Translation of "stresses" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Stresses her, you know. | 彼女にはストレスになるんだ |
Diagonal stresses on the ideograms. | ほら 斜めにつぶれた... 表意文字 |
He is under a lot of stresses. | こいつ上にのせな |
They are faced with a multitude of stresses. | 彼らは多くのストレスに直面している |
They're more resistant to these kinds of stresses. | ですので 線虫で短時間で働くように設定された |
Abiotic stresses are drought, cold, heavy metals, excess moisture in the soil, and Monsanto has a patent that actually addresses all of those abiotic stresses. | および土壌中の過度な湿度などが あげられます これら非生物的ストレスすべてを 取り扱う特許は モンサント社が保有しています |
Every wall, every concrete wall is resisting the stresses and supporting the building. | 建物のあらゆる構成部位が役に立っています |
Those kind of stresses have a very particular effect on the physiology of stress. | ストレスの生理機能に 非常に独特な影響を及ぼします さて 私たちは批評を受けてきています |
Anger creates a metabolic reaction in the body, which stresses it out and heats up our internal temperature. | ストレスが発生し 体幹温度が上がります 冷静さを失った人を見た事がありますか |
We're starting with something that's had a lot of stresses and a lot of problems to begin with. | 鳥を見てみると |
So not only is it is it creating all these stresses, it appears to be a corporate land grab. | 企業による土地の強奪とも 思える行動でした 小さな農家が 廃業した場合 |
So therefore, they must have something within their DNA that ables them to deal with the metabolic stresses, particularly of flight. | 何かを持っているに違いありません コウモリは同じ体長の哺乳動物の 3倍ものエネルギーを消費しているのですが |
The impressive thing about the brain is that it can decipher different meanings in sentences, with just different stresses on words. | 文章中の様々な意味を 解読できることです 言葉を強調するだけでね 例えば 文章 I never said she stole my money |
I can't begin to understand what you're going through, Walt with all of your health concerns and the stresses you've been under. | あなたのことが 分からなくなってきた 闘病生活を考えると 大変なのは分かる |
And in the review, what they were interested in seeing is what kind of stresses most reliably raise levels of cortisol, the central stress hormone. | 彼らが見たいと思っていたのは どのようなストレスが 主要ストレスホルモンであるコルチゾールの値を |
But what they can't deal with is anthropogenic stresses, human things, like this picture that shows a leatherback caught at night in a gill net. | 夜 オサガメを刺し網で捕獲するこの漁は 人為的ストレスのひとつです 私は海に飛び込み この写真を撮影しました |
What we were picking up on is the stresses and the terrors and the depression of our mothers and that actually shapes the child's brain. | 絶望に気づいていたのです そのことが子どもの脳の発達を 方向付けるのです そして当時の私は 自分はこの世で望まれていない |
If you look at birds, which live a long time, cells from the birds tend to be more resistant to a lot of different environmental stresses | その鳥の細胞は 高温や過酸化水素のような 様々な環境からのストレスに対して |
It's cold, isn't it? With it being this cold, you'd want to go into hibernation, wouldn't you? Eh, the colder weather stresses me out, but I'd rather sleep through the summer. | 寒いね こんな寒いと冬眠したくなってくるよね えー 俺は寒い方がテンション上がるんだけど むしろ夏ずっと眠ってたい |
Keep in mind that the derivative of a logarithm stresses internal argument times by chain rule the derivative of the internal argument, which if you work out becomes this expression over here. | 対数の導関数が連鎖律によって 引数の導関数を掛けられることです 計算するとこのような式になります |
And you can see the symptoms almost completely go away, and the psycho social stress has dropped significantly, which is explicable, because you cannot take away the psycho social stresses, but you can learn how to cope with them. | そして精神 社会的ストレスも大幅に低下しています ストレスが完全になくならない理由は 精神 社会的ストレスは取り除けないからです |
The stresses of selling are much greater than the work going on at head office, and, in addition to that, I have to cope with the problems of travelling, the worries about train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships, which never come from the heart. | それに加えて 私は旅行の問題に対処しなければ 心配 列車の接続について 不規則な悪い から来ることがない食べ物 一時的な 絶えず変化する人間関係 |
I found that these students, no matter how happy they were with their original success of getting into the school, two weeks later their brains were focused, not on the privilege of being there, nor on their philosophy or physics, but on the competition, the workload, the hassles, stresses, complaints. | はじめは幸せを感じていても 2週間も経つと 頭を占めているのはハーバードにいられるありがたみでも 哲学や物理の勉強のことでもなく |
We can't solve all the problems by looking only at the oceans, but if we don't understand the fundamental life support system of this planet much more thoroughly than we do now, then the stresses that we will face, and that Cody will face, and even Nancy, who's going to live till she's 98, will have really problems coping. | すべての問題を 解決できるわけではありませんが この惑星の生命を支える 基本的な系について 現在よりずっと詳細に |
So the food that the mom eats, or the pre natal vitamins that she takes, or the cigarettes that she smokes, or the stresses that she encounters at home or at work, can all be transmitted as chemical signals through her bloodstream to her developing fetus, where they can get laid down as Epigenetic marks that affect the fetus' own genes and long term health. | 喫煙 家庭内や仕事場で受けたストレス これらは全て化学シグナルとして血流に乗って |