Translation of "stab" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Stab - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Any stab wounds?
Did you stab him?
Did you stab him?
Did you stab him?
Stab it in. aah!
I'll be sure to stab you well.
kuru na yo! ! ike yo !
Only the heart's pounding stab my heart
聞こえない 胸の吐息
Stab him, George. You can do it.
What, are you going to stab me?
Here, let me take a stab at it.
ほら 俺にもやらせてくれ
You can't stab a corpse and not know.
If you're gonna stab me in the back,
Guan Yu cannot stab a man from behind
Anyone in the audience want to take a stab?
観衆 PULPIT  素晴らしい
Don't start talking me stab you in the heart.
Maybe you'd like to take a stab at it.
A snake who stab a man in the back.
Good personal hygiene won't stab me in my sleep.
Someone else in your head making you stab him?
彼を刺し殺させてるような 感じじゃなかった
There's no telling when she'll stab you in the back.
Have this stab on side. Tony, give me your gun.
私の銃 はい あなたの銃
And then I'm going to stab Holly in the heart.
それから ホリーの心臓も刺す
This is just a wild stab, but is something bothering you?
言えよ 本当は何を言いたいんだ
That why you came, to stab me with that knife, huh?
Not much a crime to stab a dead man, is it?
Somebody saw the kid stab his father. What more do we need?
You're gonna stab all the lousy guards to death with a nail?
お前さんはその釘で下衆看守全員を 刺し殺そうってのかい
Well, have a stab at it, Jeeves! I will spare no pains, sir.
私が行って 悲しげに服を着せた
A stab wound from a strange object caused the death of the TownClerk...
Well, you don't hold it like you're trying to stab somebody, for God's sakes.
人を刺す時の持ち方だ いいから貸してみろ
Ha! Jonah, that's another stab. But he swiftly calls away the Captain from that scent.
Fiedler is the acolyte who one day will stab the high priest in the back.
フィードラーは 取り巻きだが 背中を刺すチャンスを 狙っている
I can't see that. I mean... ruffians don't poison people and then stab the corpses.
物盗りが人を毒殺して その後 死体を刺します
You shake hands with them one day, the next day they're trying to stab you.
握手したかと思えば 裏切られる
It's very awkward to stab down into the chest of someone over half a foot taller.
そんな低い人物が 相手の胸を下向きに刺せ
I made you who you are, and you stab me in the heart with something sharp.
お前を育てたやったのに ワシの心を突き刺した 鋭いものでな
I'm going to stab your mummy in the neck, just like you did to my daddy.
あなたのママの首を刺す 私のパパに されたように
I'm a thief, I'll go back when I've taken the stuff. Report me and I'll stab you.
物取りなので 物を盗ったら帰ります 通報したら刺します
If I had half Jeeves's brain, I should have a stab, at being Prime Minister or something.
何か Jeevesは 私はそれが絶対だ とし
Except I'm thinking a single stab wound to the base of the neck looks pretty professional, Alex.
でも 一回でくびの下を 刺すことは プロの技だ
We have one disagreement over how to handle a downed pilot, and you stab me in the back?
我々は撃墜されたパイロットを どうすべきかについての意見が分かれているが 君は私を出し抜くつもりなのか
I'll stab someone in the heart with a fucking ice pick if it gets me dinner with you.
君と食事できるんなら 誰かの心臓を アイスピックで突き刺して精神異常者にだってなるよ
You've actually got the guts to look me in the eye as you stab me in the back.
本当に俺を裏切る勇気が あるな
Those who disbelieve almost stab you with their glances when they hear the message, and say, He is crazy!
不信心者は警告を聞く時 その 物凄い 目付きで あなたを凡んど倒れんばかりにする かれらは言う 本当にかれは憑かれた者です


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