Translation of "shallow" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Shallow - translation :

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Shallow History
浅い履歴join states
Shallow cut.
Is this river shallow?
His breathing is shallow.
Ve yaşıtlarına göre oldukça iri.
Shallow breaths. Come on.
シャロン 大丈夫だ
She'sShe's shallow,and she'sShe's selfish!
浅はかで 自己中心的で
I don't like his shallow personality.
He leaped over the shallow ditch.
That river seems shallow, doesn't it?
No, you're a deeply shallow man.
いや お前は薄っぺらな男だよ
Respirations are slow, shallow, and irregular.
呼吸は遅い 浅くて 不規則だ
The pond is too shallow for swimming.
This river becomes shallow at that point.
Compared to his father, he is shallow.
The river was shallow at that point.
That play (and paddle) in shallow trifles.
Between you and me, he's a shallow thinker.
Yes, you carried me to shallow water, Kohaku
そう 琥珀が私を浅瀬に運んでくれたのね そう こはくが わたしを あさせに はこんで くれたのね Yes, you carried me to shallow water, Kohaku
He's a shallow narcissist. It's all about image.
彼は 浅はかなナルシストだ イメージがすべてだからね
The curriculum of this school is wide and shallow.
The river is shallow here. We can walk across.
川はここで浅くなっている 歩いて渡れるよ
low and behold, kelp forests emerged in shallow water.
So, we're learning lots new from the shallow water.
The stout man leaped over the shallow ditch and stumbled.
太った男が浅い溝を飛び越えて よろけた
It's still shallow, eh. My feet still touch the bottom. It's quite a shallow beach. Yotsuba, you can still touch the bottom can't you?
まだ浅いね 足とどく 結構遠浅だな よつばもまだ足つくだろ
They can do so in shallow potential wells thus removing variance.
バリオンを取り除いてしまう だが超新星のショックはダークマターには影響を与えない
Still exploring the deep, but learning lots from the shallow water.
浅瀬にも多くの発見があるのです 浅瀬にも多くの発見があるのです
And it's produced a great amputation, a shallow view of human nature.
とても浅はかになりました 物質的なことはよく話せますが
And I said, Shallow affect, an inability to experience a range of emotions.
多様な感情を持てないこと くだらん感情で悩みたい奴が どこにいる
The point is, we need an empty vessel, a shallow, dumb, vacuous moron.
殺し屋として最適なのは 世界で最も 脳タリン ウスノロ トンマ マヌケな野郎だ
y ou... y ou think i'm shallow? i think you're... no, no, no.
The dip slopes in the overlying limestone, the orientation of the flora, shallow waters...
表層の石灰岩に傾斜していく坂 植物相の傾向 浅い水系...
Shallow seas nurtured life early on, and that's where it morphed into more complex forms.
より複雑な組織に変形しました 光と酸素が増すと共に 成長を繰り返しました
You see, the shrimp must be deveined by putting a shallow cut down the back...
知ってるだろうが エビは血管を露出させるように 背中に浅い切り込みを入れて
Already in some shallow lakes in Alaska, methane is actively bubbling up out of the water.
水面にメタンが泡立っています アラスカ大学のケイティ ウォルター教授は
And that coral was growing happily in those shallow waters, until 1954, when the earthquake happened.
1954年に地震が起きるまで 1584年とわかっているのは
There's a relatively shallow distribution centered on 10 and a much more peaked distribution centered on 13.
中心が13のより先端がとがった分布があります μ'とσ²'の値の結果を計算してみてください
Some days, I'm as shallow as a baking pan, but I still stretch miles in all directions.
しかしどの方向にも長く広く伸びるだろう インターネットが私の所有物ならばNapster Monster Friendster.comは
Lord of the Dúnedain, found himself in a shallow dell amid the chill, blinding vapours of the Coldfells.
Lord of the Dúnedain, found himself in a shallow dell amid the chill, blinding vapours of the Coldfells.
遠征の途上 浅い谷に迷い込んだ 寒い丘原の凍てつく霧の中で
Professor Katey Walter from the University of Alaska went out with another team to another shallow lake last winter.
去年の冬 別の浅い湖を調べに行きました
But I want to jump up to shallow water now and look at some creatures that are positively amazing.
実に見事な生き物を見てみましょう 頭足類といっても子供のころ私はイカフライぐらいしか知りませんでした
And so this has led to a shallow path in politics, but also in a whole range of human endeavors.
人間の営み全体までも浅はかなものになりました 子育てでも明らかです


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