Translation of "stem cell research" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Cell - translation : Research - translation : Stem - translation :

Stem cell research - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

And I focused my research on stem cells as a possible source for cell transplants.
私は研究の焦点を 定めました 細胞には たくさんの
These are a stem cell line.
彼らはすべて 1 つのユニークな萌芽期の茎細胞または何から来た
This is a stem cell that we've developed here in Oxford, from an embryonic stem cell.
細胞から生まれた細胞です 体のどんな部分でも作り上げることができます
And at that time, stem cell research had gained momentum, following the isolation of the world's first human embryonic stem cells in the 1990s.
1990年代に 世界で初めて行われた ヒト胚性細胞の分離で
But thanks to recent advances in stem cell research... and the fine work of Doctors Krinski and Altschuler...
近年の医療技術に感謝しましょう そして偉大なる医学者達にもね
But where is stem cell therapy really going?
考えてみれば 皆さんの細胞は全て
So each of these is an embryonic stem cell.
So that's what they call a stem cell line.
従って議論は明らかに 胚を開始するときは
I put one stem cell in a culture dish all by itself and that stem cell divides every ten to twelve hours.
約1週間から10日後 ペトリ皿の中の細胞は数千個になった 最も重要なのは全細胞が遺伝学的に同一であること
But because each of your cells contains your entire gene code, each cell can be reprogrammed, if we don't stop stem cell research and if we don't stop genomic research, to express different body functions.
全てプログラムし直せます もし 細胞研究を止めなければ そして 様々な体の機能を 発現させる遺伝子研究を止めなければです
So, remember I told you about my brother's stem cell transplant.
And it seemed that tumors actually begin from a stem cell.
私はこのことに関心を持ちました 学べば学ぶほど私の見方は変わり
Stem cell therapies may one day reduce the need for donor organs.
臓器提供の必要性を減少させるかもしれません 大きな変化をもたらす新技術は
It has the capacity to produce thousands and thousands of stem cell lines.
Stem cell derived retinal transplants, now in a research phase, may one day restore vision, or part vision, to millions of patients with retinal diseases worldwide.
現在進行中なので 将来は 世界中にいる 網膜の病気を患う
So you have this notion of when you to get an embryonic stem cell line, and when I say a stem cell line, I mean you take a couple of stem cells, or let's say you take one stem cell, and then you put it in a Petri dish, and then you allow it to just duplicate.
細胞および細胞ラインが言う 私は意味します 細胞のカップルを取るまたは 1 つの茎を取ることを仮定 セル し ペトリ皿に入れるし 許可
Last summer I worked at Stanford University, doing some research on cancer stem cells.
Tim can you tell me whether my brother's stem cell transplant worked or not?
役に立ったのかどうか 彼は2日前にこれを私に送ってきました
Adult stem cells are throughout our body, including the blood forming stem cells in our bone marrow, which we've been using as a form of stem cell therapy for over 40 years.
造血細胞も含め 体中にあります 私達はそれを40年以上 細胞治療に利用してきました
They all came from one unique embryonic stem cell or what initially was a blastomere.
当初は 割球だった 細胞ラインと呼ぶものです
A couple of years ago, the Lasker Prize was awarded to the scientist Shinya Yamanaka for his research in which he took an adult skin cell, a fibroblast, and by manipulating just four genes, he induced that cell to revert to a pluripotential stem cell a cell potentially capable of becoming any cell in your body.
ラスカー賞を受賞されました 彼の研究では 大人の皮膚細胞である線維芽細胞
Fat derived stem cells are adult stem cells.
成体細胞です 成体細胞
Or we can use cells alone, either your very own cells or different stem cell populations.
その人自身の細胞や 別の細胞です あるいは同時に
We can now reprogram your skin cells to actually act like a pluripotent embryonic stem cell and to utilize those potentially to treat multiple organs in that same patient making your own personalized stem cell lines.
多分化能胚肝細胞のようにできます それをその患者の別の器官の治療に利用できます その人専用の細胞在庫ができるのです
In 1998, human embryonic stem cells were first identified, and just nine years later, a group of scientists in Japan were able to take skin cells and reprogram them with very powerful viruses to create a kind of pluripotent stem cell called an induced pluripotent stem cell, or what we refer to as an IPS cell.
そのわずか9年後には 日本の科学者グループが 抽出した皮膚の細胞を 非常に強力なウィルスを用いて 再プログラム化することに成功しました
But adult stem cells are not embryonic stem cells.
胚性細胞ではないため 限界があります
Short Stem Funnel
At some point in our lives, all of us, or people we care about, become patients, and that's why I think that stem cell research is incredibly important for all of us.
病気の患者となります だからこそ細胞研究は 我々全員にとってとても重要です
So the debate obviously is when you start an embryonic stem cell line, you are destroying an embryo.
細胞は胚を破壊しています しかし 胚をされているここでのポイントにします
And one of the the cutting edge areas that we're just incredibly excited about is stem cell therapy.
最先端技術に 細胞治療があります 生理学的に 女性と男性の
But the moral controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells the fact that these cells are derived from five day old human embryos has encouraged research into other types of stem cells.
人間の5日目の桑実胚から 採取されることから 倫理的な問題があるため
That's all stem cells.
Here's another example of stem cell therapy that isn't quite clinical yet, but I think very soon will be.
臨床段階に入ると思います これはピッツバーグのマーラ氏が
I truly believe that stem cell research is going to allow our children to look at Alzheimer's and diabetes and other major diseases the way we view polio today, which is as a preventable disease.
私たちの子供が大人になる頃には アルツハイマーや糖尿病などの病気も ポリオのように予防可能になると信じています
While still in a research phase, stem cells may one day herald a quantum leap in the field of cardiology.
細胞が心臓学の分野で 飛躍的な前進を見せるかもしれません 細胞は新たな始まりにつなぐ希望を与えてくれます
Okay, induced pluripotent stem cells.
Plus we have stem cells.
Somatic or adults stem cells.
And a long stem rose
茎の長いバラが 欲しい
No, just the brain stem.
いや, 脳だけだ
So I've studied a lot about stem cells embryonic stem cells are particularly powerful.
胚肝細胞は特に強力な細胞です また生体細胞も私たちの体中に存在します
As we speak, the world's first human embryonic stem cell trial for spinal cord injury is currently underway following the USFDA approval.
骨髄損傷にヒト胚性細胞を使う世界初の試みが 米国食品医薬局の 承諾を得て進行中です


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