Translation of "slaughtered" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

They will be slaughtered.
You slaughtered my entire civilisation.
Revenge for a family slaughtered.
復讐 彼は家族を惨殺された
The lambs were slaughtered for market.
It's the innocents who get slaughtered.
抹殺されるのは 罪のない者なんだ
We're going to have a cock slaughtered.
お疲れでしょうし 鶏をつぶしましょう
Why? I didn't let you get slaughtered.
Well, of course they're gonna get slaughtered.
当然 屠殺は必要
They slaughtered 23 people and jumped a shuttle.
23人を虐殺して シャトルを乗っ取った
But they slaughtered her, and became full of remorse.
だがかれらは その腱を切って不具にし たちまち後悔することになった
They're like animals... and I slaughtered them like animals!
奴らは獣だ だから殺したんだ
Greeks are being slaughtered. We can't just sail away.
ギリシア人が殺されてるのに 見捨てるなんて
Look at what they've done. They've slaughtered your troops.
損害を見ろ キミの軍が虐殺された
Between April and August, 1994, one million people were slaughtered.
100万人が虐殺されました 私はサラエボで 12,000脚という
The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night.
そのウルクどもなら 昨夜の内に始末した
So they're warning each other they're going to be slaughtered?
お互い殺されると 警告しているのか?
But they called their friend, and he dared, and he slaughtered.
だがかれらは仲間を呼び寄せ その男は 剣を 手にとると膝の腱を切ってしまった
Oh, it's nothing. Sure, in Moscow you ate them already slaughtered.
簡単なんですよ 首を切るだけ
While benjamin juma has slaughtered over 200,000 of his own people.
ベンジャミン ジューマが 200,000以上の人を虐殺する間に
They're being slaughtered out of sight and mind, somewhere in the countryside.
どこかの田舎で処理されるようになったのです 処理をされた後 電車で都市に運ばれるようになりました
And they slaughtered them, used the fat throughout the winter for cooking.
会場 笑い声
No. And if we're discovered, all of the Lurmen will be slaughtered.
無駄 うちらがばれたら ルーメン達全員が殺される
Danny had just been slaughtered in Basra... Me head were in bits.
ダニーがバスラで 殺されたばかりで
I know. The explorers slaughtered the braves. Sweeney Horribly. Sobule
ジル 旧約聖書の神はとってもかわいいに違いないわ
Ravana! Rama has slaughtered your Rakshasas in the forest. You must take revenge!
駄目です マスター ラーマは強すぎる
My family was slaughtered by the king's men when I was a boy.
僕が子供の時 家族は王の部下に よって虐殺された
That is their way. So we will just lay down and be slaughtered?
じゃ ただ降伏して殺害される
I could've done something, but then I would've been slaughtered along with him.
一緒に殺されそうで 何も出来なかった
The scene where Luke discovers his slaughtered family resembles this scene from The Searchers
ハン ソロがグリードを撃つ場面は 続 夕日のガンマン にそっくりだ
But then 800,000 civilians were slaughtered in a matter of just a few months.
殺害された事件です このような記録は
People on both sides of the equation are getting slaughtered, plantations are getting burned.
農場は燃やされていった フランス新政府の立場からすれば
These people don't mess around, they are taking you to a place to be slaughtered.
What do I do? Call each of them and say Mr. Simonson in 22A was slaughtered?
cursed they shalt be, and wheresoever they are come upon they shall be seized and slaughtered all
かれらは必ず呪われ 見つかり次第捕えられ 殺されるであろう
...unless I design the whole system from the moment they enter to the moment they get slaughtered.
牛が中に入って 屠殺されるまで全体の システム設計をしない限り
The un's been issuing reprimands and economic sanctions while benjamin juma has slaughtered over 200,000 of his own people.
国連は譴責決議や 経済制裁を議論している その間にもジュマは殺戮を続けている
Eat then of that over which the Name of Allah has been mentioned (when slaughtered), if you truly believe in His verses.
だからあなたがたが もしアッラーの啓示を信じるならば かれの御名が唱えられたものを食べなさい
If you have faith in God's revelations, eat the flesh of the animal which has been slaughtered with a mention of His Name.
だからあなたがたが もしアッラーの啓示を信じるならば かれの御名が唱えられたものを食べなさい
But they called him a liar and slaughtered her, therefore their Lord crushed them for their sin and levelled them (with the ground).
だがかれらは かれを嘘付き者と呼び その膝の腱を切っ て不具にし た それで主は その罪のためにかれらを滅ぼし 平らげられた
But they slaughtered her. Thereupon Salih warned them 'Enjoy yourselves in your homes for a maximum of three days. This is a promise which shall not be belied.'
だがかれらは その膝の腱を切った それでかれ サーリフ は言った 3日の間あなたがたの家で 生を 楽しめ それは偽りのない約束である
Remember when We delivered you from Pharaoh s clan who inflicted a terrible torment on you, and slaughtered your sons and spared your women, and in that there was a great test from your Lord.
そしてわれがあなたがたをフィルアウンの一族から救った時を思い起せ かれらはあなたがたを重い刑に服させ あなたがたの男児を殺し 女児を生かして置いた それはあなたがたの主からの厳しい試練であった
And remember, We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh They set you hard tasks and punishments, slaughtered your sons and let your women folk live therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord.
そしてわれがあなたがたをフィルアウンの一族から救った時を思い起せ かれらはあなたがたを重い刑に服させ あなたがたの男児を殺し 女児を生かして置いた それはあなたがたの主からの厳しい試練であった
I was showing the film, and I remember being in Israel and getting it absolutely slaughtered by some guys having watched the film that it's just a day of peace, it doesn't mean anything.
イスラエルでこの映画を見た何人かの人に 酷評されたのを覚えています たった1日の平和な日 そんなの全く意味がないじゃないかと