Translation of "spec" to Japanese language:

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RPM Spec
RPM SpecLanguage
that has a spec 18 pages long.
You're just a... a tiny spec, Mark.
あなたはただの... ちっちゃな粒だ マーク
A Spec ops team went into the jungle.
特殊部隊が ジャングルに入ったの
Highlighting for RPM Spec Files, Perl, Diff and more
RPM スペックファイル Perl Diff の構文強調表示
According to spec, the bitmap should stretch along with the shape in this example..
This simple example will draw a frame on a bitmap. Ah, here's another buglet in the flash player it doesn't seem to care about the second shape's bitmap's transformation in a morph. According to spec, the bitmap should stretch along with the shape in this example..
These are mostly nonpaying jobs, or spec work. I think that's a real dog.
ほとんどは売る込み用の写真 たぶん犬は本物
See section 4.2.2 of the XML 1.0 spec for the definition of notation declared external entities.
外部エンティティ宣言の記述用定義に関しては XML 1.0 仕様の 4.2.2 節 を参照下さい
It has nothing to do with me. We find hardware in your apartment. Latest military spec.
我々はお前の部屋で兵器を見つけた それは陸軍の仕様のものだ
So here's the specifications, just as if you were to make up a spec sheet for it
仕様はこうなります 17京(兆の1万倍)個のトランジスタ 55兆のリンク
This is a gamma radiation spec scan that uses gamma radiation to map three dimensional function within the brain.
これはガンマ線を使ったガンマ線投射図です 脳内部の立体的機能図を作成できます 立体的描写には実験室が必要です
You'll notice that referer is misspelled here, that's because in the original HTTP spec the word referrer was spelled wrong.
最初にHTTPスペックを登録した際に Referrerを間違えて Refererと登録してしまったのです 互換性の関係で変更することができず
You need to tell the RPM spec file which databases to support and the location of the top level of your database server.
PHP 3のビルド方法の制約により どの環境にも対応できる柔軟なPHPの RPMを作成するのは困難です この問題に関してはPHP 4で取り組んでい ます PHP 3ではとりあえずPHPディストリビューションの INSTALL.REDHATファイルで説明されている方法を用いることをお勧めし ます もしどうしてもRPMバージョンのPHP 3を使う という場合は続き をお読みください
come on, come on. i can do this ten times as fast... fast. i am processing the data within normal specifications. increase your spec... specifications.
私には... 私にはできるぞ 10倍速く...速く データを標準規格で 処理しています 上げろ 規 ...規格を
Is it because they can't build their initial spec or vision, or is it that no one will fund the idea, or is it that too few people buy or use the product?
それとも買ってくれたり使用してくれる顧客が 少なかったのでしょうか?
I tried to understand that language as a beginning, as a place to jump off, and there was so much of it being done by spec builders and it was trivialized so much that it wasn't ...
僕はまず その論理を理解するために そこをスタート地点としたんだ でも 建設屋の指示に従うばかりで つまらない事が沢山で こう... でも 建設屋の指示に従うばかりで つまらない事が沢山で こう...
I became aware that I was in a tunnel, there is no other way of describe it, you couldn't see it you could sense it. and then down in the distance I could see this little spec of light which gradually got bigger and bigger as it would if you were in a tunnel and there is light at the end of it.
見えないけど 確かに感じるとしか言いようがありません 遠くに小さな光が見え 光は少しずつ大きくなっていきました
It turns out that the title VP of Sales has a very different job spec in a large company that it does on a startup of VP and marketing does very different things in a large company than they do on a startup and for years, we could never explain why is it that incredibly competent executives who have been executing business models in large corporations collapse in startups when they're company is smaller than their administrative staff in their large corporation.
営業もマーケティングもスタートアップ時と 大企業では大きく仕事内容が異なるのです 長い間大企業でビジネスモデルを 実行してきた優秀な役員が