Translation of "strap" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Strap - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Strap yourself in. Strap yourself in.
strap it down! strap it! this thing is wicked.
セーブルは6000度でマグネシウムを 焼くようなものを搭載していないのでは
Strap yourselves in.
Strap it tight.
This is a strap.
Give me the strap.
Please hang onto the strap.
Oh, god. Strap me down?
That's the master strap, okay?
これが すぱっと切れてる
Please hold on to the strap.
Tighten the strap around the suitcase.
Strap him down. We'll get started.
Put a strap on it No, don't put a strap on it Put a strap on it Don't put a strap on it because it obscures the logo and looks terrible and it's bad and
描くと雑誌名にかぶってしまい 見栄えが良くありませんでした 最終的にストラップシューズの正確さを 重んじることにしました
I was compelled to hold a strap.
私は仕方なく つり革につかまった
Strap on his armor. Conceal the wound.
甲冑で その傷を隠せ
we're gonna have to strap her in.
Can't you grab that strap over there?
Good. Bring her in, strap her down.
いいぞ 運び入れて縛り付けるんだ
I'm bothered since the strap of my backpack tore.
We're losing a deflector shield. Go strap yourselves in.
偏向シールドが切れた つかまっとけ
You may as well hang up your jockey strap!
Will have a strap of fibre rope around her neck.
And when I strap just this little harness, this little wing,
身に着けていると 本当に鳥になった気分がします
He went to the door, released the strap, and it slammed.
アメリカ人は 他のドアを閉め 中に入るレム マーベルはずらすこと言った
Worn strap fails, drops a million cubic drone to the deck.
13人のパイロッが死亡 7人が病室に送りに
Andrew,I'm having problems with my strap. Could you help me?
アンドリュー 紐が上手く出来ないのよ ちょっと助けてもらえない
Hold on to the strap. The train will start to move soon.
つり革につかまりなさい 電車がすぐ動き出すだろうから
But if that strap is there, then your plane is on fire.
What will I do? The strap on one of my geta is broken.
どうしよう 下駄の鼻緒が切れちゃった
Sanford, I have a strap on my bathing suit that's always bothered me.
いつもうまくいかないの 直してくれない?
If somebody doesn't strap me down right now, I'm gonna kill this moron!
誰も止めないなら 俺はこいつの息の根を止めてやる
What will I do? The strap on one of my geta has come undone.
どうしよう 下駄の鼻緒が切れちゃった
So we come back tomorrow, strap on the sizzle and glass up the rest.
明日 また戻って せっせと作ればいい
Now, I want everyone to sit down, strap in and turn on all you've got.
It was held half open by a strap. Coming! he bawled, his voice shrieking with terror.
This is the strap that people use to transmit heart rate data to their Nike system.
心拍数のデータをNike システムへ転送する際に 使っているストラップです これは 良く出来た新しいデバイスで
Let me take you in. Are you gonna be there when they strap me in, Gerard?
僕が死刑になるとき そばにいるつもりか ジェラード
So they just have these bench seats, and they strap the car seat and the seatbelt onto it.
そこにシートベルトを締めチャイルド シートをのせます こちらをご覧ください
You strap it onto your forehead, so you can see the reflection in the eyes of the animal.
動物の目で反射した光を見ることができます 夜中に外に出て懐中電灯をつけると 動物が照らされて
Haptic Belt where if you have a strap around your waist, ring up buzzers and always have the northmost one buzzing.
腰の回りに ストラップをつけて ブサーをたくさんつける そして一番北のブザーがいつも鳴るようにする
The other problem was the suit was so buoyant that they had to strap my feet in to keep me from floating up.
スーツが浮力のありすぎるものだったので 体が浮かないように足をひもで縛らなければならなかったことです 緩くなったひもから足が外れないように脚全体を使わなければなりませんでした
But I wonder to myself, for those people that strap bombs to their chests and blow themselves up, how might they use 3D printers?
あの 腹に爆弾を巻いて 自ら吹き飛ばす人たちは いったい この3Dプリンタで何を 作ろうとするんだろうと
But as soon as you remove this little metal strap that's lying on the runway, then all of a sudden your plane takes off just as normal.
飛行機が通常どおりに飛び立っていきます しかしストラップが落ちていれば飛行機は炎の中です
And she had this really awesome idea to sell the bag called the Feed Bag which is really beautifully ironic because you can strap on the Feed Bag.
売るという素晴しい考えを持っていました 飼料袋から食費を得るという皮肉なものです しかしバッグを1つ売るごとに
Gerard, when they take me down to that holding cell and give me my last meal, walk me to the door and strap me in that chair, my words are gonna be exactly the same.
僕に最後の食事を与え そのドアまで歩かせ 僕を あの椅子に縛るとき 僕が言うのは全く同じだ


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