Translation of "sanger sequencing" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Sanger sequencing - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Start with gene sequencing.
ご存じのように 遺伝子配列解明は そのほとんどを
You don't know the sequencing.
like DNA sequencing or protein folding.
I got interested in gene sequencing.
では 質問です  地球上の DNAの一連の塩基対から何を
And could Africa get that sequencing wrong?
Huge gene sequencing facilities the size of football fields.
And so we just heard about the DNA sequencing.
Guys, this would never have happened without whole genome sequencing.
DNA sequencing on your iPhone? There's an app for that.
The cost of sequencing the human genome is dropping precipitously.
以前はムーアの法則の ペースでしたが
The second question is, does the sequencing of the download matter?
アプリのダウンロードの順番は重要でしょうか アフリカは順番を間違えたのでしょうか
It was the sequencing for the first time of the human genome.
ヒトゲノムの解読です これは人間の細胞50兆個の一つ一つに
And we're in the process of sequencing all that at the present time.
塩基配列決定をしています データ収集場所からいうと
Moore's law, the old way of sequencing, and here's all the new stuff.
従来の解析方法 そしてこれが全く新しい方法です このグラフは対数尺度です
They're one of two companies that makes these massive whole genome sequencing tools.
製造企業の1つだったのです 彼は自分の子どもたちのゲノムを解析し
Say again, Bishop. You've got it into auto refuel mode, and it's sequencing right?
もう1度言ってくれ 給油は済んだんだな
I mean, it's true of DNA sequencing it's true of brain scanning it's true of the World Wide Web.
ウェブもそうです 計りうるどのような面でも 情報関係の測度は たくさんありますが
The technologies got better, and now DNA sequencing is proceeding at a pace five times that of Moore's Law.
DNA解析はムーアの法則の 5倍のペースで 進歩するようになりました これは大きな帰結を伴います
And that's what I've been doing for 20 years, using DNA sequencing, collecting samples from various places, including the human body, reading the DNA sequence and then using that DNA sequencing to tell us about the microbes that are in a particular place.
人体を含むいろんな場所からサンプルをとり DNA配列決定法を使ってDNA配列を読み DNA配列決定法を使ってある特定の場所にある
There's no molecular test, there's no sequencing of genes that was referred to yesterday, there's no fancy looking at the chromosomes.
遺伝子配列解析も行われず 染色体の難しい分析も行われません これが今日最先端とされて用いられているやり方なのです
So, it is the idea of sequencing all of the genes in the cancer, and giving us a new lexicon, a new dictionary to describe it.
がんを説明する上での新しい語彙 辞書を生み出そうというわけです 1850年代の半ばフランスで
And in both cases, we were able to use genetic sequencing to look at the polio viruses, and we could tell these viruses were not from these countries.
ポリオウイルスの遺伝子配列の解析から ウイルスの由来は 国内ではなく 何千マイルも彼方であることがわかったのです
As you probably know, gene sequencing in a large part, because it's built on computers is falling in price at a kind of a Moore's Law like level.
コンピュータによって実装しており 価格が下落しています ムーアの法則と同じ状況です 現在可能 あるいは可能になると思いますが
So Jeanny and I took three of our most efficient strains and then performed gene amplification sequencing on them and matched our data with an online comprehensive database.
遺伝子を増幅して配列を解析し そして そのデータを オンラインの総合データベースで照合 嬉しいことに
And as you're thinking about these two guys sequencing a human genome in 2000 and the Public Project sequencing the human genome in 2000, then you don't hear a lot, until you hear about an experiment last year in China, where they take skin cells from this mouse, put four chemicals on it, turn those skin cells into stem cells,
この二人や公的事業が ヒトゲノム配列解析を行いました それからしばらく音沙汰なく
This is a project that had its inception 15 years ago when our team then we called the institute TlGR was involved in sequencing the first two genomes in history.
15年前に遡ります 我々のチームは その頃はTIGRと呼んでいましたが
On any given plantation, 20 percent of the trees produce 80 percent of the crop, so Mars is looking at the genome, they're sequencing the genome of the cocoa plant.
