Translation of "shrubs" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

And that's also timberline and those bristlecones really are shrubs.
全くの別世界です 標高3470メートルの世界は 言葉で表せないほど素晴らしい
What is it? Well, you see, I wanted the shrubs pruned.
どうしたの あのね 植木の枝の剪定をして欲しかったのよ
People think they're just the size of shrubs, but that's not actually true.
The production of grass, shrubs, trees, wildlife, everything is now more productive, and we have virtually no fear of dry years.
全てが活き活きとしています もはや干上がる心配は ほとんどありません 何をしたかというと 牛と山羊の数を4倍に増やして
Mountain fires are thought of causing little harm with the only damage being the burning of trees and shrubs, but actually there's a hell of a 'hidden character'.
山火事は 樹木が燃えるだけの被害と理解されていますが 実はとんでもない 隠れキャラ があります
But they turned away, so We unleashed against them the flood of the dam and We substituted their two gardens with two gardens of bitter fruits, thorny shrubs, and meager harvest.
だがかれらは アッラーから 背き去った それでわれは かれらに洪水を送り かの2つの園を 柳と僅かばかりのハマナツメの苦い実を結ぶ園に変えた
A blustering sigh passed furious hands seemed to tear at the shrubs, shake the tops of the trees below, slam doors, break window panes, all along the front of the building.
下の木のてっぺん スラムのドアは すべての前面に沿ってウィンドウのペインを 壊す 建物 彼は彼の後ろのドアを閉じて 介入した と私はテーブルの上に曲げています 私の
This is a forest garden where there is a big diversity of trees and shrubs and other crops all growing together, very carefully designed so everything is working together, to give many different yields from the same space.
すべて混植され 注意深く設計されています すべては協調的に働き 同じ場所で多様な収穫が得られます 樹木の間隔を注意深く決めれば
It was bare of flowers because the perennial plants had been cut down for their winter rest, but there were tall shrubs and low ones which grew together at the back of the bed, and as the robin hopped about under them she saw him hop over a small pile of freshly turned up earth.
その冬の残り しかしで一緒に育った背の高い潅木と低いものがあった ベッドの背面 およびロビンのような それらの下に約ホッピング彼女は彼がたて上げての小さな山を介してホップを見た