Translation of "solitude" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Solitude - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Embrace solitude.
In my solitude
In my solitude
Some people enjoy solitude.
With the same solitude
The misanthrope enjoys his solitude.
I had moments of solitude,
The state of great solitude
Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine.
独りは良いものだ だが 独りは良い と言うには相手が必要だ
Solitude is courage. Hermetics. Total neutrality.
自分自身が不安なのは 勇気だ
I know why you seek solitude.
一人になりたい 気持ちは分かる
I I live here in solitude.
Start thinking of solitude as a good thing.
考えてください 1人の時間を作りましょう
I am left in a land with just solitude
Has this become my fate?
He likes to spend some time in solitude every day.
It felt very alone, it could not support the solitude.
孤独に 耐えられなかったから
I find that I can bear the solitude very cheerfully.
It will pass, and more speedily in quiet and solitude.
In your solitude on Tatooine, training I have for you.
タトゥイーンは 退屈じゃろう 訓練を受けては どうじゃ
We shouldn't confuse solitude with isolation. They are two separate things.
孤独と孤立を混同してはいけない それぞれ異なったものである
and peace and solitude. PAUL But at least at the hospital
わしは病気じゃないし 精神科医も要らん
Right, the old knight lives in solitude deep within this swamp.
一人で だから孤独の騎士 stag knight になったのかな 独身最後のパーティー stag night のダジャレ
And this is because solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity.
重要な要素になっているからです ダーウィンは
There is a new generation of entrepreneurs who are dying of solitude.
孤立が原因で 挫折していきます 史上最高の経営コンサルタントの 1人 ピーター ドラッカーが
The father's pursuit of solitude is indicative of a far deeper problem.
彼の孤独の追及には 由来する問題があるはず
I like to go to a cabin in the woods to enjoy solitude.
I wanted a place where I would have total silence and total solitude.
完全な静寂と 完全な孤独です 2週間を過ごし
Only he thought it was uninhabited. We Cossacks find our inspiration in solitude.
しかし どのように恐ろしい
And in fact, we have known for centuries about the transcendent power of solitude.
孤独の持つ超越的な力を知っていました それを忘れるようになったのはつい最近のことなのです
In the popular culture, Superman had the Fortress of Solitude, and there was, of course, the Batcave.
そして勿論バットケーブもあります そこで旅に出て 現代の人たちが作っているものを
Now, my wife and I have retreated to a small cabin in the solitude of these mountains.
今私たち夫婦は 静かな山小屋に生活している
My reason for coming to Iping, he proceeded, with a certain deliberation of manner, was ... a desire for solitude.
方法 は...孤独願望 私は私の仕事を妨害されることを望まない
Solitude is where you find yourself so that you can reach out to other people and form real attachments.
その上で他者に近づき 真の関係が築かれます 孤独に耐える力がないと
You end up isolated if you don't cultivate the capacity for solitude, the ability to be separate, to gather yourself.
孤独に耐える力や 1人でいられる力を 養わないからです
He is not a man of solitude, but often the friendless open road is his only alternative to death by execution.
だが しばしば 友人のいない 野外の道が 死刑に代わる唯一の選択だったりする リチャード キンブル 彼はヒッチハイクで多く旅する
And this is the work of several designers that really enhance the idea of solitude and expansion by means of various techniques.
閉ざされた空間の 発展を表現しています 今は ゆっくり会話できる場所が
When we don't have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in order to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive.
不安にならないために または生きていると感じるために 他の人に近づく そうなると
And when We did appoint for Moses forty nights (of solitude), and then ye chose the calf, when he had gone from you, and were wrong doers.
また われが40夜にわたり ムーサーと約束を結んだ時のこと その時あなたがたはかれのいない間に仔牛を神として拝し 不義を行った
We marry, for example, with great pomp and ceremony and expense to signal our departure from a life of solitude and misery and loneliness to one of eternal bliss.
豪華な結婚式を行います 寂しい独り身から 永遠の祝福への出発を
And whether it's the opening line from One Hundred Years of Solitude or the fantastical stream of consciousness in Autumn of the Patriarch, where the words rush by, page after page of unpunctuated imagery sweeping the reader along
族長の秋 に出てくる 空想的な意識の流れ 言葉に追い越され
But I'll tell you, what helps even more is my sense, my belief, my hope that when it comes to our attitudes to introversion and to quiet and to solitude, we truly are poised on the brink on dramatic change.
感覚 信念 希望があります それは内向性や無口や孤独に対する 人々の態度が劇的に変化する
Now, of course, this does not mean that we should all stop collaborating and case in point, is Steve Wozniak famously coming together with Steve Jobs to start Apple Computer but it does mean that solitude matters and that for some people it is the air that they breathe.
共同作業など一切やめろということではありません ウォズニアックがジョブズとアップルを始めたのが 成功した共同作業の良い例です
And when We did appoint for Moses thirty nights (of solitude), and added to them ten, and he completed the whole time appointed by his Lord of forty nights and Moses said unto his brother, Aaron Take my place among the people. Do right, and follow not the way of mischief makers.
またわれはムーサーに 律法を授ける期間として 30夜を約束したが 更に10 夜 を加えた それで主が定められた期限は40夜となった ムーサーは 兄弟のハールーンに言った あなたはわたしに代って人々を統治しなさい 正しく行動し 悪を行う者の道に従ってはならない
And We agreed with Moosa a covenant for thirty nights (of solitude) and completed it by adding ten to them, so the covenant of His Lord amounted to forty nights in full and Moosa said to his brother Haroon, Be my deputy over my people and make reform and do not allow the ways of the mischievous to enter.
またわれはムーサーに 律法を授ける期間として 30夜を約束したが 更に10 夜 を加えた それで主が定められた期限は40夜となった ムーサーは 兄弟のハールーンに言った あなたはわたしに代って人々を統治しなさい 正しく行動し 悪を行う者の道に従ってはならない


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