Translation of "spectral purity" to Japanese language:

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Purity - translation : Spectral - translation : Spectral purity - translation :

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Purity. Enlightenment.
純粋さ 啓蒙
In addition, it's multi spectral.
想像できるかわかりませんが 我々は
Purity. No boys.
潔癖で 男の子はなし
Identical in shape, size, spectral content.
眼が感知する限り 同じです
We now talk about spectral clustering.
Taking form of a giant spectral dog.
I admire its purity.
その純粋さは 称賛に値する
Realtime audio processor based on frequency spectral manipulation
For instance, you see the spectral line of the gold is the only spectral line in the spectrum of the Sun.
太陽のスペクトル中 唯一の吸収線です この弱い線を使って
This is called affinity based clustering or spectral clustering.
従来とは異なるスペクトラルクラスタリングの データセットを使いもう一度説明しましょう
The fifth foundation is purity sanctity.
この絵は The Allegory Of Chastity です
Spectral partitioning, L1 minimization. This comes from the optimization community.
They'll need a spectral micrometer to see it's a fabrication.
偽物と見破るには スペクトル ミクロメータが必要です
And proclaim His Purity, morning and evening.
朝な夕な かれの栄光を讃えなさい
And proclaim the Purity of your Lord.
I shall prove my purity to you.
ラーマに忠実であったか 他の男を思ったのか
The fundamental idea of spectral clustering is to cluster by affinity.
類似性によるクラスタリングです 重要性を理解するために 直感で答えられる単純な問題を出しましょう
So spectral clustering gets annotation of affinity to make clustering happen.
The color white is a symbol of purity.
Proclaim the Purity of your Lord, the Supreme.
至高の御方 あなたの主の御名を讃えなさい
explains why she wasn't ppwearing a purity ring.
純潔リングをはめてなかった 理由にもなるわね
So let me look at the simple example for spectral clustering that would also work for K means or EM, but they'll be useful to illustrate spectral clustering.
k means法やEM法にも応用できますが スペクトラルクラスタリングの 説明にも役立ちます ここに9つのデータ点があるとします
Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity these are not affected by what people say for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honourable.
不浄な女は不浄な男に また不浄な男は不浄な女に 相応しい 純潔な女は純潔な男に また純潔な男は純潔な女に 相応しい これらの者は 人びとの言うことに動じない かれらには 容赦と栄誉ある御恵みがあろう
In order that we may profusely proclaim Your Purity.
それはわたしたちが あなたを多く讃え
Purity is to Allah from the matters they fabricate.
アッラーに讃えあれ かれは かれらが配するものから 超絶なされる
And indeed we are those who say His purity.
慎んで アッラーを 讃え唱念します
and tenderness of heart and purity. He was pious,
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
And it turns out once again that spectral sensitivity is very important here.
重要性がここで 再び浮上しました 全ての例の中で 思うに
So in summary, spectral clustering builds an affinity matrix of the data points.
One is the phong reflection model, which gives us a spectral highlight, shiny spot.
もう1つがピクセルごとに色の補間を行う このフォンシェーディングです
The whiteness of the lily is a symbol of purity.
and a compassion and purity from Us. He was Godwary
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
and tenderness from Us and purity, and he was cautious
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
All Sita has to do is prove her purity. Again.
もう1度 炎の裁きを...
They say His Purity night and day, and do not slacken.
かれらは毎日毎晩にかれを讃え 休むことを知らない
and a tenderness from Us, and purity and he was godfearing,
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
And compassion from Our presence, and purity and he was devout,
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
And to understand the importance of spectral clustering, let me ask you a simple intuitive quiz.
And say His Purity during the night, and after the customary prayers.
また夜も かれを讃えて唱念しなさい また礼拝の終りにも
They said, Purity is to our Lord we have indeed been unjust.
かれらは わたしたちの主を讃える 本当にわたしたちは不義でありました と言った
And tenderness from Our presence and purity, and he was God fearing.
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
And affection from Us and purity, and he was fearing of Allah
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
We gave him compassion and purity. He was a pious human being,
またわが許から慈愛と清純な心を授けた かれは主を畏れ
The seven heavens and the earth and all those in them say His Purity and there is not a thing that does not proclaim His purity with praise, but you do not understand their proclamation of purity indeed He is Most Forbearing, Oft Forgiving.
7つの天と大地 またその間にある凡てのものは かれを讃える 何ものも かれを讃えて唱念しないものはない だがあなたがたは それらが如何に唱念しているかを理解しない 本当にかれは忍耐強く寛容であられる
Spectral stars that are like those that make elliptical convolved with say Gaussian distribution of Doppler shifts.
ドップラーシフトのガウス分布で楕円銀河を合成する 楕円銀河を構成している星の速度分散が推測出来る


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