20 の木々で 80 の収穫を生み出しているのです マースはゲノムに着目し カカオの木の ゲノム配列解析に取り組んでいます
Fly away, cat. So, the last example I have time to show you today is a music sequencing and live performance tool that we've built recently, in which Siftables act as sounds
And what the DNA sequencing technologies are allowing people to do now is do detailed studies of, say, 100 patients who have Crohn's disease and 100 people who don't have Crohn's disease.
例えば炎症性腸疾患を患っている患者100人と 患っていない人100人に対する詳細な調査 または幼少のころ抗生物質を使用した人100人と
Synthetic DNA, the ability to synthesize DNA, has changed at sort of the same pace that DNA sequencing has over the last decade or two, and is getting very rapid and very cheap.
DNAを人工合成する技術は DNA配列を決定する技術と ほぼ同じ速さで進歩し
And as it continues, one of the things that's going to happen this year is we're going to discover the first 10,000 human genomes, because it's gotten cheap enough to do the gene sequencing.
我々は今年 ヒトゲノムの 最初の1万個を同定するでしょう ゲノム配列解析が安価になったおかげです
And so what I want to tell you about for a few minutes is, what people have learned using DNA sequencing techniques in particular, to study the microbial cloud that lives in and on us.
DNA配列決定の技術を使って人が学んだこと 特にヒトの内外に生きる微生物集団の研究についてです 特にヒトの内外に生きる微生物集団の研究についてです
Craig Venter has just joined our board and we're doing a rapid genome sequencing prize with him, we'll be announcing later this fall, about imagine being able to sequence anybody's DNA for under 1,000 dollars, revolutionize medicine.
高速遺伝子解析賞を 準備しています この秋に発表する予定です 誰でもDNA解析を千ドル以下で 受けられるようになることを
To answer this question, we're sequencing thousands of genes from our city mice and comparing those to thousands of genes from the country mice, so, their ancestors outside of New York City in these big, more wilderness areas.
それと 田舎のネズミの遺伝子を比べる必要があります つまり ニューヨークの外に住む より広範囲に生息する 彼らの祖先の遺伝子です
And as you think of biomaterials, this guy who did part of the sequencing of the human genome, who just doubled the databases of genes and proteins known on earth by sailing around the world has been thinking about how you structure this.
ヒト ゲノムの解読の一部を担い 世界を巡る航海を通じて 遺伝子やタンパクのデータベースを倍増させました
And so by applying ancient DNA sequencing and protein mass spectrometry technologies to ancient dental calculus, we can generate immense quantities of data that then we can use to begin to reconstruct a detailed picture of the dynamic interplay between diet, infection and immunity thousands of years ago.
タンパク質の質量分析技術を 適用することにより 莫大な量のデータが生成でき
We know from the sequencing of the human genome that it's shown us all of the A's, C's, G's and T's that make up our genetic code, but that code, by itself, our DNA, is like looking at the ones and zeroes of the computer code without having a computer that can read it.
我々の遺伝子を構成する全ての ACGT は示されていますが しかしコードだけの DNA は
The future that Intel's working on now is to figure out how to make that computing for personalized medicine go from months and weeks to even hours, and make this kind of tool available, not just in the mainframes of tier one research hospitals around the world, but in the mainstream every patient, every clinic with access to whole genome sequencing.
個別の医療に 使用するコンピュータの 分析にかかる時間を数ヶ月や数週間から 数時間に短縮し こんなツールを実用化することです
And we did this because we think that it's actually going to allow us to realize the potential, the promise, of all of the sequencing of the human genome, but it's going to allow us, in doing that, to actually do clinical trials in a dish with human cells, not animal cells, to generate drugs and treatments that are much more effective, much safer, much faster, and at a much lower cost.
この技術はヒトゲノム解読の 持てる力を引き出して活用し 幹細胞株群を生成することで
And if you think about the computer industry and how we've gone from big computers to little ones and how they get more powerful and faster all the time, the same thing is happening with gene sequencing now we are on the cusp of being able to sequence human genomes for about 5,000 dollars in about an hour or a half hour you will see that happen in the next five years.
巨大だったコンピュータは小さくなり そしてより高速で高性能になりました 遺伝子配列解読も同様です


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