Translation of "sails" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Keywords : セイル ダゾ

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!
追イ風ダゾ 追イ風ダゾ
Secure all sails!
Unfurl those sails
Not just sails alone.
All sails secured, Captain!
セイルはバッチリです 船長
The wind filled the sails.
Oh. ( tense theme playing ) Sails.
He knew sails and rigging.
The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow.
The wind blows against the sails.
All the sails were taken down.
The sails fluttered in the wind.
Hoist the sails! Splitquick, you dibbies!
帆を張るんだ モタモタするんじゃないよ
A gust of wind swelled the sails.
The ship sails without you. Why not?
This boat sails through the Strait of Gibraltar.
And sails upon the bosom of the air.
ジュリエットOロミオ ロミオ 何のためになたのロミオ なたの父を拒否し 汝の名を拒否する
Place like ours, we only sell sails with boats.
A fleet of Corsair ships sails from the south.
南部の海賊どもで 編成した艦隊だ
But I have seen a ship with black sails.
でも 黒い帆の船を見たぞ
God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails.
神は風を備える だが人が帆をあげなければならない
Body temperature was first regulated with the evolution of sails.
小型肉食爬虫動物は 特別な歯を持つ 哺乳類のような顎を進化させた
Loose all solar sails! Come on! Heave up the braces
ソーラーセイルを広げろ 高く
All hands, fasten your lifelines! Mr. Arrow, secure those sails!
乗組員全員に告ぐ 命綱をつけろ アロー ソーラーセイルを守って
All that talk of greatness... light coming off my sails...
その話が本当なら 俺の船を攻撃したのも 冗談だったのか
And we still got a few hours before she sails.
出港まで まだ時間がある
Looking at him, I could see white sails and blue water.
彼が操舵すると帆のはためきが 聞こえ...
Unless you have a lot of sails hidden in that bodice...
多くの帆船が ここを通る可能性はとても
His are the ships with elevated sails upon the sea like mountains.
山のように海上に帆を張る船は かれの有である
( suspenseful theme playing ) He couldn't stand a speck of dust around the sails.
彼は帆の回りに 塵一つ我慢できなかった
A ship sails the ocean. It left Boston with a cargo of wool.
重さは200トン フランスのルアーブルまで運ばれます
the monster with the sails. Another title would be liop an dá lapa,
2枚のヒレを持つ重く大きな動物 とも呼ばれます
And to Him belong the ships with sails elevated in the sea like mountains.
山のように海上に帆を張る船は かれの有である
He seems really depressed and lifeless today. I wonder what took the wind out of his sails.
彼 今日 精彩がないね 青菜に塩だね
I found a brilliant aeronautical engineer who designs sails for America's Cup racing yachts named Peter Heppel.
素晴らしい航空エンジニアを見つけました ピーター ヘッペルです 緻密な造形と柔らかな動きという
Gets a job selling marine hardware, or working around a yacht club, or maybe making sails for boats.
ヨットクラブ近辺で働くとか 船の帆を作るとかね 船関係で働く必要はないよ
You're as trim and as bonny as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat of paint
あなたは綺麗で美しい スループ型帆船での 新たな航海には キレイなコートで挨拶をと
It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs.
骨組みと船体と甲板と帆があれば 船って呼べるわけじゃないぞ
I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag gets what he deserves.
海賊船がやって来たら容赦せず 懲らしめてやります 見つけ次第 八つ裂きにしますよ
You give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open, and you will see white sails on that horizon.
1時間か2時間ぐらいしたら きっと水平線に 白い帆が見えてくるわ
You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?
たまたま黒い帆を張ってて 人相の悪い船長が 舵を取ってただけじゃないか それと見間違えたんだろう
Your Lord is He Who sails the ship upon the seas for you, so that you may seek His munificence indeed He is Most Merciful upon you.
主こそは船をあなたがたのため海に航行させ かれの恩恵を求めさせる方である 本当にかれは あなたがたに対しいつも慈悲深くあられる
I think my flesh would be pretty tolerable strong, in such a case, said Phineas, stretching out a pair of arms like the sails of a windmill.
風車の帆のような腕のペアをストレッチ 私は なた場合 私は なたのための仲間を保持してはならないことを 確認してhaven'tの縮約形 友人ジョージ
No ship not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil, Hell spat him back out, could have black sails, so couldn't be any other ship than The Black Pearl.
人相の悪い乗務員がいて それ以上に悪い船長がいる船で 黒い帆があったから