed.
誰かの話題に上ることもなく 祖母と母と娘二人が郊外で 二十年近く暮らしてきた日々に帰りたかったのです
I'm supplying you with code that has as gaps pretty much the 2 functions you just programmed move and sense, and some additional code that I copied from class the particle filter code that you're familiar with and also code that helps you test your routines so you can make sure they're correct.
今プログラミングしたmoveとsenseの2つの関数と 講義からコピーした追加コードで おなじみの粒子フィルタ そしてそれらが正常に動くか 確認するテストコードです
gt gt Okay, for closing today, you're going to go to your math journals, and you're going to write gt gt By spending some time developing these routines, and helping kids learn social and emotional skills, where they can manage themselves and their interactions with others, the classroom will be a better place to be, and the academics will also be have the opportunity to be more rigorous, and thoughtful.
日誌を書きましょう 子どもたちがこれらの社会的スキルを開発し 自分自身をうまくコントロールしたり 他人との相互関係にうまく対処するといった