Translation of "sectarian tensions" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
With tensions escalating, | 番組 パノラマ は世界で最も厳しく管理された国に |
The issues were, of course, ethnic sectarian violence. | クメール ルージュとは 最初に交渉 |
We're constantly creating tensions and conflicts. | 私たちが人種について話すのは難しいですが |
Would you like to see civil war, sectarian killing? | 破壊活動を見たいか |
The President's speech was calculated to ease world tensions. | 大統領の演説は世界の緊張緩和を意図したものだった |
We want to neutralize the tensions. We want closeness. | でも欲望の場合 すでに経験したことは望まれないものです |
There are signs of growing tensions between the two countries. | その両国間に緊張が高まりつつあるきざしがある |
Where there's a weapon, there's crime. Tensions rose, and rose. | 武器は犯罪に繋がるわ |
For some, it will lead to anger, religious and sectarian violence and terrorism. | 引き籠り ニヒリズム 物質主義に 走る人もいるでしょう |
You begin to look at things having to do with your tensions. | トラブルに陥った兄弟の世話をするのかどうか |
The current situation in the Middle East is a time bomb of tensions. | 中東における現在の情勢は 緊迫した政情不安となっている |
Will there be tensions over immigration, or conflicts over competition for limited resources? | 限られた資源をめぐる衝突が 待っているかもしれません チャドやダルフールでは 既に衝突がありました |
They would bring prosperity, security, overcome sectarian violence, ensure that states would never again harbor terrorists. | 宗派の争いをなくし テロリストを守る政府はなくなると考えたのです でも現実は違いました |
I will have to take up tensions that are much more serious than this. | 俺は そのさらに上をいく テンションで受けとめてやらねーと |
Most importantly, the basic income would lead to an escalation of the existing social tensions. | 社会的緊張の増大を 抑える効果があるんだよ 結局 多くの人がしたくもない 仕事をやってるんだわ |
This is producing all sorts of tensions, all sorts of dynamics that are deeply disturbing. | 様々な問題を生み出す元になっています そして地球上の人口はさらに増える見込みです |
Tensions between these two families date back to 1913 when there was a dispute over local political power. | 発端は地域の政治権力争いでした ここ20年でエスカレートし |
And these tensions have deep evolutionary roots, so selfish behavior is adaptive in certain circumstances fight or flight. | 利己的行動は ある種の状況下では適したものです 闘争逃走反応です |
And we must remain engaged to assure that what began with citizens demanding their rights does not end in a cycle of sectarian violence. | 決して終らぬように 私たちは かかわり続けなければなりません 我々は協力して 別の展望を抱くシリア人を 支持しなければなりません 一体的かつ両立的なシリアであり |
Negotiations are difficult, the tensions are high, progress is slow, and then, 10 minutes to 2, a prime minister shouts out, | そして あと10分で2時 という時になって ある首相が声をあげます あと10分で結論をださなければ |
And so with all these crises, we have let's see ethnic and minority tensions we have chemical and nuclear spills, nuclear proliferation. | 民族間や少数派での確執 化学物質や核物質の漏洩 核拡散 油田流出 環境災害 |
So, the most enterprising Africans end up going to work for government, and that has increased the political tensions in our countries precisely because we depend on aid. | 我々の国々は援助に頼っているせいで 政治的緊張が高まるのです もうひとつ言いたいのが |
We went through a period of feeling that the lesson learned from Bosnia was that elections held too early enshrined sectarian violence, enshrined extremist parties, so in Iraq in 2003 the decision was made, | 宗派間の闘争や過激派政党が 活発になりました この教訓を生かして 2003年にイラクの選挙を |
In the Quran, religious opinion religious orthodoxy is dismissed as zanna self indulgent guesswork about matters that nobody can be certain of one way or the other, but which makes people quarrelsome and stupidly sectarian. | 確かめようもない 都合のいい 当てずっぽうだと言われています そのせいで皆がムキになって 宗派を作っちゃうんです 笑 信じることでないのならば 宗教とは何でしょう |
(Filmmaker) With about 500 undocumented immigrants entering into Greece everyday, and with the economic situation showing no signs of improvement, it's safe to say the tensions in Greece are likely to get worse. | 経済状況がよくなる気配がまったく無い中 これからより緊張は高まっていくだろう 左翼の多くは スィリザ(急進左派連合)の選挙での勝利に望みをかけてきた |
I believe that there are new, hidden tensions that are actually happening between people and institutions institutions that are the institutions that people inhabit in their daily life schools, hospitals, workplaces, factories, offices, etc. | 目には見えない緊張感があります 所属組織とは日常生活におけるー 家以外の居住空間のことで |
More broadly, the events of the last two weeks also speak to the need for all of us to honestly address the tensions between the West and the Arab World that is moving towards democracy. | 民主化に向かうアラブ諸国と西洋諸国の 緊張状態を誠実に解決する必要性も 認識させられました はっきりと申し上げて 世界の問題をすべて解決はできませんが |
Kuwait has just held its eleventh parliamentary election since independence in 1961. Though Kuwait is a monarchy, its parliamentary history has not been placid, and the election campaign reflected ongoing tensions between the royal family and segments of the electorate. | クウェートでは つい先日 1961年の独立以来11回目の議会選挙が行われた クウェートは君主制であるが 議会の歴史は穏やかなものではなく 王家と選挙民セグメントとの間に進行中の緊張関係が 今回の選挙運動に反映した |
For 10 years, unfortunately we have found ourselves reporting images of destruction, images of killing, of sectarian conflicts, images of violence, emerging from a magnificent piece of land, a region that one day was the source of civilizations and art and culture for thousands of years. | 1000年もの間 文明や芸術 文化の発祥地でした |
I think he can help us all through a sound management of the U.S. economy, which he s trying hard to achieve, just as we can help him by avoiding the explosion of tensions to the world economy out of the euro zone. | 我々は世界経済への緊張の爆発を回避することによって 彼を助けることができるように 達成する ユーロ圏のうち と私は大西洋の両側で 私たちはよく働いていると思う |
By increasing the political attractiveness of the state, especially in our ethnically fragmented societies in Africa, aid tends to accentuate ethnic tensions as every single ethnic group now begins struggling to enter the state in order to get access to the foreign aid pie. | 特に アフリカの民族的に分割された社会では 援助は民族間での緊迫を高めるのです なぜなら どの民族も外国からの援助の分け前を確保するために |
The kind of dichotomies, and the kind of tensions, and the antagonisms from a civil war are still here and they are re emerging now, but for the time being they are being covered under the civility of a country that's still, just about, supposed to be part of the global West and aspiring to this idea of global progress, capitalist euphoria, and development and so on and so forth... (Gelly, Solidarity activist) Here in Greece... it's the civil war syndrome I call it. | 再び表に現れてきているけれど とりあえず今のところは うわべをとりつくろおうとしているのです この社会は まだ西洋社会の中にかろうじて含まれているとされる |
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